Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 9 April 1955

Contributed by IUPUI University Library, by permission of The Indianapolis Recorder



Page 15



In Memoriam

Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks

GORDON—I am very grateful and appreciate the kindness shown to me during the illness and at the passing of my dear husband, CLIFTON E. GORDON. I wish to especially thank Dr. L. A. Lewis, Rev. J. I. Dixon, Rev. Elnora Reed and Rev. H. T. Toliver, for their consoling words, those who donated their cars and the Craig Funeral Home for their wonderful service. Mrs. Beatrice Gordon. Wife. Lottie M. Gordon, Sister.

THOMAS E. J. KING KING—In memory of Thomas E. J. King, founder of King & King Funeral Home, who passed away April 11, 1951. No, not cold beneath the grasses. Not close walled within the tomb. Rather in Our Father’s mansion, Living in another room. Shall we doubt Our Father’s mercy? Shall we think of death as doom. Or the stepping on the threshold. To a bigger better room. Shall we. blame Our Father’s wis-


Shall we sit engulfed in gloom? When we know our love is happy. Waiting in another room? Fondly remembered by Wife. Mrs. Nettie Scott King and Paul R. Scott and Family. J


BETTY PEAR1. STEPHENS STEPHENS — Our sincere thanks to the kind friends, neighbors and relatives for expressions of sympathy, beautiful flowers and other courtesies extended at the

HOLMAN — In remembrance of of our father. CHAT A. HOLMAN, who departed this life six years April 3, 1949. Sleep, dear Pop. sleep and rest. Because vie know God loved you best But forever there will be Precious, precious memories. Sadly missed by Ida Grant. Marjorie Shorts, Mildred Byrd, daughters, Grandsons and Granddaughters.

EDSON — In loving memory of LOYAL C. EDSON, who passed

away March 31. 1949.

March brings sad memories

Of one gone to rest.

You will never be forgotten By the ones who loved you best.

Emma Fields, Friend, » and Family.

Miss Martha Goodloe Services for Miss Martha Goodj loe. 65, registered nurse who died ; April 4 in her home, 909 N. Sheffield, were conducted by the Peoples Funeral Home at Caldwell AMEZ Church April 7 with bur-

ial in Floral Park.

A native of Columbia. Term., she lived here since 1927. She was a stewardess of Caldw'ell Church and a member of the Haughville branch of American War Mothers. She received her nurse training

at Tuskegee Institute.

She is survived by a son, AugiKus Cummins: a sister, Mrs. Emma Porter; four brothers, Theodore and Charles Goodloe of In-


* j Dayton, Ohio and Adoply Goodloe,

pecially grateful to the ministers: ^ cnn > an( ^ i0U1 S' a nd-

Rev. C. H. Bell, for the wonderful ‘ L ’

eulogy. Rev. II. T. Green, for his . . ^ Tj, comforting remarks, the Mt. Paran i LCWIS wOnilCMy

Baptist Church, Kingdom Build-; .

ers Club. Company A club. Sisters ^ , Services | or ^evus Connelly, 23, of Help. Mrs. Blossom Jones for I 617 .* 1 -, 20th ; who died in General the solo. Mrs. Bessie Mae Ford,! h^'P 1 ^ April 1. were held at the the Church of the Living God. I ^ ,n ?. A. funeral Home April The West Parkview Baptist Church. 0 \' 11 ^ burial in Florad Park, its choir and Missionary Society | A native of Indianapolis, he was and all who assisted in any way | as truck driver for the for their kind services rendered company, during our recent bereavement. aiV . Us [bother. Mis. Artie Stephens, Husband j ^ ‘ola Hopkins; stcpialher. Richard Charles Calhoun. Son. I a , Kt ‘ a M Ethel Williams, Daughter. ^ Ile, , Jry - ! Afurv Tnvlnr Hne.i T ntt i ^ altCl . Shil 1C\ and I'Cllic C Oil-j


Se? and sXr. MRS^B^TY'i



BOOTH SPACE lor rent. Percentage if desired. Mignon's Beauty Salon, 2457 Northwestern Aye. WA. 3-0229.

FOR RENT — Apartment unfurnished, heat and light furnished. Inquire 518 Indiana Ave.

FOR RENT — Furnished room, couple or single, cooking privileges. TA. 7546.

