Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 4 July 1953

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1^—The hidiaiiapolis Recorder, July 4,1953

Legal Notices

Hassell J. Dean, Atty. COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE State ol Indiana, Marion County,

In the Circuit Court of Marion County, In the State of Indiana. William H. Beasley, Plaintiff, vs. Delcie Beasley, Defendant.

No. 71138.

BE IT RNbWN, That on the 22nd day of June, 1953, the above named plaintiff, by his attorneys, died in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marion County, in the State of Indiana, a comprint against the above named defendant Delcie Beasley and the said plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk’s office the affidavit of a competent person, showing that the residence of the defendant, upon diligent inquiry, is unknown, and the defendant Delcie Beasley is not a resident of the State of In-

diana. and that said cause of action A r ^ uckl f ” ot a res *, de P/ . of is for divorce and that the defend-1 State of Indiana, and that said ant is a necessary party thereto ^ u . se . . of , ac } 10 ^ 1S . f< ? r dlv ° r Sf a " d and whereas said plaintiff having by l hat the defendant, Lena Arbuckle

Frank R. Beckwith, Atty. COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE State of Indiana, Marion County,


In the Superior Court of Mar^ ion County, In the State of In-


William Arbuckle, Plaintiff vs. Lena Arbuckle, Defendant. No. B-28805. BE IT KNOWN, That on the 16th day of June, 1953, the above named plaintiff, by his attorneys, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Marion County, in the State of Indiana, his complaint against the above named defendant Lena Arbuckle and the said plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk’s office the affidavit of a competent person, showing that the residence of the defendant, upon diligent inquiry, is unknown, and the defendant, Lena

STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE KANSAS CITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Kansas City, Missouri 112 East Tenth Street On the 31st day of December, 1952 Edward J. Eisenman, President Geonere R. Baldrldjre. Secretary Amount of Capital paid up $ 1,000,000.00

48.392.98 98.972.23 60,315.92 252,572.62

ASSETS OF COMPANY Bonds (Schedule D) $ 1,430,589.55 Stocks (Schedule D) 299,800.00 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Schedule B) Real Estate owned Collateral loans (Schedule C) Cash and Bank Deposits Agents’ balance or uncollected premiums Other assets 846,457.93 Total Assets $ 3,037,101.23 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reserve for Losses $ 377,241.77 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses-^ Reserve for Unearned Premiums 444,654.27 Reserve for Taxes 395,000.00 All other Liabilities 23,110.07 Total Liabilities $ 1,240,006.11 Special Surplus Funds,.? Capital Paid up or Statutory Deposit 1,000,000.00 Unassigned Funds (Surplus) 797,095.12 .Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,797,095.12 Total $ 3,037,101.23

eudorsement on said complaint re quired said defendant to appear in said Court, and answer or demur thereto on the 14th day of Septem-

ber, 1953.

NOW, THEREFORE, by order of said Court, said defendant last above named is hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against her and that unless she appear and answer or demur thereto at the calling of said cause on the 14th day of September, 1953, the same being the 7th judicial day of a term of said Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the City of Indian-

is a necessary party thereto and whereas said plaintiff having by endorsement on said complaint required said defendant to appear in said Court, and answer or demur thereto on the 8th day of Septem-

ber, 1953.

now; THEREFORE, by order of said Court, said defendant last above named is hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against her and that unless she appear and answer or demur thereto at the calling of said cause on the 8th day of September, 1953, the same being the 2nd judicial day of a term of said

SSsSm - o/ £

the matters and things therein con-

state of Indiana, Office of Insurance OommiBsioner I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is* a correct copy of tlie Statement of the Condition of the above mentioned Company on the 31st day of December. 1952; as shown by the original statement and that the said original statement is now on file

in this office.

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my official seal, this 27th day of May, 1953. (Seal) HARRY E. WELLS. Insurance' Commissioner.

7/4 and 7/18.


