Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 19 January 1957

Contributed by IUPUI University Library, by permission of The Indianapolis Recorder



Page 5




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oi the (^adtude


Last Sunday morning my pastor. Dr. F. Benjamin Davis, made a very interesting appeal to a congregation of more than 500 regarding the Emancipation committee of 70 ministers concerning the racial s tuation in Alabama. This committee met last Friday to offer a program on behalf of the

race relations situation there.

Dr. Davis urged all to write letters, not nasty or

demanding, to the governor of Alabama and Federal authorities asking that the racial violence he

put to a stop in some way.

We know that manv whites are

against such conditions. Our pas- street, is back atjhe hospital await-

tor stated that both whites and Negroes are involved, therefore the committee is appealing to all to write letters asking that the law enforcement officials of Alabama uphold the Constitution and

Supreme Court rulings. “If you can’t write, you

pray,” the pastor went on to say. The local committee includes Dr. Davis and Rev. A. J. Brown as

Eastside ministers.

her of New Bethel Baptist Church

and a former field worker

-t - A +

Mrs. Hattie Shobe, 1209 E. 19th, reet, is back at the hospital awaiting surgery. Many, compliments have been given the children for their faithfulness to this mother.

* * *

Andrew Beeler, vice-president of the Ml. Carmel Baptist Church; usher board, informs your Scribe i can that the board had a lovely party | Monday night. Rev. James C.lover 1

is pastor.

* * *

Members and friends celebrated !

Dr. Davis also hit the “slothful- the birthday of Evangelist C. Rice, | ness of the people” in not joining founder of the Gospel Lighthouse j the NAACP and in not having more Temple, last Sunday afternoon at |

The Indianapolis Recorder, Jan. 19, 1957—5



organized labor. “This is not for the Negroes only.” he said, “but the American white people who are also involved."

* * +

Son^' to mention so much con-

the Wheatley YWCA, while starting Monday the first anniversary of the church, 1701 Roosevelt avenue, started. The celebration will

close Friday.

Speakers listed are Rev. J. B.

LINKS HAVE WORTHWHILE PROGRAM A program of worthwhile community service has been followed by the Indianapolis Links since the group was organized several years ago. Members of the chapter, part o' a national organization are, seated, Mesdames Frederick H. Evans, C. Farragut Allen Ralph Hanley, president, and James Anderson, recording secretary, and, standing, Mes James Robert Briggs, Jane Stout, Vernon Doyle, Louis Maxey, corresponding secretar/; J. Robert Lawson, treasurer; C. R. Powell, vice-president and chairman of the group'; "Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball" to be-held Saturday night, February 23, at the K. of G Hall; Dougherty Moore, Fred Schatz, Horry Hawkins and P. Lavelle Walker.

corning my own pastor, but many Martin of Cincinnati; Bishop E. times we overlook good talents of Redd, J. DeVashier, William Chesour own church. Mrs. Davis, the ter Groves, J. N. Brooks, E. A. organist, having been called to the Skaggs, A. G. Hunter, R. Hears!, bedside of her father who is grave- O. Nance and Robert Brown, while ly ill in a hospital in North Caro- the Thunderbirds of Cincinnati lina, the ram in the bush was and the Skylight Singers have been

Mrs. Julia Means, former organ- furnishing music. 1st and clerk of the church, who * * *

played very wonderfully.

Mrs. Means is now serving as

organist for the King and King like to leave with you for your Funeral Home and is widely known best judgment—the Lockefield Garfor her musical ability. Although dens situation, the Alabama tershe serves several churches as di- rorism and the NAACP. Many rector and organist, she always have already called regarding these

covers her home church when subjects.

