Indianapolis Recorder,Indianapolis, Marion County, 25 August 1951
Page 5
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CUT WEDDING CAKE: Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lewis cut their wedding cake following their wedding in Simpson Methodist Church last Saturday evening. The bride is the former Miss Jean Overbey, daughter of Mrs. Oscar D. Overbey, 1920 Highland place. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel
Lewis, Frankfort, are parents of the groom. ' —Wedding Photography by Thom Ervin.
James Lewises Honeymooning At Biteley, Michigan, Resort
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lewis are spending their honey* We8 n g of-1cn 0rth . the'n^vStIT—
moon at the Woodlawn Resort at Biteley, Mich., after
their marriage in Simpson Methodist Cnjich last Saturday SURPRISE PARTY The bride, the former Miss Jean Overbey, was charming i KENTUCKIAN in an exquisite gown of white nylon rtet over satin. The! Mr and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson l odice was fitted with a net yoke trimmed in lace and stud- ‘entertained their niece. Miss Franded with rhinestones. The full skirt had two lace panels, Pes Ca^on, Springfield. Ky., with flittering with rhinestones, which fell from the waist of fn’tffhom^Mfcs Camon h« the gown and edged the long train. ^ spent her summer vacation here The fingertip veil of nvlon net : —7 with the Wilsons, and e bung from a tiara of rhinestones carried a matching bouquet. ! enter Hampton Institute in Sep-
•nd pearls. She carried a bouquet Little Ellen Jane Hall, the Jlow- tember.
JJlti ... Clubs
COSMO OF 46 met with Mis Vivian Owsley. Next hostess w.. be Airs. Vioiet Scott, 2214 Cui ,hrop avenue. Darlings of leisure mt Monday night at 1631 North Arse nal avenue. Next meeting will b« with Mrs. Edna Tro.ter, 234J Win throp aveneue. EL AMIGO Ladies Auxiliar will meet Tuesday with Me dames W. Suter, M. Starms, an A. Johnson as hostesses. LUCKY NINE will meet Tues day, September 11, with Mrs Sarah Hill, 606 West 30 h street All correspondence for the clul should be addressed to Miss Ann.' Jenkins, 817 Blake stree., apart
ment 2.
NIFTY GIRLS met with Mrs Mary Clay, 930 West 30th street, last Tuesday night. Plans wen made for a baby contest to bt held next month. Whist prize were won by Mesdames Ann. Mae Glover. Mae Alexander, am Louise Beliford.- Mrs. Glover wi. ■ t ctpc?S SEEWELL GIRLS sponsored ? fish fry ai the home of Mrs Helen Phillips last week. Mrs Minnie Hamilton w.n the pres
sure cooker.
SOCIETY SWEATER Girlwill meet at 2249 North Arsena' avenue, next Wednesday. T. S. C. met with Mrs. Edith Weeden. Prizes were won by Mesdames Celeste McKinney, Birdie M. Cole and Edna Crowe. Nex hostess will be Mrs. Lualme
The Indianapolis Recorder, Aug. 25,1951—5
RECENT BRIDE: Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Nolcox announce the marriage of their daughter, Joycelan Marie, to Melvin McNairy Jr., sen of Mr. end Mrs. Melvin McNairy, Chicago. The ceremony was performed at Bloomington. The bride is a senior at Indiana university, and the groom, an officer in the National Guard, is soon to practice criminal law under the F. B. I. Mr. and Mrs. McNairy are now at home in Chicago.
^Uoice oi the blasts By MARY P. McGUIRE
An old proverb says that the son is the son till he is parried, but that the daughter is daughter forever. This is something like the truth, because that’s the way I feel nbout Mrs. Nancy Baltimore during the 26 years of our
• My heart is heavy over the passing of one who claimed
wkf; l th n e r wilsonr.nd Ca exp«u"o ' rne as daughter untl the last breath left her, and'1 enter Hamnton institutP in am proud that I did not betray this love.
