Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 5 December 1953
Page 4
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4—The Indianapolis Recorder, Dec. 5, 1953
Social Sc
While most of you were busily dashing about to the many fabulous dances and cocktail parties over tnis mad weekena, one liCH was more quietly busy at an unusually wide variety
of things.
Before telling you about them, deepest sympathy to Mrs. Annetta Lawson, whose husband, J. Robert Lawson, was interred at Crown Hill cemetery Saturday morning following a Requiem Mass at St. Philip’s, . . .... with Rev. Oscar E. Holder as family home in Louisville on Thui scelebrant. Fr. Holder, former vi- aa y- Eigiit-year-old Tom, incicar at St. Philip’s, is now chap- oenCally, speaks French quite lain at West Virginia State Col- fluency—she may give inspiration lege and vicar of St. James Epis- to the youngsters at ^chool tf7 who copal Church, Charleston, W. Va. are studying French while still Other than being somewhat sad- ll ^ elementary school. s a dened at the news of Bob Law- picture oi ihe cl.dss on these son s dea h on Thanksgiving Day, pages this week. I spent the day rather peacefully . t A so _ ,n f or Thanksgiving was as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miss Dorothy Taylor who was Waugh and family, thinking how home with her parents Mr and lucky people are who have family M ,s - George E. Taylor, Sr. Doroand trends they can gather hy is m her first year as a around them during the winter teacher in tne Gary school sysholidays. lfm - The traditional turkey was, of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hanley course, served, and Louise used a tne Thanksgiving weekend rich blue damask cloth which made ^ Milwaukee, while Mr. and Mrs. a perfect background for the Thompson and son, Lester china, crvstal and dirylite service. Walker Thompson, visited relaThe food, il va sans dire, was su- fives in Owensboro Ky„ seeing p er kt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie ‘. , „ „ , ,. Howard; Mr. Thompison’s mother, Seated as g ue!? ts around the big Mrs Hattie Thompson, and sister, able were her brother and sis- M1 Fran xh ^ mpson , an in . ler-m-law Mr. and John , l<Jr a Tenncss( £ A . and , Green, and Messrs, and Mesdames , ..j e Amos Thompson and Everett I. g p e a it i n g of Thanksgivingha 1. while occupying the smal ^ 0 , lic J Ilddleto „ ^ in s a fry s able along with the Waughs , f f j d having heard owm little ones. Judy. Dixie Lou has b ^ n ac . and Benja. were Marie Hall Mich- |cd as ' member of thc lndian . acl Dabner and Albert and Joan ap £ 1|s Medica , Assislants Associa- , tion. The group is planning a Coming by later were Mr. and Christmas party Tuesday at the Mrs. David Clark, and an enjoy- \ n i rrs Hotel she tells me able evening of cards, marred only ‘ Members of the Book Lovers by the fact that the vicious Halls. c i u ];) enjoyed a review of “The playing opposite Wallace and me. Silver Chalice” by Thomas B. insisted upon ber.?:ng us rather Costain, given by Mrs. Russell A. pitilessly, got off to a start with Lane at the last meeting, held in champagne cocktails. . . Dear the honse o£ Mrs j Wesley Hall. "L^ncle John.” by the way. did Feature of the evening was the NOT find an innocent one in me p rcstnt ation by Mrs. Henry L. lor his special “atomic bomb Hummons of highlights of her vacocktails this year. . . cation trip in the East this fall. I got in quite a lot of bridge including a tour of the United over the weekend — On Friday Nations Building and the Shafer night enjoyed n brief session at Award dinned honoring Dr. and »he Leland Baileys. Mrs. Kenneth Clark, noted New —_, _ . , . . A , , , iork City psychiatrists. Then on Saturday night helped Mrs John R NorreI j s presimake a foursome at Mrs. Dona delU ot ^ clu5< and Mrs Liorie] Goodwins, along with Mesdames Artis is secretary. V\ illie Mae Johnson and Rose H. Gaillard Unit 107. American Thompson. Perhaps the idea ot Legion Auxiliary, will hold its eating some ot Mrs. Goodwins , e g U j ar monthly meeting Friday lamou® food inspired me at any tne pC)St nonie and heai- final relate. the bad luck took a sudden p or£s on ‘hg Armistice Day Tea. ibeinge for the better. given by Mrs. Ann Kennerly, wno By the way, I was extremely %vas general chairman. Mrs. EmForry to have missed the card or y James is chairman of hostess/arty of the local Zeta Phi Betas cs M rs - Eric ^uter is president at the FAC Home on Friday night, P 1 unit - anc ^ Mrs. Mauae Gailhaving to play for the recital of 15 secretary Mrs. Maxine McIntosh Fergu- flle Women Sponsors ot The son (she sang quite beautifully, Recorder Cheer * und will hold incidentally), but the reports in- * heir regular monthly