Richmond, Virginia 1111 East Main Street

On the 31st Day of December, 1952

Joseph F. Hall, President Wm. H. Baker, Jr., Secretary Amount of Capital paid

STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE LUMBERMAN’S MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY Chicago 40, Illtnois Mutual Insurance Building On the 31st day of December, 1952 James S. Kemper, Chairman H. G. Kemper, President H. L. Kennlcott, Secretary Amount of Capital paid up ——— —,—_ Mutual

ASSETS OF COMPANY Bonds (Schedule D) —..$124,846,354.56 Stocks (Schedule D) ... 6,398,528.81 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Schedule B) — 501,289.60 Real Estate owned 10,425,752.13 Collateral loans (Schedule C) r Cash and Bank Deposits 7,574,533.81 Agents’ balances or uncollected premiums 5,740,848.90 Other assets 711,913.58 Total Assets $156,199,221.39 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Reserve for Losses $ 69,055,748.00 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses 9,591,341.00 Reserve for Unearned Premiums 38,778,692.00 Reserve for Taxes 4,225,055.55 All other Liabilities 14,548,384.84 Total Liabilities $136,199,221.39 Special Surplus Funds 4,000,000.00 Capital Paid up or Statutory Deposit Unasslgned Funds (Surplus) 16,000,000.00 Surplus as regards Policyholders 20,000,000.00 Total $156,199,221.39 State of Indiana, Office of Insurance Commissioner 1, the Undersigned, Insurance Commissioner of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the Statement of the Condition of the above mentioned Company on the 31st day of December. 1952; as shown by the original statement and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In -Testimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my official seal, this 27th day of May, 1953. (Seal) HARRY E. WELLS. Insurance Commissioner. 7/4 and 7/18.

Schools Honor 8-A Students

ft 5




Edward N. Suber, Atty. COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE State of Indiana, Marion County


In the Circuit Court of Marion County, In the State of Indiana. William Samuel Patterson vs.

tained and alleged will be heard and determined in her absence. H. Dale Brown, Clerk.


. $ JMKKMKHUIO j Ade |j a p atte “„“;

dianapolis, on the first Monday in September, 1953, said complaint and the matters and things therein contained and alleged will be heard and determined in her ab-


Bonds (Schedule D).

.—$ 3,531,518.22



H. Dale Brown, Clerk.



In the Probate Court of Marion

County, June Term, 1953.

In the Matter of the Estate of

Vera Ellison, Deceased.

Estate Docket 154, Page 56634. Notice is hereby given that Thelma Beachman as administratrix of the above named estate has presented and filed final account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 29th day of July, 1953. at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause, if

should not be approved. And the j any there be, why said account heirs of said estate are also re- and vouchers should not be ap-

Robert Lee Brokenburr, Atty.


In the Probate Court of Marion County, June Term, 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of William H. Fisher, Deceased. Estate Docket 155, Page 56993. Notice is hereby given that

Amanda Fisher as administratrix of the above named estate has presented and filed final account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 29th day of July, 1953, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers

Stocks (Schedule D)

Mortgage Loans on Real Estate (Schedule B). Real Estate owned Collateral loans (Schedule C) Cash and Bank Deposits Agents’ balances and un-

collected premiums 386,374.68 Other assets \ 94,376.07 Title plants 734,337.55 Total Assets _.$11,785,985.44 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND


Reserve for Losses $ Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses Reserve for Unearned Premiums and other legal reserve. Reserve for Taxes All other Liabilities Premiums, fees and other payments received in

advance 252,154.40 Total Liabilities $ 4.287,166.57

Special Surplus Funds Voluntary policy re-

reserve $ 1.,674,174.54

Capital Paid up or Statu-

tory Deposit 3,000,000.00

Unassigned Funds (Sur-

plus) 2,824,644.33

Surplus as regards Pol-

icyholders —, $ 7,498,818.87 Total $11,785,985.44

5,218,219.14 248,810.26 292,687.00 967,175.55


2,483,403.96 1,298,543.15


Local grade schools held special programs recently for the pupils graduating from the schools and going on to high schools. The Junior high division of Crispus Attacks which graduated the largest class held its program

June 12.

