Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 23 April 1955

Contributed by IUPUI University Library, by permission of The Indianapolis Recorder



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6-The Indianapolis Recorder, Apr. 23,1955





REV. R. T. ANDREWS SUNDAY, APRIL 24 Morning Service, 11:00 A. M. Sermon “BURDENS THAT WAGONS CANT CARRY” Afternoon. 3:30 P. M. ANNUAL SERVICE — GROUP 7 REV. S. D. 1IARDRICK Guest Speaker Accompanied By His Congregation of St. Paul A. M. E. Church


Youth Day will be observed at Bethel A. M. E. Church. 414 West Vermont at Toledo. on Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Nelson P. Patterson, of Wilberforce. Ohio. will be guest speaker. At 4 p.m. Stewardess Board No. 3 will present a musical program. At 6 p.m. A.C.E. League and the

Women’s Chorus at 7:30 p.m. Clarence Stewart, Reporter.


PEOPLES MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 1027 W. Michigan Sunday School, S:30 A. M. Morning Worship. 11:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M., Musical Program By FOUR SILVER TONES Mrs. Tolbert. Pres. 7:00 P. M. Pastor. Choir and Congregation At Antioch Baptist FRIDAY. APRIL 29 Pastor. Choir and Congregation At Greater St. Luke Baptist Beginning MONDAY, APRIL 25-MAY 1st Spiritual Awakening Service Various Ministers of the City Participating Mrs. Higgins. Sponsor Rev. S. C. Boyd. Minister

GOOD SAMARITAN BAPTIST CHURCH SENIOR CHOIR Presenting Their 4TH SUNDAY NIGHT MUSICAL PROGRAM Featuring Local City Talent SUNDAY, APRIL 24 8:00 P. M. GOOD SAMARITAN BAPTIST CHURCH Corner North and California Public Invited Geraldine Coleman, Pres. Eddye Edmonds, Prog. Chrm. Dr. J. A. G. Jordan, Minister

THE USHER BOARD OF SECOND TIMOTHY BAPTIST CHURCH 736 Indiana Avenue In Our New Location Is Having A JOINT MUSICAL Between GARFIELD JUBILEES and KEYS OF HARMONY Sunday, April 24, 3:30 P. M. Rev. Leroy Williams, Minister Sis. Dorothy Carter, Pres.

MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH 2325 Hovey Street An Appreciation Service Having Its Pastor and Wife REV. AND MRS. WALTER HIGHBAUGH For Their Loyalty and Valiant Service for 32 Years SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. The Public Is Cordially Invited Rev. Walter Higrfbaugh, Minister

THE DURETTE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH MALE CHORUS Will Be Presented In TWO GRAND MUSICAL PROGRAMS SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:00 P. M. They are being Presented By Mt. Paran Male Chorale AT MT. PARAN BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. 12th and Missouri St. Roseoc Roberts, Pres Rev. C. II. Bell, Minister

Sunday Night At 8:00 P. M. They Are Appearing At EMMANUEL BAPT. CHURCH 15th and Arsenal Presented By Emmanuel Anniversary Committee Mrs. Freeman, Chrm. Rev. F. R. Hatcher, Minister

SPIRITUAL TRAVELERS of Dayton. Ohio Will Render A Full Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:00 P. M. ST. JAMES SPIRITUAL TEMPLE 723 Indiana Avenue Clara Cantrell, Sponsor Bishop M. E. Goodnight, Minister

Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart Ke presenting HOOSIER MONUMENT CO. 2058 N. MERIDIAN STREET Markers — Monuments Economy — Quality — Service

• n

342 W. 26th Street

TA. 9455


whij calf ye me rjCo^d, oCord, and do not the thinyA which d) day? — wS/i. oCuhe 6:46


'Worship The Lord in The Beouty of Holiness" OBEY ACTS 2:38 Christ Temple 4S« W. FALL CREEK BLVD. Corner Paris Ave. and Fall Creek Blvd. ELDER WILLIE LEE, PASTOR

Culture It Events of the



Simpson Methodist Congregation Relocates Sunday at 30th and North Capitol Ave.; First Service at 11 A. M.

Rev. David Preach His Sermon on

Hardy To Initial Sunday

CHURCH OF LIVING GOD SPIRITUAL TEMPLE 960 Hadley Street Morning Worshin, 11:30 A. M. 3:30 P. M. REV. H. S. DAVIS and His Congregation of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church and REV. BROWN and His Congregation of Wallace Temple, Anderson, Ind. Will Celebrate THE PASTOR'S BIRTHDAY 8:00 P. M. GOLDEN BELLS QUARTET Will Render A Full Musical Program WEDNESDAY NIGHT Class Meeting FRIDAY NIGHT Prophesying and Healing Everybody Welcome Bishop Elizabeth Redd, Minister Rev. R. .Raimey, Asst. Minister.