meeting ciicate it was a brilliant success. •Saturday afternoon at Sam s SubMr. and Mrs. George L. Hayes way, a meeting I hope to be aule had a very big Thanksgiving. Two 10 attend. You know, in some cf their sons and their families ways, the Women Sponsors group were here. Mr. and Mrs. George ltiea . for the past E. Hayes and daughter. Mignon, year I have been unable to atDetroit, came Wednesday night, lend sessions, vitahy pressuig and Dr. Raymond F. Hayes and things generally coming at the ■son, Raymond. Jr., and daughter, same time. My fingers are securely Ila Beatrice. Washington, D. C., tressed about Saturday-, came Friday after having spent The Delphinium Garden club Thursday in Cincinnati with Mrs. meet with Mrs. Guy L. Grant Hayes’ relatives. to discuss plans for the club Christmas party. Mrs David C. They celebrated the holiday with Reynolds is president, a big turkey dinrer on Saturday. Members of the Alpha Home with all the family present. Also Association will enjoy their Christguests were Mr. and Mrs Charles mas party next Thursday evening E. Harry and Miss Mildred Sirls. at the Alpha Home, having a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Dodson pitch-in covered dish supper and had her brother and sister-in-law. exchanging gifts. Mrs. Grace BryMr. and Mrs. Charles L. Clark and an is general chairman of the daughter, Toni, from Chicago and affair, and hostesses will be MesSouth Haven, for their weekend dames Rhea Baxter, Maude Gailguests. They had been to the lard and Virginia Fleming and
Miss Frances Stout.
Zeta Phi chapter of Omega Psi Phi fraternity is issuing this week bids to its annual formal dance, to be held this year on December 11 at the Walker Casino. Among the more interesting items in the mail this week, was an invitation from Dr. and. Mrs. Emmett I. Brown, Sr., to the marriage of their daugh'.er, Doris Maxire, to Leon Bradford, to take place December 27 at Second
Christian Church.
THEY'RE SPEAKING FRENCH: Learning to soeak French in an experimental program of foreign language at the elementary school hvel are Judy Marbury, Phyllis Hyatt, Donald Clark, Janet Owens, Gail Malone, Priscilla Brown, Henry Richardson, Patricia Myers, Lynn Ridley and Sharon Betty, students at School No. 87, with their teacher, Mrs. Pauline Mortan-Finney. School No. 87 is one of th? city's 17 elementary schools offering conversational French. Following the success of expericents with foreign language teaching at the early level in Cleveland, Washington, D. C, and Los Angeles, Indianapolis adopted the plan three years ago. Mrs. Vivian Mary is principal of the school.
X'l/onten 3 ^jtederaled
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Martha Duewson Entertains Friends At El-Amigo Celebrating Birthday
Fi iends of Mrs. Martha Duewson, popularly known as “Deany,” were highly entertained when she celebrated her birthday on Monday night, November 23, at the El-Amigo Club Home. Table appointments carried out the Thanksgiving motif, with miniature turkeys as centerpieces and individual cups of goodies. A delectable repast of turkey, ham
and potato salad was served.
Mrs. Duewson was attractively navy blue and black suits, gow red in green taffeta over white Dancing was enjoyed, as well
crinoline, fashioned in ruffled
as an assortment of beverages
petticoat style and her aecis- f rom p le c i u b’ s par. dispensed by
oiies were rhinestones and in ca p ;: ble bartenders
white. The proprietors of LaVogue Lieauty SMon, where she is an
Mrs. Duewson’s guest list in-
perator. were special guests, along e luded Messrs, and Mesdames Milwi’h Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, lady ton Smith, James Smith and M. barber. Davis Ward Moore. Delores Mrs. Kathryn “Kittv” Cross was Moore. Sylvia Covington. Lawattired in a gown featuring a rence Mayfield. Myria Lowery. Mack velvet bodice with crimson Janu* Johnson. Vera Wickliff, Laruffled crinoline skirt. Her suede 'vra Smith. Aurelia Booker. Lil-
‘ - Uppers and accessories were in black. Mrs. Hannah Smith wore black jcrepe with rhinestone accentua- ! , ions. Mrs. Marjorie Lacey was ■ charming in baby blue net with a : i matching stole, and Mrs. N. Tuck- I er wore peach n-t with gold and j rhinestone accentuations. The other ladies were gowned in j j various hues of evening apparel ! enhanced with the sharpness of | {-'he men’s informal apparel of IVY LEAF CLUB ! LI.CTS OFFICERS The Ivy Leaf club, interest j ; group of Kappa chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, elected officers for 1954. They include ihe Misses Mae Haynes, president; Shirley Pickett; Doris Peppers, recording secretary: Delores Haynes, corresponding secretary; Rowcna Toler, treasurer, and Lola Torian. reporter.
