Indianapolis Daily Herald,Indianapolis, Marion County, 5 November 1866
Page 2
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T)a.1 LY tlEHALD.
ornos-HaHALO aoxunm, 10 1-1 B»*t WaollfglBB »lf ♦« MO^ DAT MQRfmro • MOVMME 5.
T« c«rr**vra4«BM.
Wo notice con be takes of esesytaoee eommonlcutlena. Wbetarw I* intended far iieertlo* mnit be nntbentloeted by the Mine nnd nddreet of the writar-not neoeeearily for publioetien, but u • guarenty for ble good fnltb. We con not undertake to return rejected oomnunlratlone. '
The Blrctlene.
To-morrow twelve BUtea elrrt Congreaamen, State offleers and local offleera. The prospect is that ten of the twelve will give radical majorities. Wo have great confidence that the conservative cause will triumph in New York, and upon the result of the election In the Empire State we place our reliance In the ability of the friends of the President In Congress to be able to withstand the revolutionary schemes of the radicals. If Mayor Hoyymaw is elected Governor In New York, the Republicans of the radical party will slink away awo stricken and In fear from before the authority of the people, but if he Is not, we msy look for the Inauguration of extreme radical measures against the President as soon as Congress convenes. If the radical party Is successful to-morrow, they will have additional Inspiration, snd go to further measure* than heretofore; but If they are defeated—If New York pronounces emphatically against them—they may pause and reflect upon the dangerous tendencies of their course. Of course it is now impossible to change the majority of the Fortieth Congrssa; but public sentiment in the States Is too nearly balanced to warrant tho radicals, If New York goes Democratic, to Insist on carrying out their schemes of impeachment of the President and overthrow of the Government, and would hold In wholesome, cheek the revolutionary ambition of UurLKR and Stevkws and control the passions of the lesser lights of the Jacobinical party. With a Democratic Governor in one of the Northern States, and especially In New York, the President could rely with firm assurance that so long as he obeyed the Constitution and executed tho laws of the Federal Government, New York would Interpose between him and all attempts on the part of the radical jacobins to deposo him. In that event all such unsafe projects would be thwarted and fall short of accomplishment, the country would secure tranquillity and discharge flrom the dangers now threatening it, from the timidity and Iropotency of those who are now seeking the destruction of the Government by the overthrow of the Constitution and depoaltton of President Johwsow. It may be now as In 1801, that the people do not realise what a thin and treacherous ernst of aahea separate them from the volcano slumbering beneath their feet. We may at any moment be engulphed In ruin. The dangers of a collision In Maryland were imminent, and bad It have taken place It might have Involved the entire country in another civil atrlfe. The mutteringsof the storm sre too near and full of real danger not to bo heeded. We are In the very midst of our highest concern, and the elections of to-morrow will do much In determining the future. Upon the political surface tbore Is a quiet passiveness, broken only at Intervals by such an exhibition ss the Maryland affair; but who Is thereof us that doe* net feel that this passiveness may prove only the. prelude to the coming storm, whose thundert wo almost distinctly bear, and from which we luvoluntartly shrink. But as It existed before, with the iiHtion on the verge of ruin, the fact that it exists again, in the midst of circumstances iu u most remarkable degree parallel, souudsa waruing loud enough to aronse us to the danger at hnnA"' GiriaMr?! eUfidenco In the future is our infatuation that may prove the destruction of the nation, and the longer it U Indulged the surer and more Inevitable will be our ruin. A Democratic victory In New York would restore public confidence, quiet fears and fill the people of each suction with hope—a reverse may entail upon the country all the ilia that have been conjured up In the maddening amb\Upn of the radical party, and the realization of tfhr worst fears for the future prosperity and security of
the Government.
