Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 3 December 1955

Contributed by IUPUI University Library, by permission of The Indianapolis Recorder



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HOPKINSVILLE, Ky.—The Original Church of God, Younglove street, held annual Thanksgiving services Nov. 24-27. with representatives attending from several different states. Bishop Elder T. R. Jeffries of Akron and Bishop Elder C. A. McLaurine, Nashville, were among speakers. Elder Robert Mumford is host pastor, Mrst F. D. Moore is national secretary, and Mrs. Cozella Davis is reporter.

Annual Rally Day was observed last Sunday at Virginia Street Baptist Church. Dr. MiUon E. Wilson, pastor of Liberty Hill Baptist Church. Cleveland, was guest speaker. Special music was furnished by the church choirs. Rev. A. R. Lesley is pastor. The Chapel of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church held Thanksgiving sendees on the Wednesday morning preceding Thanksgiving Day. The services were well attended. Rev Adolphus Carty is vicar. + + * .Jesse Haskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Haskins, was grano champion winner at the annual 4-H club and N. F. A. fat calf show and sale held recently. His 1030pound .Angus steer sold for $34.75. a pound. The resene champion, also an Angus, was raised by James Andrews of Todd County, and Donald Lewis of Daviess County was thirct-place winner. , Cletus Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnscxn, won first place with his Hampshire pig which weighed 240 pounds ami brought $6.42. * * * THE GAINESVILLE PTA held its regular monthly meeting las Tuesday night, with Mrs. Stanley Bronaugh as guest speaker talking cm “Boys and Girls of Today—Our Men and Women of Tomorrow.’ Closing remarks were made by tlu school principal, Rozcll Leavell. Refreshments were served b\ Mrs. Lillian Oldham, who presided at the meeting. Mrs. Maggie L Jones is PTA president ♦ * * Mrs. Ethel Collier, Indianapolis arrived in the city this week tc spehei several weeks with her sister .and brother-in-law. Mr am Mrs, William Henry. 0 * * U. S. Bacon, well-known busi-

lludumapalte INDIAN A’* flWIATMT



Indianapolis, Indiana, Dec. 3, 1955

Number 49

Bloomington Club Marks 21st Year, Installs Officers at Dinner Meeting

Charter [Members ! Honored


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Shriners Name John W. Lagrone At Evansville EVANSVILLE — John W. Lagrone, prominent lodge leader, has been named imperial deputy of the Oasis of Evansville. .Shriners of Cawthor Temple, it was announced at a Shriners’ meeting last week by the Illustrious potentate. William A. Powell. A. W. Jenkins, secretary of the group, read the commission to the


Noble Lagrone had as his guest at the meeiing Henry D. Pry o’ Owensboro, Ky., chief rabbin ii. the Cawthor Temple No. 118. Mr and Mrs. Pry had been Thanks giving dinner guests of Mr. anc Mrs. Lagrone at their home. 420


Detroiters Visit Father at Franklin FRANKLIN—Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell P. Williams and children, De troit, spent Thanksgiving with hifather. Rev. H. C. Williams, am


Thanksgiving dinner guests o Mrs. Idelia Carter and Mr. ant Mrs. Carey Hunter were Messrs and Mesdames Roscoe Owens, Carl Mahone and Beverly Fleming, In

diana polls.

Mrs. M. J. Williams has return ed after visiting relatives at An


Several members of Second Bap tist Church attended the installa tion of Rev. W. Jimison at Trinit:

ness and civic leader, is confined .o Vanderbit hospital, Nashville. Hfe .underwent surgery, and his .ondiiion is reported as satiafactjrily improving.

* * *

Talmadge Brodie, Louisville, is house guest of Rev and Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Jr.

+ + *

Mrs. Leonard Vanleer spent ;ast week with her daughter. Miss t.ucy A.: Vanleer, in Chicago. Miss Vanleer, a recent graduate of West Kentucky Vocational College at Paducah, is employed as a clerk-<tvpist at Aider’s there.

* * *

A/3c PAUL EDWARDS of Sampson Air Base, Geneva, N. Y., ;pent his ten-day leave with his nother. Mrs. A. L. Bradley, and grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Dawon. Airman Edv’ardis, who completed his basic training at Sampon and attended A. and I. State University, Nashville, left by plane /or Biloxi, Miss., where he will attend an Air Force Radio Technician school.