Han Bacon. Maid ha Sloan. Mary
Lee Roane. James Lambert. Clara Bennett, L. D. Jones, Velvet Dwyer, Johnny White, Nathan Dibrill, Carlene Hawkins, Audrey Alexander, lot ha Jones, Mrs. Milan Johnson and Pete Green. Also guests were Blanche Tucker. Cora Dorsey, Mary Carter, Hattie Winchester, Clinton Tucker. Beulah Phillips, Melvin Smith, Janie Gant, Carrie Fields. Juanita Ross. Melvin Young, Jean Winslow, Nannie Gore. Dorothy Collier. I.evie Harris, William Torrence, Rupert Johnson. Pauline Fletcher. Petty Taylor, Leroy Fykes, Robbie Adams, William Sansbury. Samuel Seagraves. Louise Davis, Annette Williams. Beatrice Sloan, Georgia Walker. Marvin King. Louise Rouse, Milton Jones. Clarence Gaddie and M. Thomas Ervin, who took pictures of the group.
By JULIA JEFFERSON All clubs are asked to get their news in on time to Mrs. Julia Jefferson, 2120 Boulevard place. The Council has requested that each club cooperate in order to nave a full column each week. With Christmas near, news should he bubbling with Yuletide activities. * * * The Woman’s Council will meet Monday at the state club home at 3:30. Mrs. Estella Walker is eporter. * * * The Lcnd-Ai-IIand club will meet Monday with Mrs. Kennie Gaddy, 2947 Indianapolis avenue. Mrs. Edith Banks is reporter. * % The American Beauty club met Nov. 20 with Mrs. Lucille Dean and enjoyed a Thanksgiving program conduced by Mrs. Emma Harding. Mrs. Florence Finley 946 West Vermont street, was hostess Friday. Mrs. Lottie Stith is president. v -k -k The Friends club will hold homecoming Sunday at the state club home, presenting the United Joyful Singers in a full program from 4 to 7. Mrs. Ruth Browder is president. 4 * 4 The Household Arts club met 'vjfh Mrs. Sally Calvert. 2520 Columbia avenue. Mrs. Mamie Conwell w'as welcomed as a new member. Mrs. Hazel VanSickle is reporter. * 4 4 The Colonial Matrons Charity and Literarv club met Friday night with Mrs. Vena Bradley, 323 West 19th street. All members on the rick list were reported improved. Mrs. Veannie Dobbins is president. * 4 * The Altruistic club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Alicia Hughes. 14.39 Massachusetts avenue. with Mrs. Mattie Smith as hostess. Mrs. Drucilla Mae White represents the club at council meetings. Mrs. Clara Johnson is president. 4 4 4 The Elizabeth Carter Council met Tuesday afternoon. with members of the Altruistic club as hostesses. About 400 articles were presented at the previous meeting, a Thanksgiving showmr for Alpha Home. A youth program | and dinner for ministers and their I wives will conclude the council’s ! activities for the year. 4 4 4 Mrs: Edna Isom of Washington, j ‘tale prosider 4 . was guest when ! the trustee board of the federa- | tion met Tuesday evening in the I club home.
729-31 Blake St. LI. 9081
Sc & 10c STORE
t KEF TO ANY MAN OR WOM\Y Worried about Money? Love? Health? Work? Family? No matter where you are or what vour personal problem may be “The Word and the Power” may quickly help vou. Send today for FREE sealed information. Send to—SECRETARY, P. O. Box 6839-IR Kansas City 4. Missouri.
Also interesting was a card from Mrs. Mary P. McGuire, postmarked .uflalo, N. Y. so the logical assumption is that she is visiting there. She says folks there enjoyed reading the Thanksgiving prayer printed last week, to w'hich I subtly reply, “There are many such meaningful prayers in the ‘Book of Common Prayer,’ which s read from each Sunday in every Episcopal Church in the world.” And with that sly bit of preselytizing,. I bid adieu.
