Indianapolis Journal, Volume 52, Number 59,Indianapolis, Marion County, 28 February 1902 — Page 7

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SllirillSi: AT WASIIlMiTON OVEIt Tin: ui:lay at .madiiiii. No latuf for Trouble Over the UndHolding Provision-Mistake In the Philippine 11 1 1 1. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. Surprise la expressed here at a report from Madrid that the negotiations for the Spanish-American treaty are delayed owing to Spanish objections to the provisions for the holding of lands by the citizens of either country in the other. This point was discussed pretty thoroughly some months ago and Mr. Storer reported it satisfactorily adjusted. The Spanish government wihed its citizens to have power to hold lands in the United States on terms of equality with American citizens; being willing. In return, to allow similar privileges in Spain to Americans. The difficulty in the way consisted in certain United States statutes prohibiting or limiting alien ownership of lands, particularly in the Territories and the District of Columbia. This difficulty was removed finally. It was supposed, by the agreement of the United States government to give Epanlards the mt favored nation treatment In this matter, which would, according to the common construction of treaties. give them th same privilege as American citizens to hold lands and stocks. Of course, the new treaty will have all the force of Jaw and. under the Supreme Court's decision. If It conflicts with existing law on anj such point as alien ownership of lands, then it supersedes that law. XXX Secretary Hoot. Governor Taft, Senator Lodge. Representatives Payne and Dalzell and Judge Magoon and Colonel Edwards, of the insular division of the War Department, had a, conference this afternoon ou the Philippine tariff bill. From what could be learned of the conference, which was held behind closed doors at the War Department, It appears to have related to the test method of correcting that paragraph of tho present bill which practically provides that ail appeals in the cases of United States goods imported into the Philippines shall be made to the United States courts, the same as is done in the case of appeals involving imports into the United States. It is stated the authors of the bill intended that disputed question in regard to the imports into the Philippines fhould be adjudicated by the courts of the Philippines and that plan, it is alleged, would be entirely defeated by the provisions of the bill as it now stands. xxx The division of Insular affairs of the War Department grave out for publication today a statement showing that the customs revenues in Cuba for the calendar year 1I01 were J15,C26,?tS, as compared with $lG,oay,)22 for 10OO. and Jli.v.4.374 for im The duty on exports was abolished April 1, 1301. The customs revenues, exclusive of export duties. Increased in K01 over the previous year by or 2 per cent., and over the second preceding year by 11,228,6-v), or 9 per cent. xxx The Chilean government and people took advantage of the recent docking of the United States battleship Iowa at to give marked evidences of their friendship for the United States. Captain Perry, commanding the battleship, has rer ported to the Navy Department that the Iowa was docked successfully on Jan. 14, but considerable risk attended the undertaking. There was scarcely a foot to spare between the steel hull of the Iowa and the tides of the dock, and Captain Perry was apprehensive that a slight shock of earthquake, such as Is common in Chile, would ruin his ship. However, all went well, and the Iowa came out of the dock ready to resume her Ion;- voyage to Montevideo. Captain Perry says that while the docking was under way the ship's company received many evidences of the friendship and Kood will of the Chileans, who showed every mark of respect also for the great Republic. Rear Admiral CJorin, in command of a squadron of Chilean men-of-war, vlaited the harbor. Captain Perry reports that his squadron was in splendid condition for service. Rear Admiral Perez, the commandant of the dock yard, was particularly zealous in his efforts to aid in docking the Iowa, and at the request of Captain Perry the State Department has addressed a cordial letter of thanks to the Chilean government and to the rear admiral for the courtesies received. The Treasury Department has received a request from New ork. for the privilege of depositing $2,OX).0UO in gold in the subtreasury there, with the privilege of withdrawing It et San Francisco, presumably for shipment to the Orient. The request also says probably $14,00 ,) will be required before the middle of March. As this transaction is of advantage to the government, the department having an excess of gold in San Francisco, the request has been granted. XXX Rural free delivery service has been ordered established, to begin April 1, at Seymour, Jackson county. Indiana. Length of route. TO miles; area covered, S5 square miles; population served, l,0vr; number of houses on route, carriers. Charles W. Ewing, Vcss Cox and Georg E, Kastfng. xxx The controller of the currency to-day approved the Corn Exchange National Bank of Chicago as a, reserve agent for the Indiana National Hank of Indianapolis and the- First National Bank of Logansport, Ind. xxx Scott Hale, of Huntington. Ind., waa today nominated to be iostmaster at that place. Other nominations sent to the Senate by the President were the following army promotions: Pay Department Major William H. Comeyg&s. paymaster, deputy paymaster general, with rank of lieutenant colonel; Capt II. M. Lord, paymaster, with rank of major. Infantry Second lieutenants, John B. Shuman. of Wisconsin, Robert K. Spiller of Virginia. Medical Department John L. Shepard. Illinois, assistant surgeon, with rank of first lieutenant. Artillery Lieutenant Colonel Charles Morris, colonel; Major Asher C. Taylor, lieutenant colonel; Captain George F. E. Harrison, major. Cavalry Captain Charles W. Taylor, Ninth Cavalry, major; First Lieutenant J. li. Christian, Ninth Cavalry, captain. xxx Quartermaster General Ludington. of the army, and Godfrey L. Cabot, of Boston, a carbon manufacturer and exporter, were before the House committee on coinage today. They both favored the metric system and were of opinion that the system bids fair to be universal. xxx The Census Bureau to-day announced its preliminary summary of statistics of silk manufactures of the United States for It shows fpr the country as a whole 4S3 establishments engaged In that industry, with a capital of $d,0V.I.2"l. an average of CC.415 wage-e.frners. drawing total wages of J.X.kC. LM. Of the wage-earners. 