Mrs. Mary Spurlin has returned Xer spending three weeks in Chiago as guest of her daughter, vlrs. Ivy Goins, and family and | jther relatives and friends. ,

0 0 0 i

Mrs. Juanita Tandy, Indianapo- ; is, was recent weekend guest o> ; Ir. and Mrs. Percy Bell and Ed i .losley. j

* * . *

Mr-. Agnes McReynolds Wallace I .ied at her home in the Merrits- • own community Nov. 21, and last } ites were conducted Nov. 25 at Jordonville Baptist Church with lev. William Dunbar officiating, the Adams Funeral Home was in harge of burial in the Gordon-

ille cemetery’.

Survivors include six daughters. Atesdames Pearl Watkins, Mary .fcCray and Beulah Wallace of the ounty, and Mesdames Kathryn I Vest and Bettie Willis and Miss I lelen Wallace, city; one son, Wil-)

even “25*2® ETS& ! Cu^^^rf’anT ' apoH, were 7^ ^7*^ .rar.dehildren. two brothers and j £ loud of p| a i n f,eld; Hosanna Miles j £S!*' h r ,C Middens oasmf of the wo nieces. : and Mrs M , white of Grcencas-i F Mat,fiex P‘ ,st01 oJ tne

tie and Mrs. J. Williams were church

Thanksgiving turkey dinner guests .

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NIGERIAN COMMISSIONER ON HONEYMOON: Mathew Mbu, the first Nigerian to hold the office of Commissioner in London, arrives in that city with his bride of two weeks, the former Katherine Anighbe. The couple, after Nigerian wedding ceremonies, returned to London

for their honeymoon. (Newspress Photo)

Plainfield, Greencastle People Dinner Guests at Bridgeport

t BLOOMINGTON — Members ! ot the Happy Hour club cele- • bra ted the club’s 21st anni- ' versary on Monday night, | Nov. 21, with a dinner at the •Indiana Union Club and a re- . eeption at the home of Mrs. . Kctha Boswell, 1201 West 8th. I New officers were installed by ; Mrs. B. A. Brooks. Thvy included i Mrs. Edith Shauntee, president; j Mrs. Rerha Howell, vire-pre.'.i- , dent: Mrs. Celesta Campbell, secj ret ary; Miss Mary Taylor, corresj ponding seevretary; Mrs. Edna [ Johnson, treasurer, and Miss Jcsj ie Hampton, reporter. ! Mrs. James Buress and Miss ! Maiy Taylor were in charge of the i program, during which they gave j short reviews of the lives of charter members of the club.


LISTED AS CHARTER members were Mesdames Alice Drake. Hattie Chamiler, Edna Johnson. Maude Thomas, Christina Evans Celesta Campbell. Janie Fearrnan. Addie Johnson. Ethel Hall. Alberta Knight, Mary Newman. Dorothy Shauntee, Dora Norris and Olive Drake and Miss Mae Eagleson.

I Mesdames Ethel White and Maj tilda Hopkins w ere made honor- • ary members during the anniver- ! sary celebration. j Roses were given to the mvmj bers, and favors were given to ! each guest. In addition to the dinner, refreshments were served at the reception, including punch mints, /ake and nuts.




* '-7

> *

Rev. and Mrs William Smith,



> V



TEACHERS VISIT WALKER CO: A group of Marion County teachers have lunch in the Walker Coffee Pot after touring the Madam C. J. W'alker Manufacturing Co., Friday of last week which was recognized as Business-Education Day. Seated around the table (clockwise) are Mrs. Loren DeWard, H#We; Mrs. Ruth Swails, Franklin Township; Miss Lou Baldwin, West Newton; Miss Margaret Ann Byers, School 84; Mrs. Mildred Eccleston, Tech; Mrs. Alice Goodrum, 54; Mrs. Joan Shauter, 68; Miss Margaret Anderson, school social worker, east district; Mrs. Lula Mae McCampbell, 42, Mrs. Garnet Christie,

Wayne Township No. 5; Mrs. Violet Rey nolds, secretary of the Walker Co.; Mrs. Pauline Morton-Finney, 36, 42 and 87; Mrs. Ethel R. Cox, Attacks; Joseph H Sul liven, Drexal Gardens No 13; Miss Josephine O'Brien, 45; Mrs. Mildred S George, 50; Mrs. Vera Peterson, Warren Central; Mrs. Marie Overstreet, treasurer of the Walker Go.; Donald McHolland. Perry Junior High; Mrs. A'Lelta Perry p undles, vice president of the Walker Co., Mrs. Phyllis Matthews, 18, and Willard B Ransom, general manager of the Walker Co.