Mrs. Nancy Baltimore was bed-
Sheldon street. 1 lie lawn was beautifully decoraveJ with lights and flowers. Covers were laid for
of white orchids and rosebuds. er id r L wore white dotted Swiss Miss Carolyn Parker, active fast only six days, and of those Miss Juanita Overbey, sister of an d carried a basket of red roses, member of the city’s younger set, I six days my daugh er. Ann, and the bride, served as maid of hon- Clifton Conn Jr. wa» dressed in helped plan the affair along with 11 had the welcome du y of bein'?
or. Her gown was of turquoise a white linen suit and carried the Philip Emile, and she served as with her four nights un il relatives 1 eighteen ushers, who enjoyed a net over taffeta with grass net ring on a lace covered pillow. Jo hasten Friday night. i could take over. jccncious tnree-course chicken
yoke and bolero She wore a lar^p Alice Poberts and Ramona Reeves, j Guests were the Misses Kay An- Too much credit cannot be n L r er.
picture hat of turquoise with *he candle-and-ribbon girls, were -J^rcnn Harriet Blackmon. Mary given Mrs. Kathryn J. Wood,. He uarj^s were" given by Rev. matching mitts and carried a bou- In white dotted organdy. Ann Edelen. Helen Emile, Eddie i whom 1 called iaie on Saturday • Mathew Downey. Officers lor the quet of peach-colored roses. Mrs. Oscar D. Overbey, mother Evans, Sylvia Freeman. Rosalyn night w'hen I was unabla to carry tonvemion year are Bert Means.
president: William H. Lee, vicepresident; Mrs. Cora. Beverly, secretary; Mrs. Yerdell Taylor, assis-
^The bridesmaids’ dresses were of .the bride, wore salmon pink,, Horner. Miriam Lawson, Sylvia on alone. Other loyal iriends infashioned like that of the maid while Mre- Herechel^ Lewis^Frank- Looper, Carolyn Rowley, Sheila eluded Mesdames Frances Wiley.,
of honor. Miss Jeanette Foster in ‘°ri, mother of the groom, wore Shelton, Carrie Smith. Delores; Lucy Cutler. Julia Means. Ethei green.. Miss Sarah Watts in or- blue. Both parents wore orchid Thomas, Barbara Walker, Joyce Lee, Scot Parser. B r ha Shirley, ; tant secretary; Henderson Johnchid, Miss Josephine Kirk in blue, corsages. Watts.* Harriet Wilson, and Bar- Earl Osborne. Lillie V. Rasdall son. treasurer; and Mrs. Irene
Miss Mildred Overbey in pink, Ushers were Messrs Herschel bara Wilson. Lettie Skaggs, and Cordelia Wat- i Webster, chaplain. Mrs. Lee Martin in rose, and Mrs. Lewis Jr., brother of the groom; Also guests were Messrs. Mar- son. These ladies assisted Walter | * * *
Donald Overbey in yellow. Each Warren Hoilpway, Robert Jackson, ghall Anthony, Herman Berdette, Dyer and me while his wife was Manv are still takin* vacations
SEsSTk M«. Balti- j tfose ‘"Donald Hapdrick. e 'Dickie ^'of
Overbey, andRev. W. H. Wallace JohnESI' Dewfu ncSSSt John JhT did" no^leed" I SHE. ‘H.SS'T" .STM
f-'erdonalA and Wfou Mrs. Ivory Walker returned to Chicago last Sunday after spending a week with her daughters, Mesdames Margaret Taylor and Lillian Harris. Mrs. Harris is a patient in General Hospital.
* * *
Howard House, 2816 Boulevard place, is seriously 'ill in General Hospital. He will appreciate a caru or visit.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jones have returned from a pleasant twoweek vacation with relatives and friends at Marion, Flint,. Mien., and South Bend, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grundy.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. King, 2154 'arroliton avenue, have returned .ter a week with their son and aughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. . King, at Ottawa, 111. * * * * Miss Bobbie Houston, 710 North Vest street, left last week for lemphis, where she will visit relaives. She will also visit at St. ouis before returning home.