31.797 artt women, sixteen years old and over, and 6,413 are children under sixteen years. The total cost of materials used in the industry was $'2.rt.;5. Raw silk consumed aggravated t.7iV,, , pounds, costing $0.721.t73. The total value of products waa $107There were 17.1"4 spindles and 44.4JO loom. MRS. NELLIE LEET'S FATE. the la ? to lime lleen Murdered and fr Hotly Tartly Humeri.. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. Feb. 27 The coroner's jury which has t?n investigating the death of Mr. Nellie I.eet, whose charred body was found at ST South Market street. '.üt Saturday night, to-day decided that she had been murdered and brought In a vtrdiet recommending that warrant to b"i d for William L-et. her husband, and i'ary Morse, charging thern with the crime. They are both In the custody of the poMif. ; is said to have been the cat...- . f tin ail Kfd crime, both

women lelng Interested in Leet, who draws a large pension and who shortly expects to become heir to an estate of JJo,'m). Ieet was in the house at the time the supposed crime was committed, hut appeared hopelessly Intoxicated. Until Tuesday it was thought the burning was accidental. Now It is believed that it was intended to cover the crime.

D. A. R. AT CHARLESTON. Exerclnes nt the Exposition Admiral nutl Mr. Schley Are tiuext. CHARLESTON, S. C, Feb. .-Admiral and Mr. Schley were the guests to-day of the Daughters of the Revolution at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition. -The admiral and his wife arrived this morning and were escorted later to the exposition grounds by a committee of the Daughters. His greeting as he passed through the streets was very enthusiastic. The exercises at the exposition began at 2 o'clock. Among those on the stage were Mrs. C. W. Fairbank, president general of th Daughters, former President Mrs. Daniel Manning and Mrs. J. C. Burrows. Addresses were made by Admiral Schley and Capt. Richmond P. Hobson. The beautiful weather brought out an enormous crowd. PRINCE KEPT BUSY. (CONCLUDED FROM FIRST PAGE.) reached on the return trip and the prince was driven at once to the German embassy. ' AT THE "WHITE HOUSE. Prince Henry Spend the Evening with the President Family. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2T.-rrInce Henry, accompanied by Ambassador Von Holleben, dined at the White House to-night with President and Mrs. Roosevelt. The dinner was entirely unofficial and of a personal, family character, and, owing to the McKinley exercises making this day one of mourning, there were no formal toasts or exchanges, the purpose being to permit a more intimate personal exchange than was possible during 'the formalities of official Interchange last Monday. Others present at the dinner were General Von Plessen. of the princes staff, Miss Roosevelt, Miss Carew and Senator and Mrs. Lodge. AS VIEWED IX GEItJLYAV. Comment on the Reception of Prince Henry in the United States. BERLIN, lleb. 27.-"One of the most beautiful pages In our international relations is the record of these festivities," says the Cologne Gazette, referring to Prince Henry's visit to the United States. "President Roosevelt, the members of both houses of Congress, the mayor of New York and representatives of the government, army and navy of the United States have shown the brother of our Emperor not only official honors, but have everywhere manifested such open cordiality that the impression in Germany is most agreeable and permanent. Prince Henry's journey West and South will undoubtedly take the same pleasant course. What deserves most to be emphasized, however, is the unanimous participation of the American people in the festivities which their highest representatives have given in excellent taste. The inhabitants of the imperial city of New York and of Washington, the capital, have shown, in their demonstrations In honor of the German prince, and German people, that they feel themselves to be taking part with the President and his national staff in the hospitality which, in every respect, is worthy a great people. "We hope that the wish of President Roosevelt to be a guest some time on a German battleship will be fulfilled In the most pleasant way. If this visit could be made in German waters the German people could take part In honoring that sympathetic personality representing the great American Nation. The President's official duties prevent this. But. even though years pass before President Roosevelt, as a private citizen, can visit our country, the remembrance of the Fplendid February days will continue to live within us, and the German people will prepare a hearty welcome. , "May his countrymen, the American citizens living among us. carry home the Impression that the German people are equally hospitable and appreciative of International courtesies and honors." Comments of the Iondon Times. LONDON, Feb. 2S. The Times this morning publishes an editorial on the triumph of Prince Henry in converting the cool friendliness of his first reception into the hearty