Marion Urban League Lists 2 New Members

Evansville Church Women Sponsor Autumn Style Review


Samuel Hughes was at the piano. | Ernest, were found unconscious

at their heme, 654 E Cherry, ap-

•lov. 21 at Virginia Street Baptist I ™ r - an .f

:hurch. The pastor. Rev. A. R. ! f ^ M c i tnv ,asley, delivered the eulogy. Bur- d ^ner gueste of Mr. and Mrs. S.,.^

al was in Cave Spring cemetery. Houston ’ mmai apoj s. , Mrs. Elizabeth Brown and son •/ith Adams Fuenral Home in Mrs. Eva Swam was hostess to ; Warren. Indianapolis, were guests -■barge. " jthe stewardess board of Bethel ; 0 j Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Maddex Mrs Maiors died Nov 18 after AME Church last Friday. last Saturday. Also guests of the brief illness -\ resident of Hop- : Mrs. Gladys Carbin was hostess , Maddexes were Mr. and Mrs.

insville most of her life, she was i to the Home Craft Economics club | fi oyd English, Charleston. ; .ndocriv officer

n active member of her church , >•«*••*. Bethel AME Church sponsored a . ^ .^! e 7 0nd " r:d a member of its senior choir i Mr. and Mrs. tms Luuins. koh . Xrinitv Methodist nd Fidelis Sunday school class ; ert Brow^ and M^ss r^ntlyT Rev: Carles Fish. ; or many years. , Ims attended 0 P?n n ouse ai ine , { Survivors include the husband, home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Akeis ar , H -vir* wiiib.m Smiih

eonard Majors; a daughter, Mrs. ! and family in Indianapolis iccent-


fv WSVII IE—Mesdames Geor- -\ 14-night “Soul-Saving Cam- parently overcome by lack of oxy

E\ANSML^ . f , Johnson paign” will Start Mondafy night at | gen.

g,a Benson ^ij 70 revitv . ; Ebenezer Baptist Church. Cherry Mr. Moore recovered and rryrMwVpr: " i £sr^.-

I directorships were «"« i ^ . . MgSS? ^ Lavon Casey, a former, and Rich-: Lawrence Carter ^nd Lero> ; ^ Jov M £- s wa s called 'to' AAlso «ui-\iving are a sister.

Strawder wer^ ’jolmst.s. and ^ ( [ m An£ , e ie S to attend the funeral Mrs. Mabel Scott. Lansing. Mich..

bers were named by the Marion Urban League at its annual meeting last week at the League Cen-


Elected to

etiora Bussell; two graaidchil- ly.

i*en, two sisters, Mrs. Annie Mrs. Cassie Swam and son. Richriggs of the city and Mrs. Eliza- | ard, spent the weekend in Chicago. •eth Hill, Chicago; a niece, a; >jRS. NANCY SWARN and famit Am»g a outif-mwn7el a tives at- ! i."''’'"'’" 0 ending the funeral were Mrs. Hill Wlth relatives in De ion. nd Miss Barbara Briggs, Chicago. | Miss Kathryn Culhns was in

Rev. and Mrs. William Smith

were in charge of music.

77 : j7

Integration To Take Time, Priest Says



nr her father. Robert Jackson. j a brother, Walter Mundy, Chicago.

* * * 1 and several nieces and nephews.

“GIVING THANKS” was the ! The Gaines Funeral Home was j subject of the Thanksgiving song : in charge of arrangements ! lest at the Chestnut-Walnut school • , i on Wednesday morning of last j # . | week. Mix J Neal was chairman , g vansv j|f^ FrienOS

! of the program, which opened with r ’ >ra\ T bv Lawrence Chisler and ; Leam Ot L/Catll


minded selections by each room

Of Former Teacher

^onnersvilLe Woman /isits Indianapolis


charge o? candlelight vesper’*sen- | Negro stated here that • only a ; ices at Bethel AME .Church on iew people are opposed to Negro .

priests celebrating mass m vvhi e ;


ices at Bethel

Nov. 20. when the thank offering was presented by the missionary

Mrs. Maud Horne gave

CONNERSVILLE—Mrs. Martha ; Thanks.” Mesdames Eva Bryant • ibson was in Indianapolis over • and Eunice Powell were iu charge

he weekend, accompanied by 0 f the offering,

ames Lewis Gibson. On Sunday R ev a. H. Davis and Churchil Tternoon Mrs. Gibson took James ; Swam will present a program n a sight-seeing trip. Dec. 11 at Bethel AME Church.