The Simpson Methodist Church | i will achieve another milepost Sunday morning. This congregation will hold their first 11 o’clock WORSHIP SERVICE in their i NEW CHURCH HOME Sunday ; morning. April 24. 1955, at 30th : Street ' and Capitol Avenue. Following the service a TURKEY DINNER will be served in the dining

ice will be conducted. Guest congregation in charge of this service will be 17th Street Baptist Church, Rev. Walter M. Edwards, minister. He will be accompanied by his officers, choirs, ushers and members. Rev. .1. Inman Dixon, minister of the Simpson Church, is closing out his third Confer-

room. At 7:30 p.m., evening serv-ience year as minister.

Leland F. Tyrell To Men's Day at Barnes Hold Evangelistic Methodist; Dinner Meet April 24-May 5 Served from 1 to 3 p.m.



Rev. David Hardy answered his call to the ministry Sunday. .January 13. 1955. He will preach his trial sermon Sunday morning, April 23. 1955. at the East Side Baptist Church. Rev. Andrew L. Williams, minister: Mrs. Mattie

Brown, church clerk.

THE KEYS OF HARMONY will piesent a sacred musieale at Greater St. Mark Baptist Sunday,

8 p. m.

CLERGYMEN aspiring to t h e bishopric of the AMEZ Church must not be divorced according to a statement issued recently by the Board of Bishops of the denomination, at the annual business


The statement, addressed to J the clergy “with eccleasiastical i aspirations,” stressed the origin of the Methodist church with its Episcopalian and Roman Catholic backgrounds. “Clergymen must abide by the strict regulations covering marriage and live up to its vows,” the bishops portificated. In other action the bishops endorsed continuance of European a:d under the Point Four program end called for expanded activity in the denomination’s missionary work in Africa and among the dark people of the world.

* * *

Missionary Society of First Baptist, North Indianapolis, will have a “Feast of. the Seven Tables” at the church Friday of next week at 6:30 p. m. •

* * *

Awards will be presented to the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church 15th and Mkrtindale Ave. Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, revival closes Friday, April 22. with baptizing. The meeting was a spiritual success under the powerful preaching of Rev. Scott Howard. Regular services Sunday, the pastor will speak at the 11 o’clock service. In the afternoon at 3 p.m. the AUTOMOBILE RACE will be held by Club No. 1; Nurses Aid and Deaconess Board. Mrs. Mary Trotter is driver of Club No. 1; Mrs. Corine EdmondREV. JOHNSON son. Driver for the Deaconess Board; Mrs. Tennie Cushinberry, Driver for the Nurses Aid. The cars to be driven are Buitk. Dodge and Pontiac, Rev. A. Devashier, pastor of Bethelehem Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker, accompanied by his choirs and congregation.

outstanding church workers of Indianapolis during the annual business meeting of the Church Federation at North Methodist next Tuesday evening beginning at 5 p. m. Dinner will be served at 6:30. Guest speaker will be Dr. C. Oscar Johnson, former president of the World Baptist Alliance. Reservations may be made by calling the Federation office. * * * A VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Institute for church workers will be held five successive Fridays at 10 a. m., beginning April 22 at Berean Gospel Temiple, 13th and Carrollton avenue. Classes will he instructed (in every department of the vacation Bible school. All church workers are invited to attend. * * * FIFTH WORLD CONVENTION of the Churches of Christ (Disciples) meets in Toronto, Canada, Aug. 16 to 21. Theme will be “O u r Commitment, A Christian World.” Those planning to attend are urged to make reservations at once. * * * MORE THAN 30 young people joining with others in work, wor- ! ship, fellowship and recreation

made a success of the spring project of the Christian Youth Fellowship Council of the Church Federation that brought them together for a weekend work camp at Flatrock YMCA camn. Edward Sweetman, the president and council members were highly commended for the fine spirit of cooperation shown in working tooperation shown in working together to prepare the camp for its summer guests. Special worship services were conducted by Kay Griffith, worship leader of the Council. Local churches are invited to have representatives on the Council and a Council committee, upon request will visit any church to help in Continued on Page 7

Leland F. Tyrell, President of the Winston-Calem Bible College, Winston-Salem. North Carolina will conduct an EVANGELISTIC MEETING at the Martindalc Church of Christ. 1322 East 24th j street. April 24-May 5. Dr. Emmett I. Brown is minister of the church.