enthusiasm which he now raises in the breasts of the American people, and say,s this popularity has been won by tact and simplicity and bids fair to continue Increasing until the prince leaves American shores. The editorial expresses sincere gratification at the manner in which the United States Is meeting the advances or Germany and adds: "We may feel at the sameMime legitimate satisfaction that we did not wait until now to dl3close our admiration and regard for the American people, but openly expressed both at a time when they were of greater value to them. The more closely the Germans adopt American principles and the more steadfastly they act upon thtm in China and elsewhere the oetter pleased will be the English-speaking race on both sides of the ocean." A II It EST OF A "SUSPECT." Man Who Pretended to He n Mall Clerk Found enr the Prince Car. NEW YORK. Feb. LT. A man who pretended to be a mall clerk was arrested and hustled, struggling, through the crowd at the Jersey City terminal early to-day. just as Prince Henry boarded his special train for Washington. The prince had stopped for a moment at the rear end of his car and was chatting with a few gentlemen. He quickly stepped beyond the car that he might more readily observe what was going on. He saw a policeman struggling with a man in plain clothes, who was vigorously protesting against arrest. The policeman forced the man toward the ropes, dragged him Into the crowd and hurried him along the station to the street. It was learned that the policeman had been watching the man, who persisted in remaining in the neighborhood of the prince's car. and, becoming suspicious, he decided to take him into custody. The officer said his prisoner had attempted to enter the prince's car. Outside the man said his name was Lemuel Cramer, and displayed a shield, which, he said. Identified him as a mail clerk connected with the railway postal service. In the mailroom at the depot the man was not identified. Cramer was arraigned to-dav on a charge of disorderly conduct. The prisoner said he had only wished to see the prince; that the affair had been a lesson to him. but thought he could have explained matters to the police if Ihey had given him an opportunity. He Was fined $50. Thanks for the 3Ieteor's Builders. t NEW YORK. Feb. 2T. The builders of the yacht Meteor, which was launched at Shooter's Island on Tuesday, received the following cablegram to-day from the German Emperor: "Best thanks and congratulations. May she prove the success I hope her to be." 'nference of Opt tela mm. CLEVELAND. O., Feb. 27. Officers and directors of the American Association of Opticians are In session in this city, The most Important matter to be considered is the establishment of a national college of optometry to be chartered and to have power to isue diplomas to opticians who pass a required examination. Applicants may receive their professional education anywhere and then apply to the national college of optometry for examination and diplomas, the applicant having undergone an examination submitted by the college. There are opticians present from all over the United States, the association having an extensive membership. Two Fir HoNew Killed. HARTSHORNE. I. T.. Feb. 27.-I.ogan Harold ar.d "Like" O'Neils. fire bosses in the Haileyville coal mine, one mile from this place, were killed by an cxploion of gas last night. THE GIMP FOLLOWS THE SNOW. It can be prevented and tho worst cases cured In two days ty taking Laxative Bromo-Cjuir.ine Tablets. E. W. Grove's signature on box.


M'.W YORK AM NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE COMPANIES IN" TROUBLE. Employes Demand an Advance In AVukcs Conference of Locomotive KiiKlnrer. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. A large number of telephone linemen employed In Manhattan, the Bronx and Long island by the New York and the New York and New Jersey telephone companies went on strike to-day. Nearly the whole strength of the repairing and construction forces in these districts, all belonging to local union No. 20 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, failed to report for duty, and of them got together and sent their demands to the offices of the companies, which was the first notification received by the superintendents that a strike was on. No replies having been received by 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a strike was formally declared by vote. Committees were sent to see General Superintendent II. F. Thurber, of the New York. Telephone Company, whose district covers Manhattan, as far eastward as Greenwich, Conn., and J. C. Riley, of the New York and New Jersey company. Tho committee reported that Mr. Thurber had refused to see them, but that Mr. Riley had consented to talk over the Issues. No agreement was reached to-day, although it is probable that a settlement will be made. The linemen demand $3.5) a day for their foremen, $3.25 for assistant foremen and a flat rate of $3 for all classes of linemen. This is an Increase of 50 cents for foremen and assistants and a smaller advance for some of the linemen. The men ask for double pay on Sundays and holidays, and one and one-half pay for overtime on other days and an eight-hour day instead of nine hour. There are several less Important grievances. Including rules, which, the linemen assert, are unreasonably severe. Conference of Engineers. DENISON, Tex., Feb. 27. The session of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers to-day was held behind closed doors. Grand Chief Arthur stated that there was a wrong impression as to the character of the meeting. The biennial meeting of the order takes place in May, when there probably will be some action taken for uniform schedules and the adoption of standard ruies for all the railroads In the United States will be asked. These matters