, _ i. » i proceeds from which will be used Mr. and Mrs. Hartzeii Jones and | 0 buy new hymnals,

or, Randolph, spoilt Thanksgiving j \j|s< K.athryn Cullin^ ill M

Baptist Church. Jeffersonville, last v « her ^ ^ Sunday. ‘ Jesst . Cra j g \ s home from the BETHEL AME CHURCH served ; hospital after undergoing treat-j i’ ref , Thanksgiving dinner from Vu, **HH» * «*««▼?.’ ment there for two weeks. 'noon to 2 last Thursday for the

! Mrs. Hattie Harris was able to ! p, ;or anti needy. Women of the

phone The ImlmnapolUi Kecordef j b e out Sunday after a confining ; < hurt h and community prepared


viaua riurn( . Rev. Vance Z. Thorne said the ;

a’n inspiring tnesshge _on "Giving 8 ^lm» ?'wh^ 1

parish in Louisiana vah »iot toe ;




and served the dinner.

PHuttnc Co.. V.E- 4-1545. Voo wfll| Mrg p erkins ^ hi at | Rev. W. Mayberry and his choir be uleoH-o mid »r,>„d of th«- work ‘her home. 716 W. 5lh. • from the Church of God, Indian-

mind whether to be • WAC er m WAVE when ehe** of age. The WAC got In the first Md hy extending an Invitation to visit the Army in

.irst of its kind.

Father Thorne said that simi*- ! iar incidents have occurred in other 1 .Aouthorn parishes, but never re- : eived publicity. He said Integra- , ion will “take time.' Meanwhile, the church hi- j volved in the Louisiana affair, the St. Cecelia mission at Jesuit Bend, is still closed be- | cause white members of the congregation refuse to accept

a Negro priest.

The church was closed by Archoishop Joseph FrancLs Hummel ai- ; cer paiishoners met Rev. Gerald ; and told him that he would | ot be allowed to say mass at the ;


Later, several hundred sigua- |


m iM

ures were obtained on a peuition


(Newopreso Photo)




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J ^■


vhich said integration is contrary j o church teaching and that the ! •.embers would no* acfepl a Ne- |

410 pi icst.

■ liie archbishop said the action J i a violation of the “obligation of ; reverence and devotion which Ca- ! molics owe to every priest, re-! gardless of race, color or na-ion-ali yT |


A WEE K5SITZER: Chubby, 18-month-old Yasmin, daughter ot S«di Mohammed Ben Youssef, reinstated Sultan of Morocco, engaged in a little heckling recently when her dad had audience with his former enemy, Pasha El Glaoui at the Henry IV hotel in Paris. Yasmin, born in exile in Pans, livened the proceedings with her heckling of Youssef's visitor. (Newspress Photo)

ui ihe school.

^ :T,

•oln high school here nnd now i n l os Angeles on Nov.

teacher at the Ecorse, Mich., school j ^ graduate of Indiana University. , Miss Thomais saw the famous i ihe 74.x ear-old man formerly : -‘rinerama Holiday” and visited j n ^ ht hore and at Ml. Veruoa: 1 the Surf Club in Canada, bein? ■ L , e(ore arC epting a teaching po »- t guest ot club members at^ a wild 1 tion at Sumner high school. St | game dinner - dance Saturday ^ouis. in 1923. He mov ed to Los night. ’ Arv'cles > n ^ rptired from 1 Mrs. Thelma Johnson was ^n-. tearhing eig ht years ago. He w as nouncer tor the Sunday morning C!'o: ; s ser^u-e worker dur-

‘ brc»adcast of the NA \CV Youth < ; Vl , rlf j war I

> C< uncil during the absence of Miss i

' Thomas. HaroM Mundy was guest i Sun ivinG is a daugnter. Mrs 1 soloist. Joy Jackson Mays, wife of Theo-

* - f dore C. Mays, musiness manager of ! Mrs. Marguerite Moore, 54. died ; jo hi: ties at

i b -.t week at St Mary’s hospital, here. Mrs. Mays left h\ Plane lor ! where she had been since Nov. the funeral, which was held l^t | i.l. when she and her husband, SMiioav tnonunc m os Angeles. Seyrrour Church Sponsoring

Fellowship Harvest Week'