FOR RENT—Furnished room, hot water at all times; for men only. ME. 5-7936.

FOR RENT — Unfurnished room, 222 W. 20th street, single lady, privileges. HI. 9073. FOR RENT — Three unfurnished rooms, share bath and kitchen; no objections to children. ME. 4-3033.

FOR SALE—9-room house; 4 bedrooms. oil heat, front and back yard: lot 47x135; brick porch. WA. 3-6600, 4/9/3t.

FOR RENT—Furnished room, with privileges. HI. 3462. FOR SALE — Dining room suite, good condition. HI. 7325. WANTED — Couple to take full charge of kitchen. For interview', 1702 English Avenue, Arthur L. Skidmore; ME. 2-5013. Laundry Workers Press operators and shirt deartment experience. Good paying ay and night jobs, air cond. plant. 4o phone calls please. Mechanics .aundry, 333 N. Noble.

STUART Headstones Grave Markers 814 N. WEST ST. ME. 5-7294


Rooster Monument Company, Inc 2058 N. Meridian Straat WA. 3-4583 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA

CRAIG FUNERAL HOME "Personalized Service"


ME. 4-4843

The Indianapolis Recorder, Apr. 9,1955—15

^7/xe Slyn of. Service

Mary Taylor. Rosa Lett Ada Durham, Sallie Kaiser and Josephine Garrett,


ME. 5-2140. .Nite ME. 8-6066 N. F. SHELTON INSURANCE AGENCY —See Me For— Auto—Fire—Hospitalization Sick & Acct. Insurance 152' _• E. Court St. Rm. 302


Courteous — Efficient — Distinctive Religious Service GEORGE M. MILLER MORTUARY 1139 N. WEST ST. NOTARY PUBLIC ME. 4-6780



Mrs. Pcuime Wright i Sen ices for Mrs. Pauline Wright. I

D ma'w EY f7ii V nd."’ iS SeSBh!, h or" k 2X1 March 24 in the home relatives for the many acts of kind- i ?* h 3. Maggie Talness. shown in the passing of our 1 <n M ... V 1 ?. L ' ( dear husband and father. M. I ^ t > Apr,l i w,th DOWNEY We esoeciallv slnnk n ‘ na in ^Pbcn Giove there, those for* cards telegrams beau Born in Spartanburg, she lived tiful flowed Rpv I .R n^vic' h<?re ei « hl monlh s and was a memt,fUl !*r oi the Thompson Street Bap-

list Church m Spartanburg.

Surviving besides the daughter are a son. Staff Sgt. Willie Wright, serving in Japan and a brother. Ed

Mitchell, Tryon. N. C.

The Jacobs Brothers Funeral

New Bethel Baptist Church, Rev. J. G. Hutson. Rev. F. K. Dillard and Rev. C. H. Bell and the King

and King Funeral Home.

The Family.


Hrs. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 1115 W. 29TH ST.

HESTON—We wish to extend our , , ,

heartfelt thanks and appreciation I/ 01 '! 0 KK tna, T e °* arrangements

for the acts of kindness, messages IU1C

of sympathy and beautiful floral ... — ,r

offerings received from our kind MlSS L. Pendleton friends and neighbors at the pass-i c . .. , „ ,, I ing of our dear brother. CHARLES , ^ ei ',V f Y S LT ,^ 1ss E1!en Eondl P' ! B. HESTON. We especially thank “ 4 , G Sheldon who died m | the Athletic Club employes, the ^ at 11C 1 a A e V 1 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por- « a ,Y 1 Ul1 l c c * t,K>

that the wound is ters. Persian Temple No. 46. Mrs. , U \* King Funeral Home April

Marie Cooper and Mrs. Elizabeth 2 ^ nh , k' ^ h Howard, for their solos, Rev. R- ! n,!^ h , C -o Pbt b g> Ky ’ she H. Caddie, Rev. S. E. Parker and ( h \ d ■ )() 1 ,^ arS ; c j

HIGHBAUGH—In loving memory of my daughter. NORMA JEAN HIGHBAUGH, who passed away

March 2. 1943. It may appear


But no one knows the sorrow That lies in my heart concealed.