came up for informal discussion to get the ideas of men long the lines centering here Chief Arthur said: "There are forty-seven divisions from several States represented here, and you might call it a big family meeting. The men meet here to have an Interchange of ideas and a discussion among the subdivisions of such things as concern them and are for the good of the order. The meeting has no significance further than a thorough understanding of the interests of the order and the duties of the men." Advance in "Wnces. FALL RIVER, Mass., Feb. 27. Notices were posted in the four cotton mills of the Fall River Iron works to-day announcing that on and after. March 17 wages would be advanced 10 per cent. The iron works, which employ upwards of 3,0.) hands, are owned by M. C. D. Borden, of New York, and are Independent of the other mills, which have just decided to grant an increase of slightly over 6 per cent. Mr. Borden's increase meets the schedule demanded of the other manufacturers by the labor unions. Fined $o(J for Dismissing- Unionist. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Feb. 27. In the City Court here to-day Manager De Coursey, of the Leavenworth Street-car Company, was fined $50 for dismissing W. I. Sullivan, an employe, because of his connection with a labor union. This is the first conviction under the new state law. Won't Drink Their Own Beer. CINCINNATI, Feb. 27. The brewers of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport to-day employed many men individually who have been with the strikers since last Saturday. The Central Iabor Council of the three cities on Tuesday elecided not to drink local beer. TRUSTS TO BE PROSECUTED. Attorney General ( Knox Alleged to Have Given Orders. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 27. The Express says: "Corporations in California wnose cemibined capital is close to the billion dollar mark, and who are alleged to be operating in restraint of trade, contrary to the terms of the Sherman antitrust law, are to be proceeded against by the government. Rumors to this effect that have been in local circulation for several days were to-day confirmed. Joseph H. Call, federal attorney, who has prosecuted the suits involving the Southern Pacific and the Atlantic & Pacific land grants, has been instructed by Attorney General Knox, acting by orders of President Roosevelt, to institute the proposed new litigation. The new suits are to be filed in the United States Circuit Court In San Francisco." MISTAKE IN ESTIMATE. (CONCLUDED FROM FIRST PAGE.) be charged 10 cents per l.Ono watts for electric lighting Lew Cooper interrupted him. "I think 10 cents is too much," he said. "I believe we ought to Insist that the rate be made T'a cents. It seems to me that tho company would be able to make a good profit on a smaller rate than 10 cents." "You must remember," said Attorney Thompson, "that our company is not seeking to do business In the commercial district, where electric lighting is much more profitable than in the residence district. I don't think 10 cents Is too high a rate." Several times during the course of the meeting the committeemen endeavored to find out from Mr. Thompson just what territory his company proposes to operate In, but he was noncommittal, simply stating that the territory would be sicifled to the Board of Works at a later date. Mr. Cooper wanted to know also who Is Interested in the Marion County Hot Water Heating Company, but Mr. Thompson smilingly refused to answer that question. "We arc incorporated." he said, and contented himself with that. The section providing that the city shall have the use of certain poles of the company for its fire alarm telegraph and police telegraph system were not considered of much account by the committee. Mr. Cooper said to the president of the company : "Don't you think you ought to do more than that for the city? Suppose we insert a provision here to the effect that your company shall furnish heat free to some of our public buildings; or say to any building which may be within the territory in which you will operate?" "I am afraid we could not listen to that proposition," replied Mr. Thompson. "You see the city is to receive 5 per cent, of the gross receipts of the company and has the right to impose ordinary taxes in addition. Don't you think that Is enough?" Mr. Meyer did not take much stock in the provision that gives the city the right to acquireXhe plant at the end of twenty-live years. "I don't think this Is the sort of municipal ownership that the city needs." he said. Several other councilmen agreed with him. but thought there was no necessity of changing the provision. Conditions might change within the next quarter of a century, they said. The rate to be charged for heating 17 cents per square foot of radiating surface was discussed at length. No objection to the rate was raised. After Mr. Thompson had left the question of the territory in which thi company proposes to operate came up. Several councilmen believed that the territory should be specifically set forth in the ordinance, and that may be decided on at the next committee meeting. The only territory which the contract specifies is the square mile bounded by North. East. South and West streets. FJre-ProofliiK Company Consolidation. PITTSBURG. Feb. 2T. Negotiations will be completed next Monday for the consummation of the United States Fire-proofing Company by the purchase and con. ni

dation of eleven independent interests. The new company will have fl,2.-A) capital and $000.000 of bonds, but this capital will be increased In two weeks to $3.0u.OOO. It is said that the entire capital is subscribed and that Pittsburgers will largely control. The headquarters will be in Pittsburg and one of the first moves will be the erection, in this city, of a new plant to cost $25,e.'. THE JAMESON RAID.