Links Ball

Mardi Gras Masquerade" February to Aid NAACP


The Eastside nas lost a very vvell-thought-of minister. Rev. John Fleming, member of Bethlehem -Baptist Church. Services were held Saturday morning at 10 at Emmanuel Baptist Church, of which his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Fleming, vicepresident of the Baptist Ministers' Wives Alliance, is a member. Members appearing were the state moderator. Dr. H. T. Toliver, and Revs. E. T. Johnson, A. Bernard, F. F. Young and F. R. Hatcher, pastor of Emmanuel. The pastor of Bethlehem preached a very consoling message, while Mrs. Lor

People who support the “Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball” to be sponsored by the Indian-

\s a civic worker, there are a p 0 ij s Links on Saturday ni«rht, February 2 \ in the K. of C. Hall will be mak'ng a contone important ideas I would ! * ir ji ul tion to the NAACP, it was noted this week by Mrs. Ralph D. Hanley in announcing

he affair. Al! proceeds from the affair will g » to the NAACP. an organization the links

club is pledged to assist at the nat onal level.

Part of 80 such diapers scattered over t e country, the local Links were installed March 17, 1951. pledging then, as the other nearly 1,000 members have done, to carry

out the national three-fold pur-

Sharmettes Name Officers for Year The Sharmettes club has elected as officers for the year Mesdames Mary Frances Vinnegar, 4135 Graeeland avenue, president; Mamie Williams, 2216 Martindale avenue, vice-president, and Mary Beckwith, 2705 Indianapolis avemie, secret ary. All mail should be addressed to Mrs. Beckwith. The club has requested senders in have invitations reach them at least two weeks in advance of any affair, as meetings are held a very other week. Next meeting wdll be Sunday at 6 wdth Mrs. Eldridge Smith, 554 Drake street.

BUSY BEE SEWING CIRCLE met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lula Mitchell, 958 Edgemont avenue, and elected officers for the new year. The sixth annual dinner was held Monday of last week at the home of the president, Mrs. Luella Malone, 461 West 28th street, and not with Mrs. Cora S. Jones, as stated in last week’s issue. ****** ClRCtfLO DE LAS JOVENE S has now reorganized. Invitations are being accepted but npt tickets. Correspondence should be sent in Mrs. Mary Combs. 3248 Ralston avenue. ****** ESS AND ESS met last Friday night with Mrs. Pauline Lockett Next meeting will be with Mrs. Elnora Miller. T * * * * GIRLS PROGRESSIVE TWELVE met Thursday of last week with Mrs. Clara Johnson. The guess prize was won by Mrs. Hallie Claypool. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Ida Killings, 513 West 9th street. ****** JANETTE met with the president, Mrs. Margaret Carter. Prizes were won by Mesdames Delores Peters. Mamie J. Smith and Cora Brinkley. Next meeting will he with Mrs. Willa Craig, 4231 Sunset .avenue, ****** LEISURE HOUR met with Mrs. Viola Caldwell, 325, West New York street. Prizes were won by Mesdames Amy Howard. Margaret Page and Kate Milam. Mrs. Howard will be next hostess at 1340 Roosevelt averftie. **-**** MONDAY VARIETY will meet Monday afternoon at 4 with Mrs. Martha Jackson, 548 West 40th street, ****** OLD SETTLERS SOCIAL AND CIVIC will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Iva Dee Davis, 430 West 26th street. ****** SECRET PAL BIRTHDAY held its Jaunary meeting with Mrs. Frances Buckner. 1359 Edgemont avenue. The Christmas luncheon was held at the home of Mrs. Alma Worthington, 938 West Vermont street. Each member received a beautiful gift from her secret pal. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Mabel Hatchett, 1329 West Roaehe street.

TEE WARNER TONGA met with Miss Willie Mae Davis Next meeting will be Sunday with Mrs. Annie Belle Williams 221 West 21st street. ****** THIRTEEN KEYS met with Mrs. Susie Hubbard, 3029 North Kenwood avenue. The club is accepting invitations, but not tickets.

Pray and look for an answ’er to those prayers. And a cordial invitation is extended to all to line up with the Eastside Better Business and Civic League, which meets on the first Monday of every month to help work on civic problems, among them neighborhood appearances. treated through the Yard

Parks project.

pose, civic, intercultiiral and so-

cial contributions.