PROPERTY OWNERS If you have a vacant unfurnishe4 house, half-double, duplex or apartment; wc have very desirable tenants w T ho will pay up to $60.00 per month. Phone Mr. Byrnes, ME. 5-2331. There is no charge to you for this service. '•

Moore Mortuary TERRY MEMORIAL CHAPEL 9th at 10th St. ME. 4-5880 Daugherty (Dan) Moore - Funeral Director

BURKE — In loving memory of

our father. JOHN E. BURKE. who passed away April 1, 1954.

You're not forgotten, father dear. Nor ever shall you be; ; As long as life and memory last

We shall remember thee. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Simms.


Rev. B. T. Almon for their con-| an '] a^^iephew'^urlive' soling remarks and the Patton ‘ u 1 L-

Funeral Home for efficient serv-

Mrs. Eulala Edelen,

Wade Heston,

Robert C. Heston.

Mrs. Annie Morgan



The Jacobs Brothers Funeral Home conducted services for Mrs. Annie Morgan. 73. April 1 at Ml

The family of CAR- Zion Baptist Church of which she

to ex- was a member, with burial in

CANTRELL—In loving memory of i press fb^ir sincere thanks to the floral Park. our dear wife and mother, • friends and neighbors for She died in her home, Sol W.

SYREENA CANTRELL, who departed this life April 5, 1950. In our heart your memory lingers. Always tender, fond and true; There’s not a day. dear mother, We do not think of you. Sadly missed by Cliff Cantrell, Husband and Children.

the many courtesies and warm 13th. March 29. Born in Frankfort, sympathies, lovely flowers, tele- Ky.. she lived here 50 years, grams and cards received in the Surviving are her husband. Gardloss of our loved one. She was a ner Morgan; a brother, Ben Tur-w-ife, mother and sister. We shall ner, Frankfort; a sister, Mrs. Mary always remember the Jacobs Bros. Gibson, Dayton. Ohio; and a grandFuneral Home for their outstand-! son, Thomas Farmer, and a granding service. daughter. Mrs. Clara Good, bo’ll

The Family. ; of Indianapolis.

Edward Woodson Services for Edward L. Woodson, 62, who died in his home, 606 W. 24th, March 28. were held at the Jacotis Brothers Funeral Home April 1 with burial in New Crown. Born in Versailles. Ky., he lived here 38 years and was a janitor at the Marion County Courthouse. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Woodson; two daughters. Mrs. Sadie Burnett ancUMiss Mattie Woodson, both of Inllianapolis; a sister, Mrs. Sadie Harris, Lexington, Ky. and three grandchildren.

For good printing “In a nurry,” i phone The Indianapolis Recorder j Printing Co., ME. 4-1545. You will be pleased and proud of th» work.

NICHOLAS—We wish to thank our many friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindnesses shown | during the illness and at the passing of our son, husband and brother, SHERRELL NICHOLAS. We especially thank Revs. J. A. Dames, J. C. Mills, H. A. Perry arift-H. W. Lewis, for their comforting remarks, the soloist. Mrs. Elsie Garrett, those who sent floral offerings, cards and telegrams, donors of their cars, and the Kirk Funeral Home. To each and everyone w r ho assisted us in any way during our bereavement, we will ever be thankful. Rena Nicholas, Mother, Beulah Nicholas, Wife. Harry, Lowell and Rene Nicholas. Brothers, j Virginia Maddox. Sister.

IF NATURE SLEEPS r.'ikr- Ft." If you lark Pei>. l.nertzy. Vitality ami don't have natural desires for fun and good times, if you suffer from aches and pains, coated tonyue or bad skin, this mav be due to faulty elimination. HKlJ> NATrill; by taking O. S. K., an Herb ami Vettctalile tablet, as directed and love life a vain. Hay postman $1.50 f f, r a lav I’.us of 1 !S Tablets; or mail only U."U NOW and SAYK. f,Oe. WRITE TODAY STANDARD REMEDY COMPANY Dept. RD Baltimore 2, Maryland

KIRK Fueral Home 3 0 2 3 NORTHWESTERN AVE. WA. 3-2971


"HONESTY — EFFICIENCY — COURTESY" We Specialize in Plastic Surgery MILDRED KIRK, Licensed Embalmer and Director

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Announce New Way to Relieve Pain of Arthritis and Rheumatism

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Greaseless, odorless cream penetrates deep—speeds up flow of fresh, rich blood into sore areas—actually helps drive away paincausing congestion and pressure.