Important New LIulit on a lilt of Ancient History. Kansas City Star. When Rudyard Kipling returned from South Africa a Liverpool newspaper quoted him as saying that Cecil Rhodes was the greatest man in the world. "How do you explain the Jameson raid, then?" he was asked. "There are some things," Mr. Kipling returned, "that cannot be explained." But Mr. Rhodes himself has explained it or at least has given a plausible explanation to Mr. W. T. Stead. The Jameson raid is an Important event in history, for it was the Indirect cause of the South African war. It will be remembered that Dr. Jameson led a body of tX) volunteers toward Johannesburg, the last of December, 1V.5. He expected that the outlanders who fretted under Krugerlsm would rise and join him and that the capital of the Rand would fall without a blow. To his surprise he was met by a force of Boer sharpshooters and hsd to surrender after seventeen of hi? men had been kiiled and forty-nine wounded. It was generally known that the scheme of the raid originated In the fertile brain of Mr. Rhodes, and It was supposed It was count?nanced by Joseph Chamberlain. Tho colonial secretary's denials were not conclusive and the conduct of the trial of the Jameson conspirators added to popular suspicion against him. Mr. Stead's recent account of the affair is evidently based on his conversations with Mr. Rhodes. It assumes the complicity of Mr. Chamberlain, but whether this assumption is on the authority of Mr. Rhodes does not appear. For several years before the raid the outlanders operating the Transvaal mines had been becoming more and more restive under the unprogressive and oppressive rule of -President Kruger. They began to discuss the overthrow of the existing government and the establishment of a republic. Mr. Rhodes, who was near at hand, believed they would be successful. They outnumbered the adult burghers, they were wealthy, well armed and daring. The Boers were without munitions of war and the previous election had shown a strong minority hostile to Mr. Kruger. Private advices to Mr. Rhodes were that the outlanders were ready for revolt and were only less opposed to the British government than to the Transvaal, because it had never given them any help against Krugerlsm. Mr. Rhodes underestimated the resisting power of the Boers. He believed a bloodless revolution might take place at any time, and unless something was done promptly there would be in the Transvaal a new republic, "ten times more a child of the devil for England," as he put it, "than Taul Kruger had ever been." In planning the Jameson raid, he aimed to capture the outlanders. The overthrow of Kruger was to be only an incident. He had nothing against the Dutch or their republic. "It seemed to me quite certain," said this empire builder, "that if I did not take a hand In the game the forces on the spot would soon make hort work of President Kruger. Then I should be face to face with an American republic American In the sense of being intensely hostile to and jealous of Britain an American republic named bv Americans and Australians, who cared nothing for the old flag. They would have all the wealth of the Rand at their disposal. The drawing power of the Outlander Republic would have collected around it all the other colonies. They would have federated with It as a center, and we would have lost South Africa." This statement Is a sufficient explanation of Mr. Rhodes's part in the scheme. The failure of the plan Mr. Stead attributeshe does not state explicitly that he has Mr. Rhodes's authority to Joseph Chamberlain and President Cleveland. Mr. Chamberlain, he declares, made it a condition of his connivance that Dr. Jameson should go in under the British flag and that the next Governor of the Transvaal be appointed by the Colonial Office. Mr. Rhodes would not have Insisted on so much at the outset. The plan depended for its success on the co-operation of the Influential Americans of the Rand, led by John Hay Hammond and Captain Mein. Two weeks before the raid was to have been made President Cleveland sent his Venezuela metsage to Congress and American feeling was strongly aroused against England. At this time news of Mr. Chamberlain's conditions leaked out. Thereupon the merican conspirators flatly refused to proceed. They said they were willing to stake everything on a revolution that would set up a new government, but they refused to help on what they called a job to "gobble up" the Transvaal for England. This explanation Seems plausible and fits in with facts that are matters of public hlstorv. When the raiders paraded on the niCTht "they were to leave Mafeklng some of "them asked whether they were going for the Chartered Company or for the Queen. "I cannot tell you." said Colonel Grey, "that you are going by the Queen's orders, but vo'u are going to fight for the supremacy "of the British flat' in South Africa. On Dec 17 the Venezuelan message went to Congress. Ten days later Mr. Hammond wlre.l Dr. Jameson: "Experts' report decidedly adverse. I absolutely condemn further development at present." In spite of tht warning Dr. Jameson persisted on his disastrous venture. The raid was the great mistake of Cecil Rhodes's brilliant career. But it Is evident he was not so wild in planning it as most Americans had supposed. WOMAN WHO OVERDID. Mrs. Taylor's nid for Notoriety Una Reduced Her to Poverty. Boston Journal. There appears to be some discrimination regarding the living curiosities. Not many months ago the papers reported the adentures of Mrs. Annie E. Taylor. "And who Is Mrs. Annie E. Taylor?" some will Inquire. Ah! that's the point. The world is so forgetful. Mrs. Annie K. Taylor "on Oct. 21 last made the trip over Niagara falls in a barrel." "Oh. yes," they say, "of course we remember her. What about her? Is she in a Bowery musee?" This is the answer Irom Cleveland: "Weeping and