HANDMADE HUMAN HAIR ATTACHMENTS Al Reasonable Prices We Specialize in Wigs We Match All Shades of Hair—Expert Repair Years of Experience For Private Fittings Call WA. 1309 Mrs. Fannie Bowles 418 W. 28th Sk
WINS C O N T E S T: William j Boyd Cimmoms was winner of i the baby contest sponsored recently by the Prosperous Twelve club. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Simmons.
ENJOY THANKSGIVING PARTY: Mrs. Janes Blake, 21 15 Highland place, entertained the faculty and students of the Poro Barber and Beauty College at Thanksgiving party. Games of all kinds were played, and sandwiches and hors d'ouevres were served Enjoying the affair were, standing left to right: the Misses Charlotte Skyles, Dottie Drone, Helen Sweatman and Rowena Dronet and Mrs. Johnson Brown. Seated are Mesdames Johnette Cross, Leonard Elliott, Herschel) Kirk, C. J. Hughes, Eddie Greer, Roscoe Clark and James Blake. Barbers standing are Leon Drake, James Moore, Kenneth Wat-
kins and Leroy Kimble.
North Kenwood avenue, followed by those with Mesdames Gertrude Neal, 1251 Kappes street. Helen Ridley, 617 Hudson street, and the new 7 member. Mrs. Della
Williams, 1909 Cornell avenue.
8-Hour Electric Iron Service
Cords Replaced While You Wait Only Quality Parts Used We Pick Up and Deliver Ask For L. L. CONN LI. 5876 APPLIANCES Conn's TV Sales 723 N. WEST ST.
FOR:— Public Stenographer Tax Forms Affidavits and Other Legal Papers Financial Aid See Or Call IDA L. LYLES 2902 N. Illinois St. HI. 2415 Notary Public Mimeographing
Potted Plants ... Gifts DISTINCTIVE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Atkins Flower and Gift Shop 2049 N. CAPITOL HI 7556 or HI. 7557 Place Your Order Early
MUSIC PROMOTERS TO HEAR ORGANIST Miss Loretta Martin, organist at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church, will be guest artist when the Indianapolis Music Promoters meet Sunday afternoon at 4125 Rookwood aveiuc, wi h Beniamin Dean as host. Also appearing on the Christmas >ropram will be Eunice Hicks, ■oprano; Bettye Hutchinson, organ; Buford M. Hazel, baritone; Mrs. ' rr S. Sanders, organist, and he Misses Alice and Dorothy Drake voice students of Mrs.
The executive board of the club will meet Saturday night with Miss frilie Terry. 2323 North Kenv.ood avenue. Charles T. Amos
Tickets Are Now On Sale In Your Neiahborhood For The Recorder Xmas Benefit Show Sat. Nite Dec. 19—12:15 P. M. At Walker Theater Doors Open at 12 Midnite
Selmar Girls Have Ky. Oyster Supper The Selmar Girls club entertained November 21 with a Kentucky oyster supper at the home oi Mrs. Eva Goodwin, 808 West Walnut street. Members of many ocal clubs and fraternal organi-
zations participated.
First meetings of the season have been at the home of Mesdames Barbara Washington, 1909 Cornell avenue; Beatrice Bridwel!, I&17 l ri2 Columbia avenue; Marian Flournoy. 2405 Carrollton avenue,
and Eva Goodwin.
The next meeting will be with Mrs. Martha Etta Griffin, 2405
ideal rice Jdohfiefd A Your Eastside BEAUTY SHOP Expert Hair Styling Tinting and Scalp Treatments
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Imported Essence Base —An Ideal Gift For Yourself or Your Loved One
Enjoy the luxury of this out-( standing fra--grance. nationally advertised for
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of only
Send check or M. O. today. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lucky Trading Co., Dept. A 214 Amherst Street Brooklyn 35, N. Y.
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RECITALIST: Miss Grace Bumbry, teen-age St. Louis contralto who this year won the scholarship contest sponsored by the National Association of Negro Musicians, will be presented in a recital Sunday afternoon at 4 in Barnes Methodist Church. Considered by many who have heard her as a potential "second Marian Anderson," she is a student of Kenneth Billups and has been chosen as soloist with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra since winning the scholarship contest here last August. She will make her New York debut on February 21, 1954. Her accompanist here will be Miss Bessie Whitted, who won the NANA>A contest in piano this year.