In carrying out the^' 1 responsibilities the Indianapolis chapter has maintained membership in ih<> Health and Welfare Council, a Red Featl.vr agency for the City of Indianapolis as a whole, and made its 'first appearance by fur-

New World Players To Hear Butler Drama Department Head

ni-hirg a United Nations table lor the Planner House Guild Tea, since making annual contributions in support of the Planner House

Day Nursery.

Two card parties held in the L. S. Ayres Company auditorium provided funds for placing a baby’s examining table in the Morgan Health Center, and a baby contest provided funds for furnishing a sink and nursery chairs for the Eastside Day Nurseiy under the manage n.viit of Mrs. Edna Marton. CoYitact with the Park Board helped to supply playground

! equipment for the nursery.

The New World Players will hear an outstanding figure Early in the history of the India-

rie Glasby and Preston Daniel were j n the jitld of drama Sunday afternoon at 4, when Dr. A. R. na . l ’“ iis , Unks ' a '’"’V 11 ''-as insii-Out-of-jown relatives attending gdvvoan, head of the speech and drama department of the of'^TeUy! throughguidalee included * brother-in-law, Winston Butler l ilivers ty School of Religion, IS guest speaker for t .nd personality building. This proj-

Moran, <n Columbus, O., and Ar- the group at the enate Avenue YMCA.

thur Fie ning and two nieces of De- p,- Edyvean has served as producer and director of! troit - : * * * “The Chapel Door” and “The Panorama of Faith” and is j

Miss iucille Griffin, a foster vvell-remembered here for his daughter, has returned from Gen- adaptation for the stage ol Alan eraf Hospital after several days’ ^^ ) i * , n V. novo ^ 1V ' le ((

He holds the A. B. degree from

it in



Sad news comes that Mrs. Kalh-

reliance and poise. They will dramatizv stories from the Bible, pooiry ai d music, and special em-

pha-is L on pantomiming. The New World Players have an-

x-t led to the present sponsorship of a student from the Indiana School for the Deaf who is now attending Galledet College, Wash-

ington. D. C.

Tempi Music Club's Banquet

Honors Dr. R. Polin NANM Head

Usher, showed u [ nIn, from ,he : The Tempi Ml|pic e | ub honored Dr . Roscoe R . Polin> seen- nationally on tv. president of the National Association of Negro Musicians on the current program of the and a local school teacher, at its recent annual banquet, held .rr.y, “V.***, I " the* rhym* Wheatley YWCA. A turkey dinner was served Week * hv pnieniind 1 delightluC 10 l '-’ > !lt ttildes covered with beautiful white linen, centered Week by presenting (Heightful ! h white chrysanthemums and rose gladiolus and deco-

story hooks and poems lor children rated in the club colors,

authored hy Links. , Members of (he club wore for-

Tr.e greatest single achievement ! m al attire for the affair, honor- ert Ramsey, president of the club, of Hie local chapter was the con- j-ng ; ,s special guests Mrs. Neve- who also introduced other officers

tribution of $5oo to the NAACP j m Ridlev, president of the Parlor a life membership. This was nts’ Council; Mrs. AJymar Patpart of $28,000 given by the na- icrson. secretary, and Mrs. Edna

(ional organization for the legal j Polm. moth-er of Dr. Polin.

support program ot the NAACP. Speaker of the evening was

"Everyone is now cognizant of, Clarence Hayden Wilson of St.

the fact that $23,000 is only a Louis, former NANM president. .small amount ol what is needed ; Holder oi a master’s degree from to carry out a program which i Northwestern University, Mr. Wilaflecls the Negro citizens of | son is a former professor at TenA meric a and the human reltaion s i nessee State University and is of the world in general.’ Mrs. teacher of band at Sumner high

Hanley said. school in St. Louis.