stared at by .newsboys and bootblacks, a plainlydressed but Intelligent woman, whose name three months ago was heralded from one end of the land to the other, appeared in the office of the city outdoor relief department and asked for aid from the city. Some time ago she started on an exhibition trip through the country with the barrel in which she made her perilous ride over the greatest cataract in the world. People did not flock to see her in such numbers as she had anticipated, and the venture proved a failure. At Cincinnati her manager left her without a cent, and she became a subject for charity." It is a sad case of misplaced confidence. If the lady had only grown a beard, or been tattooed length and breadth, or bought an inoffensive and superannuated . lion, or learned to make Valenciennes lace with her toes she might have won the game. The public, evidently, is old-fashioned in its tastes. The spell that Barnum wove is still around the patrons of the dime museums and the sideshows. Mrs. Taylor should have hired the falls for that day and charged admission, or she should have leased herself to a blograph company, as the prizefighters do. Her fate is a warning to the too ambitious. Stittns of Mr. Nixon. Springfield Republican. Lewis Nixon may some time reach the stasre when It will riot be necessary for him to wigwag from the masthead every few days the declaration that he is not Croker's deputy. So deep is the conviction in Tammany's own ranks that Nixon is a mere mask for the "old man" that the new leader had to let himself go in a dramatic declaration Vf independence at a Tammany meeting in the Twenty-seventh assembly district Tuesday evening. "No living man," said he. "can bring any orders to me from another man." If. then, Nixon is the real leader, what is his claim to the Place? Who put him there? By no means the rank and file. But if Croker put him there, only Croker can keep him in the position. Mr. Nixon's trouble lrf making people think that he is a real leader Is easily understood. Real leaders fight their way up as Croker and John Kelly did. They are never coddled and dandled into bossdom, as Nixon was. Up to Hrnest Seton. New York Evening Sun. Isn't it up to Mr. Ernest Seton Thompson or Thompson Seton, as he prefers to hive it. to explain how it was that he had to ray that fine to the State of Colorado? If he was only after wild animals with a camera, where do the skins come in? We are imply anxious to know. We should not like to think Mr. Thompson Seton's regard for the beasts was for literary purposes only and that his sentimentalem was pure humbug.


AMERICANIZATION OF TUE WOULD NOT ALTOGETHER IMPOSSIBLE. Speculations of an Knglinh Writer Not So Improbable ns Some May Think The Uuiutnnnt 'White Huer. Memphis Commercial Arpeal. That curious and erratic genius. W. T. Stead, who came into world notice some years ago when editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, by' falling out with the owners of the publication and leaving it, is again to the front with another sui prise. Mr. Stead can always be depended upon for an occasional surprise. Every one recollects his book written a few years ago "If Christ Came to Chicago," and the launching of his monthly periodical. The Review of Reviews, was somewhat of a surprise In itself. His last book discusses the Americanization of the world, which he believes to be. Inevitable. In this he goes far ahead of the advocates of the unification of the English-speaking peoples. Andrew Carnegie, about ten years ago, declared in a magazine article his firm belief that England and America would again be united politically; and in his book, "Triumphant Democracy," he predicts the ultimate spread of republican forms of government all over the world; but he does not call it the Americanization of the world. A good many people on both sides of the Atlantic have predicted and advocated a union between England and America, offensive and defensive, because they represented the same civilization and aspire toward the same Ideals. But Mr. Stead admits that as the United States has forged so far to the front in wealth and population and In territorial possessions that this country must elomir nate and that England must be content with becoming a part of the whole. He claims that the government and the civilisation created by the Americans is the greatest achievement of our race, and he insists that whether people desire it or rot, the Americans are fashioning the world to their Image. Mr. Stead does not seek to flatter us nor to humiliate his own countrymen. He claims that In spreading American ideas we are only giving to others what we obtained from England. He suggests that England must bo to America what Athens was to Persia, and he conciliates American pride by suggesting that America may be to England what Christianity Is to Judaism. Through the agency of the Christian church the monotheism of the Jew conquered the world. Through the agency of America he claimed that English ideals expressed in the English language will make a tour of the planet. So exact is this latter parallel that he expresses the fear that the Americans may look upon England with the same unfilial ingratitude with which tie Christians look upon the Jews. United with us the English-speaking people will control all the seas save the Caspian and Euxine, rule the richest countries and all the gold mines save those of Siberia. We now rule the land of the Pharaohs, and we have conquered the dominions of the Arungzebe and of Spain. We have despoiled the Portuguese, the French and the Dutch, and we have left the German and the Italian only "the scraps and knuckle bones of colonial dominion." The two countries own territory that contains Hl.O'io.Ooo white people, and rule 3o3.O0,000 colored. Based on the census of 190) the United States is the leading Englishspeaking nation of the world, and