Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 3 March 1956
Page 5
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oj! the ^ustAiile
Annual Easter Parade Date Set
i •
The Indianapolis Recorder, Mar. 3, 1956—$
‘Dry bones are not all in the valley any more; they are in high places, pulpits and choirboxes,” sa d Rev. Stephen Wells, pastor of Corinthian Baptist Church, preaching last Sunday morning on “O Ye Dry Bones. Hear the Word of the
Arriving late, as usual, I was not able even to get in the
parking lot of my own church, New Bethel Bapt st, not xoentloniag the surrounding streets, ... , ,! 6o off to Corinthian the hubbv and Hobson P. Zeigler. who urged I went. May I say to my readers: Piayor for the situation caused if you are coming to New Bethel, the Negroes bus boycott in ■ by ail means, be there bv 10:30 if Montgomery. Ala. One of the larg- ! you desire a seat Rev V Benia- (St representations witnessed for rX iSvii, oSr paslor. is reallv «mie time was present and planpacking them in. * rec ! a huge mass meeting for Fri-
While speaking of New Bethel, Marth 30. ^ ^ I’d like to say we are making .. , ...
rapid progress on our building Have you heard.' All persons fund effort under the fine leader- attending services al Wallace Lorn- ; ship of Dr. Davis. Last Sunday a “-unity A ME Church on Sunday 1
livewire minister. Rev. H. * l“ 'norning will, have, an opportunity
Burton, pastor of Phillips Tempi j lo receive Mack diamonds preCME Church, left, food for thought scnt ^i by Rev. Ford Gibson, pastvhen he spoke for the Pastor’s tor. Rev. Gibson also mformed the Aid group of the church, under the Se rit) e that guest singers Sunday p r e s i dency* of Mrs. Kathryn morning will be the William Smith ypooci Singers, natio 1 nally-known Gospel .If you have not heard Rev. Bur- s uigers of radio and TV. ton, you should. He is some speak- Dinner will be served after the er and has t*o fine singing groups morning worship in older for all among the ^ffiging units of the to rcma j n for the atternoon prochurch W'hich accompani-ed him. which the singers will
* + * be featui*ea; 1 •>
Among the many services of the ., . - Eastsidc will be an annual pew Many around the La^tside A-e tiervice given at Eastern Star Bap- n.aking preparations for the comtlst Church under the sponsorship in ^ weddmg of Miss Frances Louise of Choir No. 2 Sunday afternoon, or. the lovely daughter ot Mr. when Rev. James Glover, pastor D - la> or. 1626 of Ml Carmel Baptist Church. BH'efontaine, street, who mil say will be guest speaker. Mrs. Fan- • ^ do to Roland M. Morton. T he nie Askew Ls ni'esident couple w’lll be honored at a grand Choir No. 2 took time out. with a ! 7 ;?° Saturday night. fourteen representatives, to render -'hirch 10, in the bride s home, seiwices at the bedside of a church - . member, Mrs. Johnnie White. 2344 Monday night will be the big Sheldon street, who has been very night for the Eastside Better Busiill with pneuftiania. Before resign- i ess and Civic League, with Ally ing, Mrs. White was president of M. Ashley Dickerson as guest ; the Sisters of Help. speaker at the Eastside Chi'istian I * * * ( enter. 1537 North Arsenal avenue. News comes to the ScriU' s desk AU .interested in a better com- ■ that the father of the late Henrv !V un i, ty , an d § eU,n g things done on j Ilarvey died in the Booker Nuns- the Eastside are ^peciallv invited, j ing Home last week. Funchal serv- are (’Ut lor 50 goo<l members k-es for Mr. Harvey were heW interested in the commumly and in the beautiful Kirk Funeral f.'ich mat ers as chuck-holes, un- - Home. Mrs. Lillian Williams. 1730 }%*"*<* s ^T e ^£. and P.^.vgiounds. ; Yandes street, a grandchild, at- .* \ e , membership meeting 4 v\ ill be tended. ^ held from 7:4o to 9:45, and var- , Many of us Were pleased to see * olIS c ^ 11, c h singing groups will apthe wonderful improvements made }' 1 ea . 