■■Come to aid in helping put over this project for the better-1

Also speaking was Qrrin Clay-

Interculturally the Links have

"lent of race relations.” she urged j ^ " at"’Dillard i Pr ° feSSOr -n support of the Mardi Gras c 1 ,1!ard

rvh J. Wood. 2411 North Ken-| wood avenue, is in St. Vincent’s, Hospital to undergo an operation. 1 Mrs. Wood is known throughout the city as a real missionary worker, regularly visiting jails and hospitals and helping all in distress. Well, readers, it’s our time now to help keep up the chin of this Good -Samaritan. She is a mem-

presented an African girl who at-

-v ... _ tif _ ; . ,, wllw , tended Ball Slate Teachers Col-

1943, the B. I), degree from Gar- noenred as their purpose the mak- * n a public appearance and

1 •" - —f - - ——-—=*--t honored one of its own members.

ijtmost Hair Store 724 INDIANA AVE. ME. 4-2691

Beautiful and Exact Hair Matching Styled To Fit Your Individual Features • • • Our Assortment of Attachments and Accessories Is Second to None We Guarantee to Make You Beautiful Privately GRACE JOHNSON. Prop.

rett Biblical Institute in 1.449 and the Ph. D. from Northwestern

Uni verity in 1952

Jn launching their 1957 program. the Nev/ World Players hav. as their motto “Reaching for the stars,” and thetr theme is "The New Look” from the Proverb. “V.’h *ro there is no vision the peo-

p’v perish.”

For the first time, children of members of the group have been added to learn self-expression, self-

RUMMAGE SALE™" Saturday, January 19th

9 to 12 A. M.

6023 PRIMROSE Men’s Clothing Womens Clothing

Sizes 12-14

ing of a coiiitibution to community life Ihrough education, entertainment and drawing men to Christ. \LPHA HOME ASSOCIATION: PLANS PITCH-IN DINNER The Alpha Home Association will meet next Thursday evening ( 6 for its usual covered-dish J I upper. Each member is expected Plans will be made for the an - i ual tea, date of which is Sunday, !

February 24.

at Dillard University,

held hobby shoves for the public, allair. ”We want you to be amply [an^'now professor a?Lincoln presented an African girl who at- raid for the aid von give hv pnm- [Ti ivcVsiiy in Pennsytvania^A^na

tionaliy-known organist, he is ex(cutive secretary of the NANM. Remarks were also made by Flank R. Beckwoth, prominent ical attorney; Rev. Clinton M. Marsh of Witherspoon United I , MrvJei inn Church; Rev. H. L. Fun on of Phillips Temple CME Church, and Miss Jennie Moton, teacher at Arsenal Technical high

> t bool..

Master of ceremoniek was Rob-

paid for the aid you give by coming to the Mardi Gras bail and having an evening of fun and en-


In addition to meinhers -Inun in tHr accompanying picture, tlie local - “chapter is composed of Mesdames .1. Lorenzo Simpson and

Mrs. Louis Maxey, who received her Doctor of Letters degree from the University of Fribourg. Another outstanding intercul-

iural affair wits the honoring of Charles Asbury as local I v active "Women in the Link Spotlight” and Mesdames J S. Edwards. Terwhen Mrs. Room Vann, member re Haute, and H*. m ine Ward of the Pittsburgh Links and a na- Banks, Daytona Beach, Fla., as

tionally - known newspaper pub- honorary members.

David Hardiman, youth vice-ores ident of the NANM and a sopho more at Indiana University, intro

duced Mr. Wilson.

Comments 1 were made by l)t Polin and Mrs. .Sadie Hardiman sponsor of the club. Music was furnished by members of the group and other talent of High -Toppers To Give Dance

tftiowdu- itu Cfdt


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Reopens Flower Shop



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Glorious relief from the ugly itching misery of eczema, pimples, rashes.

famous Skin Meditine Works Like Magic

Lift up your head and stop fretting over the nagging distress of skin irritations I Nowadays there’s an easy, proven way to help your troubled skin feel better fast Millions of people have actually •een the marvelous results brought •bout by Palmer’s “skin success" Ointment There’s just nothing like itl Only “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment gives you the full benefit of that great skin-prescription formula, tested by a well-known physician.