this disparity is sure to constantly Increase. HAVE THE BEST OF IT. The English-speaking people command, with the exception of the Rhine, Danube, Amoor, Volga, Platte and Amazon, all the great rivers and waterways. The American continent, from the north pole to Mexico, Is under our control, and Central and South America are closed to trcsrflssers by the Monroe doctrine and are yielding to the force of American ideas and ideals every day. The English-speaking peoples are the most Intelligent In the world. Only 3 per cent.v of the Russian people can read and write, and even when compared to highly civilized groups of European states the English-speaking people come out easily on top, no matter what test of civilization Is employed. We fall below other highly advanced nations only in two things. We are the most drunken and Pharisaical race in the world. But we have more schools to the square mile, more colleges to the country, more universities to the State than any other country under the sun. We print more books, read more newspapers, run more libraries, have more churches and attend them better, our death rate Is diminishing faster than our birth rate, pauperism Is decreasing and our criminal statistics are reasurring. We are pirates, it must be admitted, but we make broad phylacetrics while we plunder and pray while we prey. We are well in advance in all the material tests of developing civilization. Our commerce, products, revenues and fighting material, when united, represent a greater factor of organized force than was ever at the disposal of a single race. In the one item of railroads we have 2S7.1G0 miles, while the rest of the world has only 67,200 miles, or 200,000 miles less than we possess. The rest of the world exceeds us only in the matter of public debt, ours being $l,5'i0,703,000. while the rest of the world owes $2,2S1.051.OO0. The world is to become Americanized tiecause the English-speaking races will rule the world, and America will rule the English-speaking races. American ideals must dominate because they are the last and best conceived of by the wisdom of man. American influence is spreading rapidly, and even tho British colonies are more "Yankee" than British in thought and policies. The British statesmen can see no difference between the Canadian or Australian statesmen and the American statesmen. Of course the former yield a nominal loyalty to the British crown and to the monarchical form of government, but no Bfitish colony would tolerate an established church nor a hereditary nobility. These picturesque institutions are peculiar to England. American ideas prevail throughout South and Central America and Mexico, where the sister republics have borrowed their form of political organization from our Constitution. France has beon Americanized as much as the peculiar temperament of her people will permit, and even the British colonies, when they undertake to write a constitution, do not go to England, but come to America for their pattern. The Antilles and West Indies are becoming rapidly Americanized, and our flag floats over the Philippine archipelago. Half a century ago America's Admiral Perry opened up the ports of Japan to the commerce of the world and destroyed the isolation of that hermit nation, and the Japs to-day boast of being the Yankees of the Orient, and have recently erected a statue in Admiral Perry's honor. In the Ottoman empire American missionaries are rapidly disintegrating the ignorance and suhmissiveness of the people, and the spirit and Intelligence of the younger generation of Turks is thoroughly American. The ancient and crystallized civilization of China is being broken and overturned by American ideas, and while England dominates India, a Chicago girl is vice empress of that vast empire and no doubt bosses her husband. AMERICA LEADS. One great reason why In the expected coalition that the United States must absorb Great Britain and not be absorbed by her or bent to her peculiar and insular forms of government, is that no nation in these days would dare organize a national state or erect a political edifice without a written constitution, and the constitution of England, as Is well known, is unwritten and largely mythical. British orators have much to say from time to time about the magnificence and splendor of the British constitution, and it is the custom for statesmen in opposing a given measure to Insist that it is contrary to the constitution; but no such document exists, and, while the decisions of courts and the acts of parliaments that have accumulated for centuries serve well enough in place of a constitution, no nation would now-a-days wait for this slow accretion when they can write organic laws for themselves in a few weeks. Besides, our superior size and the fact that we have a written constitution, there is a sentlnuntal reason why a monarchial form of government would never be rtcceptable to our people. We have outgrown that environment and tho ehicktn cannot return to the shell. We broke away from monarchial forms, established churches and hereditary nobles under G(;rst III, and v.c would never n.-jrte to