1- A pastors are asked ;o urp- j on the Kirk Funeral Home in such their congregations io attend or o short time. It carries that homo- ser } < ? a repiescnta'ive. like atmosphere. Mrs. Mildred Kirk . ’ er ^ r ' ls genera t r_nd I worked together vears ago ( bairn»an of the piogiam. assisted in YWCA activities. ' ’> Horton .lohn D Baker 1 * * * Hovard Connell. Cora Wilson am • Beatrice Halifield. Dr. L. B. Mori . >»”< Sundjy. .fteraoon Mt. Par- „.., her , Rev p. T . Johnson and' Chureh ™-ll he in its Kaniol Lw. Sr . ev.-culiv t - boani 5(lth armiwrsary, and Re,. P Ben- members, dill participate, jamin Davis ha^ been selected as
guctst speaker,
aocompanit»J bv 1
his singing units. Dr. C. Henry (^ \11^,^%-,;!,, Bell, nationally^knowTi minister. Ls '-''“'•'OCIS rOrnliy pastor of this historic church. Visit if") Detroit"
A very inspiring meeting was: Mr. and Mfs. Clarence demonheld by members of the NAACP i and children. Rose Marie and Clarbranch Monday night in the FAC ence. Jr. spent a recent weekend in Home, under the leadership of Detroit with her sisters and broth-
, ers-in-law. Messrs, and Mesdames
i f^ren Young 'and Harold Ai neti
Or Private Lessons
^Jajliionetle ACADEMY 2736 Blvd. PI. WA. 3-2963
and daughter. Joan
Clarence, Jr., who is in the Navy, left last uvew for San Francisco where ho joins his mates for a
trip around the world.
Offers Leap Year Beauty Bargain
Planning A Bridal Shower Soon?
Save Money
19th & YANDES
MRS. J. C. McCOY . wellknown operator at the MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON, is offering to her new and old customers a FREE $2.50 facial treatment with each Hair-Do. This offer is In order to ac- j quaint her public with the new; KBONAIRE CREME PRESS. WON- i DERING WAVE,and CHINA DOLL i hair style. These coiffures are the i latest in style, and will be given i at an amazingly low price. This i offer is for a limited time only, j Mrs. McCoy has a reputation ; for her skill in giving Facials, i Packs, Manicures, Streaks. Soalp Treatments. Hair Tints. - Bleaches,! Cutting Bangs, Hair Cutting. Pin Curls, Satin Stress. Luster Silk and Fixing Wigs. She may be reached for ap- i pointments by calling ME. 4-0491 at the .
New Fabrics New Patterns Custom Made for Your Individual Needs
Protects New Furniture and Adds Style and Grace to Old. SOLD ON EASY TERMS No Carrying Charges
—Phone— WA. 3-3295 -- HU. 4679
Ssiy '
Tots, Tweens, Teens Getting Spruced Up for annual Show
'r:'. -
•V ..
tfe - V , : IgsSPlI ’ \ •
y:- .
Attention of The Recorder Women Sponsors, auxiliary tfroup of Th^ Recorder Charities, Inc., is dir(x.*ted currently toward the organization’s fifth annual “Easter Parade for ’lots, ’Twerns aril Teens,” scheduled for Easter Monday night April 2. at 7 in the Attacks Auditor um. PL ns for the affair will be completed at Saturday’s mee'injr of tho group, to he held at 3 at the home of Mrs.
Matthews, 843 Eugene street. Mrs.
Ernest Kirk will serve as co-hostess Mrs. \ ivian Terry Moore, with Mrs. Matthews. - Mrs. Terry was also an active, Proceeds irom the annual “East- enthusiastic participant in the acer Parade” are to be used to pro- nvities of the^ Women sponsors vide an annual $500 scholarship ar M The Recorder Chanties, lo a vvor.hy Attucks high school Hw*- . • .... ., girl, honoring the memory' of two R ,s anticipated that more than (eceated Women Sponsors, the 500 young people wiU take ^part late Mrs. Clarissa Covington, a Ifw annual “Laster Parade, unsplendid Sponsor and a former her the direction of Mrs. Battles, local school teacher, and the late assisted by all members of the Mrs. Mary Ellen Terry, mother of Women Sponsors group, the director. Mrs. Louise Terry Mrs. Richard Lewis is chairman Patties, and of another Sponsor, 01 l h e Sponsors; Mrs. George I. Temple is staff coordinator: Mrs.
Hatties is director, and Dr. Guy L. Grant Ls president of the board
of directors.