It works in a special way on your afflicted skin. So, get it today, and drive away those itchy-skin blues! Only 35c. Economical 75c size con-

tains four times as much.


The deep-acting medicated foam of “SKIN-SUCCESS” SOAP removes surface akin fierms that often aiiravate ugly pimples, blem-

ishes and perspiration odors.




SNEED'S FLOWER SHOP 1009 N. Capitol Ave. Has opened again in a more elaborate quarters. Same address, better service. Old and new customers Please CALL ME. 4-5162 For Prompt attention. WHEN IT’S FLOWERS THAT YOU NEED; JUST CALL SNEED

Attacks' High Honor Roll Has 24, 105 Listed on Regular Honor Roll Twenty-four students are listed on the Crisnus Artucks hijrh school high honor roll with 105 on the regular honor roll. On the high honor roll are Lillian L. Broadus, Edna Anderson, Finis Anderson, Gwendolyn Carter. La Verne Williams, Pat rie a Williams, Jean Kinsey, Sandia Anderson, Theron Barnett, Doris FTookins. Mary Busch, Jane Coleman, Dewitt ky^rnut^lH, Janies I^delen, Susan Williams* Anita .Burnley, Sherilyn Olay, Bettv Craw*ford, Katherine Crowe, Ruby Gilmore, Carolyn Russ, Doris Scott. Anita Simmons and Wil-

liam H. Tardy.

The regular honor roll includes

Doris Ackies, Lavard Adams, Coleman, George Dixon, James ster Williams, Patricia Wilson. Gloria Amos, Bruce Armstrong, Duerson. Eleanor Dunson, Em- Haynes Winston, Bessie Woodson! •birley Baker, Ronald Barbee, Del- manuel Foster, Joyce Garrett, Annie Word, Katherine! Wyatt and

Bard, Ernest Barnett, Polly Brenda Garrott, Shirley Gilbert, Marilyn Young.

Jell, Betty Bennett, Marion Ben- Linda Glover, Carole Grady, Phyl-

nett, Alma Beverly, Meridean Bey, Elwood Black, Anita Bledsoe, Rhodessa Bledsoe, Eva Booth, Brenda Bridgeforth, Lawrence Troaden, Ann Brown, Benjamin Brown, William Brovm, Richard Bryant, Marva Buckner Ruth

Busch, Sarah Busch.

Barbara Carey, Willie Carlisle, Arthur Carter, Norma Carter, Om-

its Green, Jacqueline Harrell, Patricia Harrell, Barbara Harris, June Hill, Lena Hodges, Norma Holder, Son.ja Hurt, Richard Hutchinson, Claude Jackson. James Jackson, Joann Jacobs, Carolyn Jones, Ros-etta Jones*

William Taylor, president of the At tuck Alumni Association, will initiate all 1957 January graduates al a meeting of the Alumni Monday night at 7:30 in the school


Officers of the alumni will be installed by Mrs. Harrrette Bailey

Kendrick, Geraldine King, Conn, well-known local attorney,

Shirley Lewis, Robert —• 1-*-

Barbara McClure, C __ _

milee Chandler, Areatha Chatman, ^Bure, Virginia Moss, Rose Neal, tor of Trinity CME Church Spec-

McCann, and speaker for the evening wiH Clarice Me- be Rev. James L. Cummings, pas-

Helen Chubb, Helen Marie Chubb, Flora Chubb. James Clardy, Charlotte Clark, Willie Clark. Janet

CATERING SERVICE No Party Too Large, None Too Small HORS-D'OEUVRES CANAPES y the Dozen or Thousand Service Par Excellence FREE ESTIMATES Phone WA. 5-3638 Campbell Catering Service

MISS LUCILLE LOGAN Lustre Silk Specialist mmxpm -••••- Old and New Customers Please Call WA. 3-0590 Res. WA. 3-7253 for Appointment PAULINE'S HOUSE OF CHARM 215 W. 54th St.