* * *
Mrs. Carolyn Highbaugh is visitng her daughter and son-in-law, lr. and Mrs. James Ferrell, while attending the conventions a ’hrist Temple.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Young re urned to their home last week .fter spending their vaca ion ir. Canada.
• * *
Mrs. Dorothy Rutledge, Chicago /as guest of her brother and sL er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Georg ^hobe, last week. She was als ;uest of Mrs. Flora Chowning.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. James Green Rochester, N. Y., were week-en guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L Woolen, 1310 Edgemont avenue.
* * *
Stephen J. Young, Jr., New Yorl City, is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. Stephen J. Young, 28H ndianapolis avenue.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Luster Ferms have re.urned from a two-week vaca tion at Portland, Me. Enroute home they stopped off at the Canadian Niagara Falls.
% * *
Miss Will Alice Potter, secone* year student at Tennessee State University, Nashville, arrived Monday for a two-week visit with hei aunt, Mrs. Foster Short, 231'. i Rr.der street.
* * *
Mrs. Frank Johnson and sister, Mrs. L. M. Hollowell, Memphis, are guests of their sisters, Mesdames Alford-Toliver and Elsie Houston,
710 North West street.
1 Mesdames Rachel Reese and Ora bridesmaids.
Levelle. 442 West St. Clair street,| They were the Misses Junetta
NEWLYWEDS: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee Taylor became man and wife in a beautiful June wedding in Simpson Methodist Church: Before her marriage Mrs. Taylor was Miss Mary Alice Barnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnett, 2947 Boulevard place. Mr. Taylor is the sen of Mrs. Anna Scott, 549V2 West 28th street. Mary Barnett, Harold Taylor Says Vows In Local Church Simpson Methodist Church was the setting for the June vedding- of Miss. Mary Alice Barnett and Harold Taylor, Philadelphia, formerly of Indianapolis. Rev. James L. Robnson, pastor of Second Baptist Church, Rushville, and uncle of the bride, officiated at the impressive double-ring- ceremony, assister by Rev. W. H. Wallace, pastor of Simpson
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnett, 2947 Boulevard * nd Mrs : Uora Bernard feted the place, was given in marriage by bride -with a kitchen shower in her father. The bridegroom is the the reception room of the Plainson of Mrs. Anna Scott, 549u,lA eld Llbrar y. Guests were MesWest 28th street. dames Emma Barnett, Anna Scott, Miss Kathryn Cullins, Plain- Anna Cullins, Nancy Swam. Enfield, was her cousin’s honor at- fenia Crowe, Eva Bryant. Rose tendant. She was dressed in pastel Swarn, Betty Robinson, Christina
green Swiss down organdy over
taffeta. Pastel shades of pink yellow, blue and orchid, fashioned like the gowns of the briue ani the honor attendant were worn b>
Jones. Eva Swarn, and Edith Greer and the Misses Many Wilson, Dorothy Thomas, Margaret Greer,
and- Marie »8warn. « —
Mrs. Betty Bartee Robinson entertainel with a personal shower In the home of her mother. Mrs. Claude Bartee. Those attending were Mesdames Emma Barnett. Anna Scott, Claude Bartee, Dor-
Your Chance for LIGHTER SKIN
offteiated at the ceremorfv which r™. r* Jacwon jonn she did not le ed at least ten i there. They expect to spend the W»« ni^Ldld hv TmuslSl Deriod l ?' C l raer ° n Bernard members of the church from her remainder of the month
Lowerv Arnold Smith, and Ken- baskol . she wa- one who never
Mrs. Mary Heater and sister,
thought she was too good to work Mrs. Addie Sneed, send gree;ings anywhere arou/id the church. : f ro m Fox Lake, Detroit, Sidney, from the kitchen to the choirbcx jo., and other interesting spots. We developed a love which i They weie guests of Rev. and
could not be broken, changless in changes. We were faithful to each other. Never did I call when she
Mrs. W. Steele, and report that he
has a very fine church.