ANGELS met with Mrs. Ruth avenue. N« xt meeting will be With Moore, 954 West. 32nd street. Next Mrs. Virginia Mitchell, 2609 Boulemeeting will be with Mrs. Audree vard place. Barker, 923Vz Paca street. * * * * * * CAD.ABOUT GIRLS met With ARTISTIC, UNITY met with 7Li's. Elnora Millet. Prizes Ttve Ruth Myies, 746Vv» North Califor- v/an bv Mesdafhes Blanche O’BAftnia street. Next meeting will be y 0 | lt Klizabeth Johnson and Marie with Mi's. Claudio Simms, 1801 Rhyne. Next meeting will be With West lOtht street. ;V ! 1 -c. o Banyon. The glrils are plah- * * * ning a social for this month. . 4 ARVENETTA GIRLS will meet * ♦ *
with Mrs. Patricia Carter, 1264 Eugene street. All mail should be
bugene siret-i. /m man snouiu lh' , T
;em W Mrs. Anna Vinnegar. J52G for’a'^al £& heTfSTr*
21 at the home of Mrt- Bessie
ndianapolls avenue.
BO-OPS will meet with the
Harrington, 2948 Indianapolis ave-
Ross - 2330 St "US ^ m£ S
North Capitol avenue.
« « ♦
BUSY BEE Sewing Circle will meet Monday night at 7 with Mrs.
lotte Smith, 946 West 33td strtet.
Dinner Honors Hula Davenport
Edna Benjamin, 1048 West 28th rnet with Mrs. Clara Johnson Mat street, with Mrs. Delphia Clark week. The guess prize was won by leading devotions. At the last meet- Hallie Claypooi. ^N*xt ( ing Mrs. Jewel Torain was pre- log will be with Mrs. Ida Killings.
ANNOUNCES EASTER PARADE; Mrs. Paul A. Battles, vice-president of The Recorder Charities,, Inc , and director of The Recorder Women Sponsors, has announced the date of the fifth annual “Easter Parade for Tots, Tweens and Teens" as Easter Monday night April” 2, at the Attacks Auditorium
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Perk- I ins. 328 West 25th street, honored ; Mrs. Hula Davenport, 2623 Indianapolis, with a delicious birthday’, dimer Sunday. February’ 12. The • table was graced with a beautiful, , centerpiece. The George and Mar- ; lha Washington dishes were gold j bordered. Covers were laid also for James j Davenport, brother of Mrs. Perk-j ins. and Miss Arbclia Jackson. 857 ! West ?8th street, si.-tcr of Mrs. ; Davenport. t After dinner, Mr. and Mi's. Perk- i ins presented Mrs. Davenport | with a lovely gift.
seoited with birthday gifts. Mrs. 513 West 9th street.
Winnie France, was special guest.
*’ * *
You Have Friends!
Let them know what you are doing—visiting, having guests, observing a birthday, celebrating an anniversary, having a party, being sick — through the social pages of The Recorder. There is never any charge for social news. Address news and send it (to reach us by 5 Monday) to: The Social Editor
INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER 518 Indiana Avenue Indianapolis 7. Indiana
., GOOD WILL will meet piMet C. B. A. met last week with Mrs. Thursday with Mrs. Anna Davis,
Lydia SullivaaV, 906 West 29th 2702 Shriver avenue, and honor street. Next meeting will be March Mrs. Eihel Edelen on her birtb-
12 with Mrs. Thelma Scott, 1235 day.
Cornell avenufc. * ♦ *
z * * * HEARTBREAKS met Monday CENTRAL GAMBORETTES met Priscilla Henderson and with Mrs. Lorene Monroe. Next completed plans Yor a _ f ?^ s , V* hostess will be Mrs. Hattie Weav- riches ’ party to be^ held SjJtuftUft er, 2027 North Capitol avenue. March 31, at the Masonic HajUAt Mesdaraes L. W. Brooks and Ruby previous meeting neid with Crenshaw w^re in charge of the Mrs. Sarah Harris, prizes were won club’s first social, which was a by Mesdames Geneva Jones. Ruby vairees.* ■ - Cook and Nadine Dennis. Next success. , ; , „ ^ meeting will be with Mrs. Mary-
CHRISTL\N WOMEN S Outlook belle Johnson,
will meet Satiirday night at 7:30
with Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Edwards. 2313 Shriver avenue. Mrs. F. Jefferson, vice-president, will be in charge.