Dr. Russell A. Lane, principal, and Dean Alexander M. Moore made remarks during the program. The 8A band, under the direction of Russell Brown, delivered

a recital.

Dolores Anderson, president of the 8A class, delivered an address, THE ATTUCKS 8A GRADUATES WERE: Robert Cade, Donald Hampton, Josephine Kellar, Joe Reeves, Bertha Mae Reedy, Robert Shane, Ed-


BE IT KNOWN, That on the 8th day of September, 1953, the above named plaintiff, by his attorneys, filed in the office of the

Clerk of the Superior Court of ward White, Charles Davis, Ellen Marion County, in the State of In- Wallace, Ernest Gilcrease, Frank diana, his complaint against the Hampton, Henry Lindsey, Lester above named defendant Adelia-'Pat- Taylor, Wallace Telfair, Dan Watterson and the said plaintiff hav- son, James Jackson, Gene Manng also filed in said Clerk’s office ning, Donald Prather, James Wilhe affidavit of a competent per-]son, Dolores Anderson, Alma Bev-

on, showing that the residence of erly.

he defendant, upon diligent in- Ruth Brown, Adell Cooks, Doroquiry, is unknown, and the defend- thy Elliott, Delores Gardner, Bevant Adelia Patterson is not a resi- e rly Johnson, Bertha Overton, Sandent of the State of Indiana, and dra Ridley, Sarah Samuel, Ger-

that said cause of action is for

of their heirship. H. Dale Brown, Clerk.


Courtesy Always IMPERIAL LIQUOR STORE 2106 Boulevard Place OPEN 8 A. M. TILL 1 A. M.

;tate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. H. Dale Brown, Clerk.


For good printing “In a hurry," phone The Indianapolis Recorder Printing Co., at LI. 1545. You will be pleased and proud of the work.

divorce and that the defendant Adelia Patterson, is a necessary party thereto and whereas said plaintiff having by endorsement on said complaint required said defendant to appear in said Court, and answer or demur thereto on the 8th day of September, 1953. NOW, THEREFORE, by order of said Court, said defendant last above named is hereby notified of

stat.* of Indiana, ' the’ filing and pendency of said I, the undersigned, Insurance Com- complaint against her and that un-



quired to appear and make proof inroved And the heirs of said es- rm s *><>ner of Indiana, hereby certify less she appear and answer or de-

that the above is a correct copy of miiT. thereto at the calling of said the Statement of the Condition of the mur inerei ° oi sum

above mentioned Company on the 31st cause on the 8th day of September, day of December. 1952; as* shown by 1953, the same being the 1st jutbe original statement and that the j u jpjoi Hav of a term of said Court said original statement is now on filel aiciai aa y OI a ierm OI saia '-' oun: >

aldine Sanders, John Boyd, Fred Douglass Cash, Theodore Gentry, Garfeth Hodges, James Ray, James; Scruggs, Paul Smith, Jack Thomp-1 son, Jesse Viers, Brenda Bailey, Patricia Burt, Lavolia Campbell. Karla Emerson, Ruby Gilmore, Judith Harris, Norma Hawkins,! Sherron Lewis, Mary Love, Merida Majors, Velma Rodgers, Elnora Smith, Yvonne Thomas, May Euphenia, Johnella Campbell, Abrie Lane, Adelaide Long, Josephine Oates, Mary Peppers, Patricia Per-

kins, Dixie Smith.

Gerry Smith,. Carolyn Stephens, Diane Stone, Lillie Strong, Geneva Tandy, Christine Walker, Rosa Jones, Pauline Easley, Mary Mill-






in this office.

In Tewtimony Whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my official seal, this 27th day of May, 1953 (S.-al) HARRY E. WELLS, Insurance Commissioner.

7/4 and 7/18.

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to be begun and held at the Court cr , Gwendolyn Offutt, Barbara BlanHouse in the City of Indianapolis,'ton, Barbara Wells, Clarice White, on the first Tuesday in September, 1 Barbara Wafers, Jean Turner, John 1953, said complaint and the mat- Black, Richard Hutchinson, ters and things therein contained Thomas Mabry, Michael Demoss, and alleged will be heard and de- James Dawson. Edsel Ford, Marie

ermined in her absence.