* * *
including bridal airs played on the ne th Wilson.
organ by Miss Clara Reese Kirk register ... then vote-
and solos by Paul Overbey, cousin !
0, Out%Mown guests included Mr. MuSiC School and Mrs. Warren Holloway and T* Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Stevenson, L-zDSHS iQM I GTHT
Chicago; Mrs. Robert Hill, the for-, f . . .
mer Miss Juanita Gorham, qalti-i W\SHINGTON. D.'C. — The d,d not come to my rescue - and . Another faithful one passes— more; M*s. Walter Bryant, Dowa- Modern School of Music has an- thc tlmes 1 called wer f e man > . one who lived a full life in the giac, Mich.; James T. Overbey Jr, nounced its curricula for the 1951- she ,eaves a ‘lost of memories, community and will not be soo:
Ann Arbor, Mich.; Miss Jeanette 552 fall term wth courses leading : soir e sad ’ some glad ’ 0 ‘ hers Pn z : forgotten. Mrs. Eva Bledsoe wa:
UlYERIEIf Foster. Fort Wayne; Mesdames to a bachelor of music degree with zlm g. bui our friendship was . a great asset to the community.
9HIPi WWflllEIEEER Maude Harper and Herschel Lewis, piano, organ, harp, or any band 1 o v e which loved without any taking part in all worthwhile acNow you can have lighter, brighter, smoother Frankfort; Mr!* and Mrs. Herschel or orrhostrai instrument as ma- condition of love returned. |tivities. She was a worker, not a
akin’ Dr. FRED Palmer's New. Improved Lewis Jr., Muntie, and Mrs. 110m- j j or< a i so courses leading to a Her ch urch, New Bethel Bap- ! shirker.
DOUBLE STRENGTH FORMULA work* er Wales. Franklin. bachelor of music education de- tist , wil1 miss her bappy remark, j she displayed such a friendship
bumS anTblcTisr^TTurVIighf- ° n Fri day evening Mrs. (Hear p-ee for vocal or ins rumental su-! “ Yes - Jusl heJp yoursef 1 ” jto so many people, that many
^^orthe? n LntZ .pph^ W- Overbey, mother of the bride, en- pervlsion in public schools. M D * * *. ! called her “Mother Bledsoe.” Beenm/t •etion tnc insia < you PP y ' • ■ ’ * - Mrs. Pearl Lewis announces | ing a lover of books, she gave
and their sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, classmate of the bride at Talley, and her daughter, Mrs. t j ie j obn Herron Vrt Institute
jJoan White, Fort Wayne, motored Dorothy Thomas, and Gloria Thurto Clarksville Tenn., to visit their man Little Miss lvalue Robinson, i othy Thomps-n. Mary Cork. Patmother, Mre. Mary Long and other cousin of the bride was junior Iricia Powell, and Foslyn Satterreiatives. While there they attend- b r j desma | d Each carried a nose field and the Misses Kathryn CulCd g n EC Per ci tf. THEN VOTE i 01 daisies of contrasting colors Bns, Dorothy Thomas. Gloria
i with matching headdress.
| The bride s full-length gown -vas fashioned from white slipper
the bridal party wUh "a, ■'ThT^uil'e SS 5?eT
origintl br! FIRED P»lmer’» Skin Whiteoer. buffet dinner, during which the tunit.y for practice in a regular th 01 arrangements are now being man y beautiful readings to many Accept no substimw. 1 bridesmaids were presented with band and orchestral group gaining j n,ade for the fal1 program of the audiences.