Hydrwpathle Pepp-y-cechery. The announcement of the Medieon Courier that Governor Mohtos’s “physique” wae In bad condition for Senatorial service, teems to have been respectfully entertained. There was force In the suggestion, and his Excellency, after a hurried consultation with his advisers, immediately posted off to the Richmond Watcr Cure, to recruit his “ physique ” up to the Julianlc standard of robustltude, in order that the only objection Interpoaed by the Courier might be properly met. Paeeing the time in oscillating between wet sheet* and cold douches, and deprived of the rich spiritual ailment contained In.the adulation of bis State House toadies, hts Excellency found the Cure decidedly dull. lie became irritable and querulous—anathematized bran bread, and d—d I’keissnitz with unction. There waa danger that he would bolt the asylum In disgust, with his “ physique,” upon (which depends tho chances of the Senatorial succession, far inferior to that of Julias, if something did-aot iptediiyArfi tf^to rafts ft tlettobbtony of sanitary recuperation! Fortunately the neighboring* city of Richmond Is loyal, and numbers among Its loyalists M%)or JOHN H. Purr. The gallant Major elaborated and successfully engineered to a glorious eoMamdlstlon the grand Idea of a serenade to his Excelleney by the Grand Army of the Republicans, assisted by tbe Richmond Cornet Band. For au account of tbe august ceremonial a grateful world Is indebted to a reporter of the Indianapolis .Journal: HfW the reporter got there, we don’t know; but somehow whenever Governor Morton is going to say or do anything, or have anything aald or don* to him, a Journal reporter Is always on hand. We don't know how to account for it, except upon the principle of sympathetic clairvoyance. We would not for a moment that there had been any collusion In the matter. But at embelli-hed with sensational head lines, and garnl-bi'd with loyal puffery a thrilling naralive of the gigantic event. We learn, from the Joiiruai. that the approach of the gentle musicians in carriages and on horseback,and singing ••glory, glory, haljelutah^‘‘wUh, a zeal that *eul<f have idntrlMlRbVtfMkwooda camp meeting,” created “quite a eensation." A Journal reporter had appeared “suddenly” » few moments preiWun, Md abo creat'd a sens ition. We further lesrn from
the Journal, Hut —
“The ovation took the Gormior by surprise.” Of course it. did. Does any one for a mo-mentsu-pret that,his Excellency was cognizant of the netting up of the affair? Is any one mean enough to in-innate that hts Excellency sought llte “(,'’ as a means of bringing himself before th" public, and getting Into the newspapers? if the “ovation” took tho Governor by surprise, how did the Governor take the ov..tiou? Most kindly, If we are to believe the report of the Journal. After being “ovated,” hfs Excellency “orated,’' brisfly. fb* ObvferntPs RphysiffJMtfcsitaa. terally improved under the soaking! and dieu'bioirs’.i^U bran bread ofGreenmount,and It woh exp.etcd'Miat he sroUld make a long spceeli. Bo be would have done, we learn from the Journal, bad It not been “for the exposed position of the party, the cbilllnese of the night, and a piercing northwest wind.” As it was, he compressed the wisdom of a ten column speech Into the utterances of ten minutes. Tbe following extract will show the tempi r of bis Excellency’s speech: I bad darker hours last summer In regard to the future prosperity of our country than at any time during the continuance of the war. An event that none of us could have anticipated bad transpired. An administration that we b id placed In power by our votes, which wn- ph dged to our principles, bad passed over to tho other side. The executive power, tbe whole patronage of the Government, the cemmaud of the army of the United States, the mlolstsAin of the Immense financial(Htetaik of this nation, all had suddenly passed over Into the bands T the enemy , and when, In addition to this, I contemplated tbe possibility that tbe people of tbe Northern States might become so far blind to their own Interests and those of the nation that our power In Congress would be destroyed or paralysed. It seemed to me as If we had a dark future before' ua. Up to the tlrr* of Governor Morton’s depart ire for Europe be was a strong advocate of the President’* policy. See hie Blchmord sp it-cb. Whit new light did he receive la Europe? DM hw derive hM tntplrfctfoA’ftotn
the moxa?