H. Dale Brown, Clerk. "/20/3t.

Carter, Barbara Cheatum, Sara


Leon Bates was master of cere-

Cary D. Jacobs, Atty. COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE State of Indiana, Marion County,


In the Superior Court of Marion County, In the State of Indiana. Imbgene Lofton vs. L. C. Lofton.

No. B-98905.

v BE IT KNOWN, That on the th day of June, 1953, the above named plaintiff, by her attorneys, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Marion County, in the State of Indiana, her complaint against the above named defendant L. C. Lofton and the said plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk’s office the affidavit of a competent person, showing that the residence of the defendant, upon diligent inquiry, is unknown, and the defendant L. C. Lofton resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, s not a resident of the State of Indiana, and that said cause of action is for Divorce and that the defendant L. C. Lofton is a neces-

sary party thereto and whereas Edward N. Suber, Atty. said plaintiff having by endorse- COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE ment on said complaint required J State of Indiana, Marion County,

said defendant to appear in said ss:

Music was furnished by Mona Gloria Abernathy, Gwendolen j

Goodloe, Patricia Roddy, Kenneth sioan, Maxine Cornell, Myrtle Banks, Wayne Bowins. Charles.

Bebley, Paul Cushenberry, Charles Washington Frederick Thomas Brown, Thelma Brown, Dora Bry- fonies at the program held by the Duckett, Elnathan Ferguson, James Reu i,en Burnett and Anthony ant. Biornctt Burton, Minnie Clark. 8a’s of school 87 recently. Melford Graham. Eugene Hoffman, Johnny c trons Arthur Coleman, Jimmie Crisp i Holland delivered the welcome

Howard. Willie Jude, Charles Long, ~ ~ ~ ‘

James McCarley, James Taylor, Shirley Conway. Brenda Duerson, Shirley Hughes. Barbara Roan, Geraldine Westbrooks, James Dishman, Ernest McCoy, Ronald Perks, Clifton Phillips, Joseph Trice, Nelladean Granes, Alfred Vaughn, Clayborn Walker, Robert Bright, Robert Dayil, Stanley Jones, Winfred Ronlette, Dorothy Anderson. Gwendolyn Baker, Toni Griffin, Laverne Hampton, Lina Harper, Mary Holland, Sally Hoskins, Annie Jefferson. Mary Vance, Theodore Miller, James Ratliff, Howard Stevenson, James Waire, Dale Williams, Norman Willis, Jerry Wright,

Martha Barnes.

SCHOOL 63’S PROGRAM WAS' Hunt and Henry Phillips.

MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL 63 William Gill. Hubert Gray, Carrie / speech and Hilda Curtis presented 8A CLASS WERE: I Gunn, Tommy Harris. James Her-j the Eighth Grade Kt y. Virginia Pettigrew. Virgil Wil- ing. Carrie Jackson, Joe Ann John- Elizabeth Maul read the Class liams, Frederick Thomas, Mona son. R. T. Myers, Barbara McKin-1Will, and Dm vej Dickson lead Sloan, Arleen Hurley, Carolyn Coo- ney, Ralph Means, Frank Hill. | the Class Prophecy. Michael Lov’ley, Jesse Anders, Reuben Burnett.; Eleanor Jenkins. in gave the 1 upil s Prayer. A Anthony Strong, ivan Strong. Don- Herbert Miller, Margaret Moore, dramatic choral iccitalion was aid Nance, Leonora Green, Mary J. C. Nevilles, Ian Owens, Julia given b> Michael Wilkes Dorothy Phillips, Ola McCraw, Shirley Dick- Patterson, Leon Pittman. Leroy Summers, l haddeus Stal ks, Beveierson, Maxine Cornell, Hal Hall Poindexter. James Powell, Joshua ly Lee. Samuel Butler, Judy Barbara Russell, Myrtle Wash- Robinson. Robert Sanders, James Lester McKinney, Sheuie Butter, ington Ester Webster, Mattie Smith. Sterling Russell,. Naomi Maugh. Pnnce&s \Viun, Phyllis Shines, Virginia Akers, JoAnn Tarver, Maxine Twitty, Joan Twy- Crenshaw. Charles Bell and Jacob Cannon, Lela Sheley. Herbert Bry-; man. James Webster, Carl White. Rent. Beatrice Hall gave the faie-

ant, Anna Dozier. Robert Pittman, | Marlene Wilson, Henry Woods, well speech.