Harry C Pryor

Loco! Paratrooper

SI YMOUR -Bethel AME Church of th(? chulTh W ill pre 18. J t ^ W iH be given by Mrs. Elerene The primarv department of the , B . 0WI iing, a duet will be oifeitd ' church op ’ned the week Monday ! Thelma and Dorothea Shelton t ni ? ht ’ presenting JJ| e ! a hd the Seymour Childrens choir

; and members of Pilgrim Htrti less . . ia

; Church as guests. Airs. Thelma c j u ^ r g e G f the opening period 1 Shelton was soloist. ‘ "

•(1 1 ope ’ where he w ill spend j — | each night are Evangelist Fannie • - ■ • _ Tuesday night the Bible Woodson and the specified depart-

Serviees for Haim>’ C Pi.vor. C orislates CoUTSC 36 N. West, who died in General ” ^ V

.jospital Nov. 23. were held at lethel AA1E Church Nov. 28. wiln

ourial in Floral Park

. ;• remuihder of his tour of duty, i On — . - r , This operaticn is part of tae j rwfss department prersented At. ment. ! armv’s plan to stabilize the sold-] Rucker and family and Rev. B.

. ORT CAMPBELL. Ky.^Spe'- . :L>r ; C i jle er both overseas and in . Walls,'choir and members or Acme :

i' Hoywood R,ce ' Sr -



The Stuart Mortuary conducted. . .-in-iiuan avenue. In .ianapeli.-, * a. 4 u j Mr. Pryor, 72 years old, was an .as vecerfb retutned to A,; tiica: , pugne M. nOrCien


: eiijpioyee of 1.. S. Ayres & Co., • .or 30 years until his retirement 1 Jiree years ago. Born at S aunton, j Va., he lived here 50 years and ‘ w’as a member of Bethel AME Church and its Men’s Chorus.


ompat •. 388th Airborne Ini'an ry u t oi the 1 ttb Airborne •vision ( Vi geLA ol For. Campil. Kerlucky, Aom Brooke Army epical rueld Sendee School at

011 Sam Houstoii. Texav.

-I I kin' 0 aiid P °clfoji- and meinlx-r, of 1 Nov. 25 in General hospital, were Services 'or Ourne Merer, Ha, i S M S M

den, 41. 4405 Ralston._who died m ; Nellie Colbert gave a Crown

1 K?no Fnnerai e Home ! “Education Night” was observ-j Horn in Campbellsville, Ky., he a the King & King F ^ f TH11 L,j Thursdav. vvi h Rev. E. Pickins , lived here 27 years and had been • <,vm3 with bunr.1 m Crown Hill. 1 ^ i om «Wo r i a laborer by the

for 35

A resident of Indianapolis, i a ,^ ^aker accompanied by his j employed as a

tweh e weeks the lat- j M >st up-to-da e courses | ni

j -er. M»"NelUe'Hittw' RtehmoSd. i .^'JJSl^ter’offere. j ta^* ‘“AkE" ChSrchr i The trustees were listed in! »ie Rice:'three daughters, Mrs

Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Ida ! " M j «»«’•> has •'•'. n sttidy'iy j "‘v •'f hOSSSTKS: ! choir and members' of the Church : Pennsylvania Railroad ae Pryor? a son. Han? C. Pryor. | "er ^eour^ I ^ 'com-! of God. Mrs. Mary Franklin gave , years.

- • • • 1 i>; ny and a memb-r of the Wal-i a reaiung.

M ae

Jr.. Staunton. V r a

and a daugh-

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Min-

Fur good punting “in * hurry/ phone The Indianapolis Recorder Printing Co., ME. 4-1545. You will be pleased and proud of Ihe work.

PHor td en^in- the servicb 'he i Surviving are his mother Mrs.! charge of the Friday night pro- : Gladys Dixon and Mrs DorotRy jttemed and graduated from I Viola Harden; four brothers, Le- gram, presenting Rev. Charles Bradshaw, both of Indianapolis Howe high school of Indianapolis. | vonne, Thomas, Guy and Donald | Fisher and singers of Norman and Mrs. Helen Cameron, Milwau-

In March, 1956. Baugh will journey to Europe with the 11th Airborne Division on operation

Harden, and two sisters, Florine j Christian Church and a poem by

Harden, Indianapolis, and Mrs. i Frank Lee.

Dorothv Minor. Springfield. Ohio, l - Climaxing the program Sunday.

kee; three sons, Haywood, Jr.,. Joseph and Fred Rice, all of Indianapolis and four grandchildren.




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