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li ü return to them under King Edward or any future ruler of Great Britain. Mr. Stead is not the only Knglishman who sees that unless Kngland forms an alliance with us that Fhe must follow In the wake of dying nations and surrender her prestige as a world power. It is a little strange to see an English writer of conceded ability ami In his sober senses declaring that if Ireland desired to secede from the Uritish empire and become a part of the United States that Oreat Britain weuld- offer no serious onjectlons. This Is what Mr. Stead has done, and he scores his government for Its unwisdom in depriving itself of the great political skill of Irishmen who. whenever given liberty and the right to take part In public affairs, develop into leaders all over the world. It has been the dream of many that had the war of the revolution never been fought that the United States to-daj' would be the center of the English-speaking races. They claim that long ago England would have found it neeessary to remove the throne of the empire and all monarchal paraphernalia to this side of the .Atlantic, making of the British Isles outlying colonial xossessionS. Air. Stead's idea Is that this union is to bo restored, but that monarchy must pive way to republicanism and that by th union of the English-speaking races under the dominance of the American people the Americanization of the world is sure to come about. This is all very flattering to our vanity and a tribute to our growing greatness. It may cause a smile of amusement to come to those who look at the ouestion superficially; but the union of which Mr. Stead speaks is not an impossible one; and, large p.s he makes it by including all the English-speaking peoples, it may not be as large as it Is yet to be In reality. The day may come and that before very long when not em'.y the English-speaking peoples, but the men of white skins all over the earth may find it necessary to unite in one common cause of resistance Against the aggressive waves of colored myrmidons of all shades. We are traveling at a rapid date in these modern days and we are at any time liable to bring up in unexpected places. Mr. Stead's speculations may sem much le.ü airy twenty years hence. AVhnt tlie "DntiKhtera." II. Washington Post. "The Daughters of the American Revolution uro entitled to a great deal more credit for what they have done for th country than many of the people who laush at their ideas and so-called pretensions to aristocracy." haid Mr. Silas Warf.eld, of Koxbury, Mass.. last niht. "The organization is a rtne one, to my way of thinking, and its objects are more to be respected than scoffed at. One thing it has done, which I very creditable, lies In the collection for museums and libraries of all the relics of colonial days they can get hold of. There 13 a committee in evjry chapter whose business it is to look out for the furniture, medals, candlesticks, etc., that find their way to the pawnshop and secondhand dealer. Hundreds of interesting and precious objects from an historical pulnt of view have been lescued from oblivion by these patriotic women and restored to their original beauty after the dust of ages has settled upon them. These objects are then loaned to museums and libraries. The national government Is not too proud to accept such loans, as the largo ejection of colonial furniture, dishe. bric-a-brac, etc., that VA.i one of the large rooms at th National Museum will prove. Another thing the urbanization has done Is to stlmsyyy L' aia " .V & SZth


i o :v A OF POLIS i ulate patriotism and to look out for the soldiers of the United States In war time," MenntiiK of the Irlncr'a Vlait. New York Evening Post. Prince Charming himself could not have made happier first Impressions than has Henry of Prussia. A right democratic prince, with a true sailors affability and frank address, he has shown an intuitive perception of the real nature of his mission. Thl3 Is simply that of the bearer ef cordial greetings from one great nation to enother. Mystified foreign observers will not believe this, and even In England the notion seems to be held that the prince may quietly make a treaty with Presid'-J.t Uoosev It of a sort to r-veiutionize int. rnational relations. Saying nothing of the ludicrous misunderstanding Involved in this, it sliow how incredible it Is to a c itain order of intellect that trouble 5hould be taken In the name of plain lriendshfp. But it is purely as a fri.ixi that the prince comes, and only as mch that he gets htj hearty welcome. And come to think of it. thin is really better and more significant than any treaty or a Ilia nee. In-tincti e sympathies and spontaneous good will cannot be reduced to writing or ihm into a binding contract; but when they exist, as trey now do between (Jermany and the I'nited States, everything which serves to emphasize and hflehtn them, as doe Princ Henry's visit. Is an event to maüe glad the heart of all lovers of peace. Worth All It ot. Nebraska State Journal. The army surgeons under (icneral Wood have entirely stamped oüt the yellow fevrr in Havana, a disease that has len endemic in that port for H' years, with an ann ial death rate of 751. From that !rt. confessedly, the disease has been imported from time to time to the United States ports, generally In the South, but at one time as ! far north as Philadelphia, and many thou sand of our people have died of It. The Spanish war cost many live, but the pndabUlty that It has saved already as many lives as it has co.-t us and that in a wry short time the numb, r of liven paved will cxcei d the Josses on both Fides, with u record of life f-aving for the future almost incalculable, will comfort the statistician a good deal. Itoya Wlo SiiioLp. Koston Journal. We have long heard that Fmoklrfr was bad for boys, but more interesting than that time-worn generality Is the asbcrtlon of Professor Ou. of Kokomo. Ind. what a truly American combination of names! that the boys In Kokomo who srnok are two years behind the other boye in their studies. Wli nt ait If" SuKfiti. San Francisco Chronicle. If we had teen whippid by the Spaniard!, would the European nations Ns tumbling ovtr one another now to assure us of their everconstant friendship? Not much: they would doubtleta be contending with cne another for th privilege of giving ui the hardest kick. I nrroionnklr Drmnnd, Memphis Commercial App al (lem.) The new bos of Tammany Hall fayi all Democrats inuM hang He la evidently a glutton for capital punishment. signature js on every box of the gnulr.e. reajedy ttuU cures a cUl lu u day.