George Reed, Constance Johnson.; Gardenia Smith and Peggy Tri- MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL George Owens, Paul Spain, Lewis hue. 87 8A t CLASS WERE: Easley, James Blane, Francis Lig- SCHOOL 56 Michael Loving, Melford Hol-

gins, Clifford Robinson. Wilma Members of the 8a class of

under the direction of Mrs. Alma Bolen. A play, “Education Is A

Gift,” was featured,


Court, and answer or demur thereto on the 8th day of September,


NOW, THEREFORE, by order of said Court, said defendant last above named is hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against him and that unless he appear and answer or demur thereto at the calling of said cause on the 8th day of September, 1953, the same being the 2nd judicial day of a term of said Court, ta be begun and held at the Court House in the City of Indianapolis, on the first Monday in September, 1953, said complaint and the matters and things therein contained and alleged will be heard and determined in his absence. H. Dale Brown, Clerk. 6/27/3t.


In the Probate Court of Marion

County, June Term, 1953.

In the Matter < of the Estate of

Fred Lee Russell, Deceased.

Estate Docket 155, Page 56876. Notice is hereby given that Wilbur H. Grant as administrator of the above named estate has presented and filed final account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 29th day of July, 1953, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not

In the Superior Court of Marion County, In the State of Indiana. Juan Pedraze vs. Carlota Ped-

No. B-98822.

BE IT KNOWN, That on the 16th day of June, 1953, the above named plaintiff, by his attorneys, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Marion County, in the State of Indiana, his complaint against the above named defendant Carlota Pedraze and the said plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk’s office the affidavit of a competent person showng that the residence of the defendant, upon diligent inquiry, is unknown, and the defendant Carlota Pedraze is not a resident of th(» State of Indiana, and that said cause of action is for divorce and that the defendant Carlota Pedraze is a necessary party thereto and whereas said plaintiff having by endorsement on said complaint required said defendant to appear in said Court, and answer oi^ demur thereto on the 8th day of

September, 1953.


Members of the 8a

School 26 were:

James Avery, Rosemary Bailey. Esther Clark, Betty Crossin. James Davidson, Joe Doner. Eula Edwards, Anna Freeman, Lillian Davis, Hilda Hampton, Alphonso Harrie, Helena Hardister, Virginia Hathway, Addie Jenkins, Walter

Kelly, James Leslie.

land, Annie Cannon, Patricia Perk-

School 56 were: i ns> Constance Brewer, Elizabeth Helen Hatcher. Darlene Smith Maul, Dorothy Summers, Judy

class at Marion Madry, Nonnan Stacker, j waugj^

Dorothy Blair, Alphonso Black Phyllis Crenshaw, Sallie James, Elsworth Simms, John Means. ; Joseph p erdue Michael Wilkes, Donald Washington, Loretta Park- Rybej-t Williams, Ronald Orr,

or, Ralph Lee, Janice Carroll, Ruth Warren, Freddie Jackson

Charlotte Williams, Aletha Weir, Mamie Matthews, Valores Wins-

Dennis Freeman, Beverly P et tis. ^ on> princess Winn. Sonja Woods,

Sherian Amos.

Marv Broadus. Marva Carr, Mariam Coffer. Dorothy Garrison,

Harry Looper, Norman Malone, Effie Smith, Ellen Polin, Sharon Julius McDonald, Grover Mum-j Oldham. Robbia Mabry. Barbara ford. Robert Nelson, Robert Pat- Terry. Mona Toliver, Katie Turton, Booker Polk, Robert Ramsey, i, William Long, John Cox.