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Now for the first time this remarkable cream can be obtained without a prescription at drug stores throughout America-un-der the name InfraRUB®. The price of InfraRUB is only for a large tube. InfraRUB is backed by the amazing guarantee that sufferers from the pains of arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia or muscle injuries or sprains will get hours and hours of comforting relief or their money will be refunded in full. ^


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New York,*N. Y. (Special) — Science has now’ developed an odorless, greaseless cream that acts in a new way to bring a new kind of relief from pains of arthritis, rheumatism, and muscular aches and pains. This new cream relieves these pains without the need of taking pills and other internal medicines that may only

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Gently rubbed into painful areas, this cream penetrates so deep and completely that it actually vanishes. Quickly a comforting feeling of warmth develops and the whole painful area takes on a pleasing glow. This is striking evidence of the power of this cream to penetrate quickly and stimulate the circulation of the blood. This glow illustrates how it speeds up the flow of fresh, rich blood into the sore areas and actually helps drive away the paincausing congestion and pressure.


A Funeral Home where beauty and quiet charm combine to lend solace and comfort in time of sorrow. Service of Memorable beauty in a Wide Range of Prices.


ME. 4-8097

Jacobs Bros. Funeral Home ME. 4-6280 — 1239 North West Street WA. 3-1991 — 2401 Martindale Avenue Ambulance Service —- Notary Public Plummer D. Jacobs, Mgr. Solomon Wynn, Embalmer

Empire Life and Acddent Insurance Co. HOME OFFICE: EMPIRE LIFE BLDG., INDIANAPOLIS, IND We Issue nil forms of Ordinary Life, Industrial Life. Standard Commercial, and Weekly Health and Accident Policies. We ha»*e policies to meet the needs of every member ' of the family for just a few cents a week. MILLIONS PAID TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES JAMES M. DRAKE, President

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Mg, BERGAMOT IS BEST Keeps hair lovelier longer 50c fi u> ,ax

If tout druggitt cannot tupply you, wrtto dlroct toi KONGO CHEMICAL CO. INC 204 WEST 124th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Klim 11 i

kihg & Kinc . FUNERAL HOME® 1503 COLUMBIA AVE. / DIAL ME 8-2334 Paul R. Stall Mettle Scott Kin?

ways: A Memorable Service at the Price of Your Own Selection. Our Your Complete Satisfaction WILLIS MORTUARY Paul H. Haizlip, Owner

632 N. WEST ST.

Mf. 4-5100


Stuart's every service is conducted with the full appreciation that it is a sacred tribute to someone's memory.



ME. 4-1968 812 N. WEST ST.






Hours: 12-3, 8-9 P. M. 2631 N Capitol Ave. TA. 9374

and By Appointment



Physician & Surgeon Suite 305, Walker Bldg. ME. 4-4171 Res., TA. 3409 Res., 2930 Boulevard Place

ME. 4-4107 FRANK R. BECKWITH Attorney-at-Law Specialist In Workmen’s Compensation 229V.! Indiana Ave.

WA. 3-1444 CHARLES QUINCY MATTOCKS Counsellor-at-Law 427 W. 30th St. Indianapolis 8

Hours: 2-5, 8-10 P. M., Daily Sunday by Appt., 7-9 P. M. DR. L. A. LEWIS ME. 4-2674 Res., WA. 3-2617 Suite 203-4-5 Walker Bldf.

ME. 4-6232 Res.: HU. 3323 Hours* 1-5, 6-8 P. M„ Daily

Except Wednesday


Physician & Surgeon 309 Walker Building


ME. 4-1993 Daily 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Office Hours Sunday, 2 to 5 P. M. DR. JAMES H. FOSTER D. S. T. Menta", Nervous and Chronic Diseases Suite 1 and 2 359Vj Indiana Ave. Indianapolis

REGINALD A. BRUCE, M.D. 820 W. Michigan Street Office Hours By Appointment 10-12, 2-4, 6-8 Wed. and Sat., 10-12 Sundays and Holidays By Appointment ME Irose 4-4515 — V—

CAROLYN LUCAS DICKSON, M. D. Office, ME. 4-6746 Office Hours 9:30 to 12 A. M.; 2 to 4:30 P. M. and 6 to 9 P. M. 501 N. West St. Indianapolis 17 a ci Hxs rings* 2641E. Riverside Dr. WA. 3-6275




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