L ha
Itincj with the By ELSA JACKSON
The Starling W. James Auditorium and the Aron Room -vere filled to the rafters Friday, when the local chapter of Zeta Phi Beta sorority, one of the largest of the FAC affiliates, held its card party. The entire building was used by the group. Many beautiful prizes were on hand for the
All member groups of the FAC have been asked to
send two representatives to the
December FAC meeting, prepared trustee board, is in charge. to vote for candidates for office =-=4 4 for the coining year. Many have Mrs. Veannie Dobbins, presi-
promised to send representatives dent of the Colonial Matrons ■
Charity and Literary club, is re- ' covering from a very serious illness. Mrs. Marion Gilliam is also on the sick list, and Mrs. Sarah Harris is able to be out after recovering from injuries received
in an accident.
The club will close its baby contest in the home of the Indiana
Ytterbury each Wednesday night, ^ration of Colored Women’s \ii -Ooj;.,. Clubs on December 11.
4 4 4
to each monthly meeting.
Mr. Carrie Brims of the Progresrive Twelve club was the first io sign up for a table for the 1954
\11-FAC Tea.
4 4 4
Mrs. Edith Slaughter is chaperoning the FAC Hostesses to Camp
\11 affairs at the camp are now ntegrated. The hostesses will meet Monday to elect officers.
On the sick list are Mrs. Bea-
The Poro club ccnmiittee- will meet in the Poro College at 5 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Louella
rice Stewart. 145 Wert Fair Creek Har P'T president of t h e club, Boulevard, South Drive: Moses sa - v * ,h , e fating is extremely tmAdams at the Veterans Hospital f® rtant - anQ al ' committee memmd Dudley Herrington. bers a,e ex P e , cte , d , to 1)6 Present.
4 4 4 p
Mrs. Nora Hector reports the Newly elected officers of the ways and means committee’s card Twelve-Mo club were installed at party will be held Saturday, De- thc last meeting by Edward L. cember 12. Patterson. organizer. Cornelius
>44 Durante expressed deep apprecia-
The meiiibershin drive commit- ,icr to the club ambers for the , lovely wedding gifts he and his
wife received from the club.
4 4 4
ee reports a fifteen percent gain in memberships brought in during the 1953 membership drive. Solicitations will continue, as the
The 21st annual Thanksgiving
more members are registered, the im’mal dance of the Gay Cabal-
better the FAC can put over its program.
4 4 4
Mrs. Bessie James, chairman' of he FAC Tour is* s, says there has been an amazing response from he group with donations toward he purchase of a sound motionricture outfit for the club home. ^he has also announced that over their names in order to receive fifty members ha\ 7 e registered .11 information about future tours.
jssz. Ei - teth
vnight is chairman, has set De-, cember 20 as the date to take an interesting program, refreshments
and gifts to Alpha Home.
Simpson Methodist Church is when the Union Retreat of Methoexpected to be crowded Sunday dist Men convene there. George ffansaw, district president and a veil-known member of the FAC
loros yy as more colorful than any previous dance given by the group. Although the club members were maddened by the serious illness of the mother of Alvia Coleman, everyone had a glorious time. The
men were perfect hosts.
Mr. Coleman’s mother died on Thanksgiving Day. Sincere sympathy has been expressed by his club members and officers and
members oi the FAC.
4*4 4
The Golden Circle Girls will meet next Wednesday with Mrs.
nix is president.
It's not a bit too early to start planning your homebaked Holiday goodies. And, the first thing to do is buy a big can of wonderful CALUMET BAKING POWDER. Then you can be sure that everything you bake will be lusciously light. . . — real delights. Because Calumet Baking Powder is that dependable doubleacting baking powder that protects your precious fresh ingredients against baking failure. Calumet is truly America's Quality Baking Powder . . . just the best baking powder you can buy. Calumet gives you baking-security for high, light, fine-textured treats. And you get this fine assurance for only a fraction of a cent a recipe. That's real proof you just can't afford to get along without the best money can buy—reliable Calumet Baking Powder. For, when you start right with the best money can buy—that's Calumet—you finish light with the best you can bake. So try Calumet today and you'll agree with me— Calumet is the best! ^ _ Y\ One sure way of getting your skin to look shades lighter, smoother and softer, is to use Black & White Bleaching Cream. Now 3 times stronger than ever before, with a direct bleaching action that goes right into the layer in your skin where skin color is regulated. Black & White Bleaching Cream's amazing action—a result ®f regular dressing tefble use as directed—will help you have shades lighter, smoother, softer skin, beginning in just 7 days. Modern science knows no faster method of lightening skin. And it costs so little too . . . why not try a jar of triple strength Black and White Bleaching Cream today. You'll be thrilled with the results.