Jack Reed, Larry Russ, Anna Scott, Elaine Skates, Ronald Simington, Delores Smith, Patricia Spaulding, Otis Thomas, Barbara Tinsley, Robert Thurman, Earlene

Theodore Seats, Elroy Wells, Elsie Nicholson, Charlotte Evans, Dor-

othy Glass.

Benny Edwards, Paul Franklin. Joseph Johnson, Orville Rowley.

Townsend, Alice Underwood, Doro- j Roger Wells. Gus Woods, Wayman thea Vance, and Norman Wilson. Young and Dorothy Milon.

Ruckleshaus, Reilly Rhett &

O’Connor, Attys.



In the Probate Court, of Marion County, June Term, 1953. In the Matter of the Estate oi Cecil F. Quinn, Deceased. Estate Docket 156, Page 57540. Notice is hereby given Forrest M. Quinn at administrator of the above named estate has presented and filed final account and vouchers in final settlement of said

£nw THFRFFORE bv order of estate, and that the same will come NOW, THEREFORE, by order ot up for the examination and action

of said Probate Court, on the 29th

said Court, said defendant last above named is hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against her and that unless she appear and answer or demur thereto at the calling of said cause on the 8th day of September, 1953, the same being the 1st judicial day of a term of said Court, to be begun and held at the Court House in the City of Indian apolis on the first Tuesday in September, 1953, said complaint and

be approved. And the heirs of said the matters and things therein conestate are also required to appear tained and alleged will be heard and make proof of their heirahip and determined in her absence. H. Dale Brown, Clerk H - Dale Brown. Clerk.



day of July, 1953, at which time all heir,s, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be ap proved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to ap pear and make proof of theii


H. Dale Brown,C’erk.


Everett I. Hall. Atty. NOTICE TO HEIRS, CREDITORS, ETC. In the Probate Court of Marion Countv. June Term. 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur Ellison. Deceased. Estate Docket 153. Page 56357. Notice is hereby given that Thelma Beachman as administratrix of the above named estate has presented and filed final account and /ouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 29th day of July, 1953, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the leirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship. Hi Dale Brown. Clerk. 6/27/2t.

QUICK AS A FLASH! . . turn unwanted articles into cash through Classified Columns of The Recorder.

Beatrice Hall, Sharon, Bolar Beverly Lee, Sherrie Butler, LaVera Woodson. Delores Duncan, Juanita Jones, Charles Bell, Larry B&nks, Delores Evans, Frederika Tipton, Mary Ingram. Herman Kurtz, Shirley Roberson, Ezra MbPhearson, Beverly Donahue, Carolyn Jenkins. John Horner, Joan Jacobs, Frank Robinson, Betty Collins, Leon Bates, Hilda Curtis, Carl Smith, Virginia Blackmon, Joe Johnson. Duryea Dickson. Lester McKinney, Barbara Maxey. Harriet Anderson, Kay Sims, Maxful Russell, Thaddeus Starks. Herbert Howard, James ’Black, Jacob Rent, Donald Massey, Samuel Gray, Mitchell Patterson, James Richards, Garland Jones, and Donald hamSCHOOL 42 MEMBERS OF THE 8A CLASS OF SCHOOL 42 WERE: Joan Marshall. Marietta Winslow. Patricia Baynham, Norma Rutland, Elizabeth Grier, Willa Ford, Joyce Cork. Alice Lewis. Leland Robinson. Marion Mitchell, Bertha Fondan. Barbara Thomnson, Helen Jordan. Edwina Jackson, Rosalyn Russell. Patricia Harris. Rettv Lawrence, Marv Burnett. Vireil Williams, Benjamin Hunter. Robert King, Margaret Bottoms. Grace Hawkins, Rita Matthews, Judy Shores, Nancy Tavlor, Hattie Williams, Janice Glover. Ruth Ervin, Kenneth Hannah. William Latham, Kenneth Wjgpins. Merle Hawkins, Charles Smith, Nerneth Parker. David Palmer, William Berrv. Alvin Wilson, Mark Franklin James Clemmons. Charles Williams. Robert Clemmons and Joe Louis Lindsey.

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