CORINTHIAN BAPTIST 721 E. North at Fulton Rev. David C. Venerable | Sunday Schoo’ 9:30 a. m. Morning Wor*aip . ..11:00a.m. B. Y. P. U 6:30-7:30 p. m. Evenng Services 7:30-8:30 p. m.

Men’s Day at Barnes Methodist Church. 900 West 30th street Sunday. April 24. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning worship, 10:45 a.m., conducted by the MEN OF THE CHURCH. Guest speaker REV. M. L. BREEDING, Secretary of Kingdom Extension of the C. M. E. Church, music will be furnished by the senior choir, male chorus, j and children’s choir of Barnes. AFTERNOON PROGRAM. 3:30 p.m.. GUEST SPEAKER REV. H. A. PERRY, pastor of St. John A. M. E. Church of this city. Guest; choirs of the city will render the music. Turkey dinner will be served by the MEN in the dining; room of the church from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at $1.00 per plate. Everyone is welcome. Please come out and spend a great day! with us. Rev. Paul L. Ayers, minister.

. . . FIND . . . SUCCESS and HAPPINESS WITH PROF. A. HAMID 606 Readings, Healing, Forecasts, Guidance, Advice, Problems and Crossed Conditions Corrected. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send Birth-date and $2.00 donation to PROF. A. HAMID Box 481 Phoebus, Va.

SACRED FOUR NO. 2 and LIVE WIRE HARMONEERS In A Full Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 8:00 P. M. TRUE VINE BAPTIST CHURCH 19th and Columbia Avenue Sponsored by Deacon Board Fred Primus. Chrm. Rev. W. I. Jones, Minister

HOLY TRINITY SPIRITUAL CHURCH 2103 Columbia Ave. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Service, 11:45 A. M. 8:00 P. M. FIVE STARS OF HARMONY In A Musical Program Bishop \X. VV. Rice, Minister

THE ORIGINAL SACRED FOUR and the UNION GOSPEL SINGERS of Benton Harbor, Mich. Will Be In A JOINT MUSICAL PROGRAM SUNDAY, APRIL 24 8:00 P. M. AT THE BIBLE WAY „ BAPTIST CHURCH 443 Blake Street Elder T. R. Murff, Minister To engage the Original Sacred Four call or write the Mgr., Mack Brincfield, 737 W. 25th Street, TA. 2918.


MASTINIC SINGERS In A Full Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. TRUE VINE BAPTIST CHURCH 19th and Columbia Avenue Sponsored by Ladies’ Advocate Anna Primus, Pres. Rev. W. I. Jones, Minister

MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH USHER BOARD Are Having Their Annual Spring Tea SUNDAY, APRIL 24 4 to 7 P. M. 727 BLAKE ST. (Down Stairs) Mrs. Levolia Lyons, Pres. Rev. H. T. Toliver, Minister

SHILOH GOSPEL CHORUS ORIGINAL SACRED FOUR NO. 1 UNION GOSPEL SINGERS of Benton Harbor, Mich. IN A 3-WAY MUSICAL PROGRAM SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 701 N. West Street Catherine Davis, Pres. Calvin Donald, Bus. Mgr. Rev. Judge I. Saunders, Minister

SACRED FOUR NO. 2 In A Full Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. GREATER ST. LUKE BAPTIST CHURCH 19th and Sheldon REV. MOZELL SANDERS of CUveland, Ohio Former Member of Sacred Four Will Be the Guest Speaker Public Is Invited Tune in Each Sunday At 9:30 A. M. Station WIRE ^ Spiritual Hour Eddie Reedus, Mgr., WA. 3-1992

SENIOR MISSIONARY Will Present The SPIRITUAL TRAVELERS Sunday, April 24, 3:30 P. M. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 2024 Roosevelt Ave. Public Is Invited Mrs. Cora Lester, Pres. Rev. J. C. Butler, Minister

THE RUTH BECK SINGERS W ill Be Presented In A Full Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 7:30 P. M. PHILLIPS TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 1226 N. West Street Sponsored By Phillips Chorus Mrs. Suvella Edmonds, Pres. Rev.. II. L. Burton, Minister

LOOK WHO'S COMING Mrs. Clara Ward AND HER FAMOUS WARD SINGERS of Philadelphia, Pa. Tuesday, April 26 — 8:00 P. M. At- Greater Zion Baptist Church 602 West New York Street Tickets on Sale at Lockefield Drug Store, Blake and Indiana; Mom’s Manhattan, 805 Blake Street; Smith Park Mkt, 300 Blk. N. California; Davenport Beauty Salon, 606 N. California, and Indianapolis Recorder.