Mabel Manlove Returns Home Mrs. Mabel Overton Manlove
has returned to St. Louis after spendding two weeks with her
.i.otner, ivirs. Mazie Loving. Many social courtesies were ex.endeu to the iormer local resiient. On Tuesday evening, Augst 7, Charles Overton entertained it dinner in the home of Mrs.
sa‘in with a molded bodice and portrait neckline. Her fingertip
Thurman. Mary Emma DuValle, Marjorie .Long, and Delores Bar-
Mrs. Anna Scott entertained at dinner, at which guests included
imported illucion veil fell from a Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnett Sr., Mrs. tiara of oragne blossoms. She car- Mary L. Barnett, grandmother of ried a cascade of white roses cen- the bride. Miss Dorothy Thomas, •tered with a white purple-throat and Messrs. Carl Barnett Jr. and
orchid. Albert Dawson
Little Lucia Robinson, cousin of The bride has gained na 4 ion-wide the bride, was flower girl, dressed recognition as an ou'standing and in a ballerina white organdj j promising young artist. An honor gown. graduate of the John Herron Art
The groom was attended by
Evelyn Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. c ij
Institute, where she received the bachelor of fine arts degree, rhe won several scholarships during her school years, including -die
AT ALL MUG A COSMETIC COUNTBtS Dr. FRED Palmer's, Bex 264, Atlanta, Gc
bracelets and the ushers were giv-
en initialed tie clasps.
ATTENTION! High School Graduates THE MODERN SCHOOL OF MUSIC GEORGIA AVE. AND IRVING STS., N. W. WASHINGTON 10, 0. C * * ! One of the Leading Colleges of Music in the East V‘4? ANNOUNCES THE FALL TERM Registration: Sept. 10*>Y1, 1951 ENROLL NOW!
Courses Leading to the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Music Education Degrees Faculty Composed of Distinguished Musicians FOR INFORMATION n , WRITE THE REGISTRAR 1 *
experience in directing at one of : Musical Builders, who will present j “Our very mourning shall be the outstanding schools on the Miss Alyne Dumma Lee in a con- ! but the enamel around the diaEa.«*em seaboard. cert on October 21. Miss Lee has j mond, ever} sorrow shall be bu The school also offers an in- blayed with the Chicago Sympho- | the setting of some luminous jewel
terraclal faculty, many member? n y Orchestra for the past four j 0 f joy.” of which are first-chair members y ears - * * * *
of the National Symphony Orches- * * * ! Sunday afternoon at 3:30 Macetra. a beautiful, •fully-equipp^ The usher board of New Bethel j donia Baptist Church will have building, full recreaMon program. Baptist Church had a lovely lawn ground-breaking, at which time and ample opportunity for stage ! party recently at thc home of Mr. ; the contractor, Charles Turney, and concert appearances. and Mrs. Herman Brewer, 2128 will be speaker. Rev. James Hut-
son is pastor of the church.
* * *
The Servicemen’s Center is again calling for help, this time ! for clerks from 9 to 11 p. m. Food, such as cookies and other whatj nots, will also be highly appreciated. Those desiring to assist may call Mrs. Mable Cole or Miss Wil- ! la Thomas at PL. 7520.
On Monday, August 13, Mrs. oromer oi ine unue, " Xt‘ I vtp Manlove had dinner with Mr. and ! Landrum, Albert Dawson, and Wil- , valued Mary Mi.iken Traveling lay 5 li^'heon^with Mrs n Linian U Ba- i* 0 James' GUbert, Plainfield, sang She has h^d several successful on. Later°in X evening she was I 'J Love You % Trul y ;;_ and^The exhibits m^In£anapo:is, ancl^ c ne
t: , r guest of Mrs
C/ctrcKj’ j
1 Rosary.” and Mrs. Clara Brooks, ! of her paintings “Square No. 2” Rushville, sang "Because” and “Oh is now on national tour, at presPromise Me accompanied by I ent on exhibit at Laguna Beach Mrs. Ima Ganavvay. church organ- I California. Paintings of hers have ist, who played bridal airs through- i also been purchased by Howard out the ceremony. university as well as individual
The reception was held in thi 1 ollectors.