* * *
♦ * * . , . V, •
JAM-BORETTES met last week
with Mrs.. Mary Thomas, 935Vfi Paca street. Prizes were Won by Mesdames Jodia Lyttle, Mary
Haskins and Dorothy Hart.
* * *
JANETTE met with Mrs. Sue
I wiU meet Sunday at_0 with Mrs. s iUj ^ by W es-
street, 1 " 3 apartment ^
Mary Meyers, 3612 North Kenwood
itt A\nvr'r> meeting will be with Mrs. >ttyine FLAMINGO met vith Mrs. j Smith, 3041 Martindale avenue.
* * • '
I KEY-NOTERS met last j with Mrs. Winifred King.. The girls j entertained their husbands % a : Valentine party last . Saturday > night. Next hostess will be Mrs.
' 11< e. | ACC „ IC : Juanita Mills, 1312 West 33rd
DOUGLASS GOLF ! street, Friday. > Election of 1956 officers of the Douglas^ Golf club was followed * * by an inriallation dinner at the home of the past president, Burens I LES FILLES CAREER ulU rteet IvfcGuire. Officers for the year are James Cross, president; Gladys 1 Saturday with Mrs. Elv4 Blaine. Harrell vice-president; Mary Harrison; secretary; Lutie Lee, treasur- : At the club’s social last Saturday
Clubs Elect Officers
L-r; Hattu* Hathaway, financial secretary; Jack I^ee. sergeant-at-arms, night a record player was WOA hy and Robert Hathaway, tournament director. Edgar Hale, 4112. Boulevard plAce, The president has asked all members, old and new to “join with, i on a lucky ticket drawn by Miss . us to make this a successful year.’’ The club home is located at 2900 Juanita Hill. Martindale avenue. ♦ * * .
FA-HO-CHA ; Sunday afternoon at 4 with The Fa-Ho-Cha (Faith-Hope-Chant\» club has elected as officers Josephine W illiams, 2422 VJheeieV’
lilt? r ’ r dll ' liiiu o , •
for the vear Mesdames LiHie W’illiams. president; Anna Kirk, vice-j slree ‘" * * *
AMce Brow ”- “‘I
Next nieeting will be with Mrs. Kirk, 563 Nortii Pershing avenue. 1 tiar^nowden ' JONES TABERNACLE YOUNG WOMEN W with Mrsi^L Stepp. i r The Young Women s Home and Foreign Missionary Society o; ; PIXIES ^ m bet Friday hight fonts Tabernacle AME Zion Church was recently reorganized, and < at 8 with Mrs Morrii, *43 officers are Mesdames Elizabeth Anderson, presiding secretary; Bar- ; West 29th street, and compile ! bara Wells, assistant; Louise Robinson, recording secretary; Nadine ' j or year’s activities. Stiong treasurer, and Roberta Armstrong, local supervisor. y i +
Members and associale members are Geraldine Duncan. CLaru-e
White. Carliss Moore. Amy Monroe. Patricia Oliver, Miriam Pipes, Louise Johnson .and Christine Youngblood. All young women of the
PUELLA AMICA met with M?S. Naomi Jordan, with Mrs. Margaret
. , r, „ , . Edwards assisting as hostess. Plane
• hurch and cemmumty are invited to become members .Rev. Edwin ; ma( j e £ 0 j. a cocktail party td j Kenney Is pastor. j ^ held at the El-Amigo Hall pn ! Dm iru Dincoc (March 10. Prtzecs were won by KUUbH KIDbKb Mesdames Lenora Maholland, The Rough P.iders Motortjele club has elected officers for the I Charlotte Hill and Annab^lle iVil-
| year. They are H. Edw'ai d Pipes, president; Sam Porter, vice-president; j lianis.
’Charles P. Smith, secretary; Charles Nichols, assistant secretary; Na-; * * * ! thaniel Edwards, treasurer; Curtiss Jolmson, road captain, and Wil- j SECRET TEN will meet Friday
Ram Cobb, assistant road captain.
night at 8:30 writh Mrs. Mary Davis,
1909- Boulevard place.
VEN LINKS met with W. B.
mittee. and Nancy Presswood, reporter. ’ SILVER LEAF met With Mrs. Felix Moore has been accepted as a new member. Next meeting Julia Oliver. Next hostess will be will be with Mrs. Maggie Hurst. 1035 South Kenwood avenue. Mrs. Dora Wills, 814 East 23rd ! street. ’ .