Harry Oldham, Patricia Osborn, Donald Patrick, Miriam Pipes, Mary Poindexter, Tyrone Ray, Betty Reed, Gerald Reed, Sharon Reed, Carol Rhyne, Lerona Rick-


Patricia Rowley, George Saundrs, Andrew Sims, Delores Smith, .olita Stadler, Donald Swift, Jim.iy Terry, Cecelia Tuggle, Betty .’urner, Doris Turney, Carol Washigton, Evelyn Watkins, Sandra .Vaters, Janice Watts, JoAnn

Vhiteside, James Williams. Web- distributed.

ial guests will be facutly members of the school. Special music will be presented by the Treblelaires under the direction of Miss Lillian Brown. Refreshments will be served after

the meeting.

A combo composed of Alfred Finnell. Eddie Johnson, Albert Walton, Virgil Jones and Rozelle Boyd, all Attucks graduates, will provide music for the social hour, and membership cards will be

SPENCER GIRDLES AND BRAS. Individually Designed For You. May I See You In Your Home Soon. ME. 7-8517 or ME. 2-2988 for appointment-.

! The Attucks publications depart- | .nont has announced nine top officers for live school paper for next semester. Helen Chubb is editor-in-chief, with Mary Jean Buckner as associate news editor. Othefs are Carol Cage, news editor; Patricia WilContinued on Page 8

PAULINE'S HOUSE OF CHARM Introducing MRS. MAXINE BROWN Hair Cutting and Lustre Silk Specialist OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS PLEASE CALL Operators . . . Phantine Allen. Mattie Willis, Maxine Cook 3642 N. CAPITOL AVE. WA. 6-5664

Milt Nixon, popular disc jockey >n radio station WGEE, will be eatured in the “D. J. Hop” sponored by the High Toppers club riday mBrht February 1, from 6 to 11:30 in the Senate Avenue YMCA. The dane^ is, one of a serie. < - planned by the teenage group io help provide w-holesome entertainment for other teenagers and thus help combat juvenile delinquency, .n its efforts, it is being assisted by the youtih department of the YMCA. Dancing viill be recorded music, with Nixon doing the announcng along lines featured on his daily radio broadcasts, which have become extremely popular in the short tim the station has been

WINNER: Little Deborah Tonette Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Adams and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blair, was top winner in the vdry successful baby contest sponsored - recently at Barne^ Methodist Church. She was sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian(Service / of which Mrs. Blanche Dawson is president.

operating. Marvin R. McCurty is president of the High Toppers chib, which has made a nominal charge of 50 cents for the dance.

Gamma Phi Delta Sorority's "Snow Queen" Contest Opens Contestants in this years “Snow Queen” contest beingsponsored by the local chapter of Gamma Phi Delta met at the home of the basileus, Mrs. Mildred Porter, recently for a “pep” session. One of them will be crowned at the second annual “Winter Carnival” to be held Saturday ni^ht, February 9, from 8 to 1 at the K. of C. Hall. Among the contestants is Miss Earline Craddock, shown

iere. Other 'contestants will be school and will enter Indiana University January 28. being housed

^hown before the close of the pop-

ularity drivg.

Mrs. Porter stated the carnival .vill be a gigantic affair this year.

at Oak Hall. Tree Center, on the campus through the all-expenses-paid scholarship. ° . / She received many honors in , high school and was chosen editor of the Attucks Yearbook for the year ending June, 1957. She was also elected attorney-general at Girls State held in the spring of

EARLI^E CRADDOCK ‘Tickets are on sale and are sellng very last,” she said. Games >f chance, dancers from the Dance Workshop, models, hats by Ruth Margaret of St. Louis, a roving Photographer and other features v\ill lend a carniv 0 .! air. The "Winter Carnival” is Gamma chapter's • financial effort to supplement its scholarship fund. Miss Adell Cooks was the reeip'ent of the group’s four-year scholarship given last year. She was assisted by the chapter Ihrough heis last semester in high

ADELL COOKS 1956 on the Indiana University campus. She took top honors during her stay on the campus in July of last year while attending the summer journalism w-orkshop. A miscellaneous shower will be given by the sorority chapter Sunday in her honor.

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