THE METROPOLITAN JUNIOR MISSIONARY 11th Anniversary SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. METROPOLITAN BAPTIST CHURCH 1302 N. Missouri Street A Spendid Program Has Been Arranged Guest Speaker REV. F. JEFFERSON His Singing Groups Will Participate We Hope to See You There The Public Is Invited Mrs. Katherine Mosley. Pres. Mrs. Mary Lee Seaths, Program Chairman Rev. Wm. F. Sweat!, Minister

LOOK — DON'T MISS THIS! OLD-FASHIONED SONG SERVICES Shiloh Baptist Church WEST AND WALNUT STREETS Sunday. April 24 — 8:00 P. M. JERICHO TRAVELERS —and— MEDITATORS GOSPEL SINGERS Will Have Their First Joint Musical Public Invited Finance Committee: Bro. Curtis Caulp, Bro. Ernest Rogers, Bro. Floyd Tarrant, Sis. Lottie Anderson, Prof. P. D. Thompson, Prof. Harrison Slaws. Bro. John B. Turk. Sponsor Rev. J. I. Saunders. Minister

ST. JUDE SPIRITUAL SPIRITUAL TEMPLE OF TRUTH, INC. 1014 East 15th Street Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M. Wednesday Night, 8:00 P. M. PROPHESYING and HEALING Sunday Night Services on 2nd and 4th Sundays in Each Month Bishop C. J. Jones, Minister 725Vi East 22nd Street TA. 2388 ■(

ST. JOSEPH SPIRITUAL CHURCH CHOIR 1218 N. Senate Avenue Will Present ELD. BENJAMIN SANDERS AND CHORUS from Gr. St. John Baptist Church SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3:30 P. M. Elder Mack Noel, Pastor

EAST SIDE NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 16th and Sheldon Streets REV. JESSE WOODS of Pilgrim Travelers of Louisville, Ky. 1 Guest Speaker SUNDAY, APRIL 24 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. Sponsored By Senior Choir Mrs. Hare, Pres. Rev. G. L. Robinson, Minister

SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 1318 E. 16th Street SILVERTONE TRIO of Galilee Baptist Church In A Full Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 7:30 P. M. Sponsored bs T Lorene Pittman Rev. W. E. Pittman, Minister

HEAR THE WINTER MUSETTE PIANOS MINSHALL ELECTRIC ORGANS Special Discount to Churches and Terms MARION MUSIC CO. 243 N. Penn. Opp. Post Office

ENSEMBLE SINGERS Rev. J. D. DeVashier, Mgr. Will Render A .Musical Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 4:00 P. M. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 1215 E. 15th Street Come and hear these great singers. Claudia B. Alexander, Reporter

SILVER STAR W r ill Render A Full Program SUNDAY, APRIL 24 8:00 P. M. AT ORANGE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 812 East 27th Street Rev. A. Brooks, Minister



of Marion, Indiana

Is Having

Will Render A Full Musical Program



8:00 P. M.


1146 Earhart Street



llth and Broadway

3:30 P. M.

Public Is Invited

Sponsored By Senior Choir

Robert Williams, 3rd Pres.

Rev. B. II. Barnett, Minister

Rev. S. D. Hardriek, Minister

Daddy Bishop Fields Nationally Known Spiritual Prophet and Divine Healer

Bishop Fields

Will Return to Indianpolis Friday, April 29 Temporary Headquarters 325 W. NEW YORK STREET ME. 5-2228 All are asked to meet me in A Seance Service, Friday, April 29 At 8:30 P. M. Will answer all letters when I return.

Announcement of the Week REV. C. COBB THE GREAT SPIRITUALIST ADVISER-READER is now giving private and confidential readings to his thousands of followers throughout the country. The demand for private readings has been so great in each and every city I have appeared in, but I have not been able to give private readings until now. On Mav 1st and 2nd I will be in Indianapolis, Indiana, and located at the HOTEL FERGUSON, 1102 North Capitol Avenue, phone number ME. 4-3979. On May 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, I will be in Detroit, Michigan, at the GOTHAM HOTEL, phone number TEmple 1-0600. To all my followers in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the surrounding tow r ns you may call me at ME. 4-3979 for your private appointments, or to make appointments in advance call me at DOrchester 3-7377, Chicago, Illinois. To all my followers in Detroit, Michigan, and the surrounding towns you may call me at TEmple 1-0600, for your private appointments, or to make your appointments in advance call me at DOrchester 3-7377, Chicago, Illinois. Accompanying me will be the great MADAM BUBNAS, another great spiritualist adviser, as my assistant. I will not be abie to visit the churches in these two cities because I will be giving private appointments only. I will help you in such matters as happiness, health and success, which will include your lucky blessings. I am praying for you all and will see you there. Additional cities for private appointments will be made later, so please watch your newspapers. HOURS: 10:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M.


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