* * *
"America's Fastest Typist" To Demonstrate Skill on TV
ENJOY REALTISTS' DANCE: Among thos? enjoying the informal dance at the Walker Casino last Friday night, which was a social highlight of the convention of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, were (tjp picture) Clifton Maclin of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hughes, Mrs. Ilene Williams, William B Collier, also of Chicago, Mrs. Louise Robinson, Louisville. In the bottom picture are Mr. and Mrs. Cain Young, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Nellie W. Grant, Hen-y W Grant, Henry D. Hervey, Chicago; Mrs. T Gaddie White, Louisville, and George W. Moreland. Hughes was chairman of the entertainment committee, and Moreland is treasurer of the Central City Association, host to the convention.
SOCIALETTES met at the Hedej pbreves Club Home. Mrs. Sarah Overton received a birthday gift ! from her secret pal. Next hostesc ! will be Mrs. Clemetta Highbaugh.
I * * * America's fastest typist on the portable typewriter. Cor- j tee WARNER TONGA met wjth |tez Peters, holder of the present portable speed champ'on-1 wIStTist* sireet iship, will demonstrate his skill on WFBM-TV “Adventure f Next meeting will be with Mrs!
Album” at G Sunday.
Bellamy, 1130 Fayette
A1 vert a
v * v . •
WIDOW 4 LADIES will meet Sun-
The champion typist has traveled from coast to coast
• giving speed demonstrations and exhibitions of spectacular _ stunt typing. Typing; to music, finger “tap-dancing” on the jday aftei-noan with MrsT’ Nina , kej’s and tj-ping with amazing . ^ Thomas, 2223 Wheeler stTert. ; speed and accuracy while blind- the time ordinarily lost in short-j * * * j folded and wearing mittens, the hand transcriptios. WILD ROSE wilL meet niftrt ; champion has thrilled countless Between demonstration tours. ; Thursday with. Mrs. Minnie Kirnaudiences. He has been featured Peters also found time to estab- brew, 2539 Boulevard place, in shorts made by Paramount lish business schools in Washing- ; ^ *
WTNSOMETTES will meet Sun-
i w eekend * friends.
in St Louis visitim*
Baked while you sleep
^l^lodern isli t .
d3eciutii Salt
538 INDIANA AVE. Her ResMeoee Phone Is
ME, 5-9264
Gives Older Ladies Younger Looking Skin
past year
Visit Our New Location
The Latest Modes in Milady's Fashions Are Found at the
ME. 5-0693
Lightens weathered skin; makes skin fresh, , smoother. Softens tiny lines, harsh skin wrinkles Makes skin younger looking. A doctor’s famous formula with U) u > lunoiin.—30c—60c at drug, cosmetic counters
“The Utmost in Beauty for Milady*
Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER Galenol Co., Box 264, Atlanta, Ga.
Sasliion rvjarl
a An i on
WA. 4-0611
The one stop shop for your spring wardrobe HATS BY DOROTHY COATS & FURS BY ELINOR DRESSES BY JEANETT
We ll Be Pleased to Make You Beautiful
I, •. i n i ' )e a shut-in for several weeks, Films, on television and on radio’s ton, D. C.. Baltimore and Chicago. MOSpirQl K6I6QS6S and friends may call. “Hobby Lobby.’’ —
AA\/K4-;t- iMrs. Washington is a member i It was as a government clerk in i ! /\ymS VVQSningron of New Liberty Baptist Church and ! Washington that Peters developed j Mrs. Myrtis Washington, 41D is the mol her of Isaiah and James [his typing technique. He practiced i North West street, who waS con- Vernon W ashington. Her husband, j for hours until he could type at ; fined to Si. Vincent’s hospital for Vernon Washington, while under j phenomenal speed, several months, was released the care of his physician, is a vet- i He became so well-known for recently. She (sill expects to eran employee at Kingan Company, j his facility that he was called upon :
Mr. and Mrs. Washington have | for special court trials and imLoth been patients at St. Vincent’s portant official occasions to type ; hospital several times within the testimony and speeches as they j * yi-ere being delivered, thus saving
. .«-»•
day at 5 with Mrs. Mary Bivens,
080 West, 28th street.
5c & 10c STORE Y
729-31 Blake St. ME. 4-9D81
Potted Plants
Hospital Boutiuets Corsages Greeting Cards
WA. 3-1919
WA. 3-8141
Visit Our New Location
u .
“The Utmost in Beauty for Milady”