home of the bride, with 250 guests Mr. Taylor is a graduate of attending. Assisting were Mes- j Hampton Institute. Hampton, Va., dames Roslyn Satterfield, Frances j and is now teaching in the Skid-
I Mitchem, Betty B. Robinson, Cyn i more Vocational School at Phila- ^ , «. | f thia Watts, Cora Bernard, Hannah ’elptra. where he i= co-owner of by Bnghtwood Cirde of the g j ose p hiri€ Parrott the Corner Tailor Shop. YWCA, marking the first effort Mis ,. es Swarn ant , ■
a tamily reunion was held Sunday afternoon hor.oring Mrs. Manlove. Among out-of-town members of the family were her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Nave, Detroit. Pictures of the family group were taken.
the group. _ William Minor will | Delores Bartee _
A free movie has been planned
Cut-Rate Store
HI. 2914
show the picture Monday night at 8 at Galilee Baptist Church, of which Rev. D. B. Dudley is pastor. Mrs. John Baker is chairman.
* * *
This is something: William Minor tries to rub it in by telling me “when possible, do take the trip by water from Muskegon to Milwaukee, a wonderful six-hour
Now, in the first place, I can’t walk to Muskegon; in the second place. I can’t drink the ocean dry: and, from the looks of the ship he was on, they are not giving free rides. The luck of
some people! *
Following a short honeymoon in Canada the couple departed tor their new residence, 5401 Laurens street, Philadelphia. The • bride traveled in a beige butcher linen suit with navy blue accessories. Out-of-town guests attending thc ceremony included Mr. and Mrs. George A. Owens, aunt and uncle of the bride, Washington, D. C.; and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevvar. and son. Billy, Philadelphia. Many affairs were given in honor of the couple. After the rehearsal at the church, the bridal party was entertained at dinner in the home ci the bride’s aunt and uncle. Rev. and Mrs. James
Of course, the Holifield sisters | L Rob j nson Guests were Mr. and
always show off with pictures of ihp vachts they ride while at
Then Mrs. Irene Jones has to top things off by sending a card of 'Split Rock Lighthouse. 2,000 feet above beautiful Lake Supe-
* * * Miss T orene Horne and her
Mrs. Carl Barnett, Mrs. Anna Scott, Mrs. Clara Brooks, Rush ville; Rev. and Mrs. James L. Robinson and daughters, lvalue anj Lucia; the Misses Dorothy Thomas, Junetta Hunter, Gloria Thurman, and Kaihryn Cullins, Plainfield; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lennear, and Messrs. Calvin Satterfield, Johnnie Landrum, Carl Bar-
mother, Mrs Elvma Jackson, took, neU ’ Jr and James Gilbert,
time out at New York City, where pi a j n fi e i d
they enjoyed visiting ^any f*' t wo shnwe’-c were *nven f"*’ *he mous churches. They dined at the bride _ elect Miss Kathryn Cullins
Hotel Fane.
* * *
Members of the Business Women’s Council will enjoy a covered dish luncheon Sunday afternoon | in the home of their chairman, Mrs. P. D. Lewis. 2734 Boulevard place. Mrs. Erma G. McFern says this will be their last call before the national convention.
G-R-|-F-F-I-N'S SAUSAGE Sold At Your Local Grocery Served At Your Favorite Restaurant
Now you can have skin with the smoothness of satin—free from ugly oiliness! Black and White Vanishing Cream’s remarkable *‘SEALO” action dries, and helps seal greasiness and prevents it from •eeping through to spoil your makeup. And because this ■wonder cream is greaseless itself—it won’t cause pimples! Ask for it today at you/ favorite toilet counter for only SSf 4 . Use Black and VYWfa Cteonjing Cream fo ramova maka-up and use Black and White Cold Cream to keep tkin soft. 35< each.