After the concluelos of the Governor’s speech he was, notwithstanding the Improve meat In his “ physique,” somewhat exluiUtaff, •nd It waa neeesiary that he should partake of some slight refreshment. An the nature el M« nllmest *nd a* tfffM the Cure preciudi ^
a light, frothy inebriates. The Forr gun, alreedy loeded te
the mauls, was brotogbt up, unllmbeeed end And off. IftOor Pore's address contained the purest and most concentrated essence of toadyism—the mawkish flattery open which tho tainted soul of the great man feeds, and for which he had ben pining in the sednded atmosphere of the water-cure. “Wherever there waa an Indiana soldier on tho battle field or In tho hospital” the Influence of hit Excellency wae felt “A mutual feeling of affectionate pride” bad prompted the serenade. The serenaders came simply to pay a “duo and proper respect ” to hts Excellency, whom they “love and honor.” The Major concluded by pledging himself and his fellow serenaders, as long as they lived, under any and all circumstances, to continue to regard hit Excellency as “ one of the most noble of Indiana’s tons—one of the most eminent of
American statesmen.”
Hts Excellency inhaled the delicious and dreamy incense which exhaled Dorn the foam* log mouth of the Popp bottle, as an old toper would tuck at hit demijohn, after a two week’* deprivation. Ue telt IU jsxhileratlng power In every nerve, tissue and cartilage, and
Oliver was himself again.
Then followed s glorious scene of hand shaking. Timid devotees touched the hem of his Excellency’s robe, and were healed. “One enthusiastic fellow,” continues the enthusla*Uo reporter of the Journal, shouted es he grasped the hand of hie Excellency, “ God bices all the loyal Governors, and you nt the top of all of them, for you are tbe beat of all of them.” Some of the “ enthusiastic fellows,” we lesrn, wslksd four miles to shake hands with his Excellency, and considered It cheap at that. One poor fellow, who had both arms and a couple of legs shot away In the Dover Bill war, rolled all the way from Richmond to tho Retreat, but got in too lata to shake hands with his Excellsncy. The-bit-terness of bit disappointment was In n measure sllevlated by a shake, of one remove, from
the hand of the Journal reporter.
“Afterward,” continues the report, party collected In the parlor of the Retreat, and spent a pleasant hour In conversation, music and dancing. Dr. and Mrs. Grose, Dr. Tucker, Mist Johnson, all connected with the pleasant establishment, did their ut-most-to make the evening pass agreeably, and succeeded admirably.” As his Excellency’s “physique” hat greatly improved under hydropathic treatment, we would not have been surprised to lesrn that be had “chased the glowing hour* with flying feet,” bat the Journal reporter Is provoklngly silent on this point. We are Inclined to think, on the whole, that hts Excellency did not dance. Indeed, It l* the general opinion that he did the most of bis dancing some year* since, and Is now en-
gaged In paying tbe fiddler.
Aeswnfn Faith. ■r VAfcinr mnras nuos.
We were not always thus apart. Such weary miles between each heart— You darling love of bum I When summer sweetaeea filled lb* Mr, When skies were blue like matdenFeye*, And gold, like maidens' hair. When winds lay bound In ehalnaaf flowsrs, ▲nd nature smiled,through all toe boon, These fond lips answered thine. I see the honey fata Mores up To mix In eonia mors favored cup, I taste tbe gall ws drink, And I am sick with envious pain; Fevers of doubt consume my strength And poison every vein. * For others life’s delights,” Icry, “ But onl v hurt* for yon and Tj” And then 1 pause and think.
We shall not ever parted ba By mocking land and cruel sea If, on the shore of Time, Fate's baleful power must bold alway, “Let os be patient; God knows beat— “We trust Him,” will we taj. And for our faltb, at Heaven’s broad gata We’ll meet to never separata, You darling love of miner
, Mum Etstssa.
> —The tobacco crop ta tots and the ad; ban been cut snd boused. From wb
we have baas able ta learn, the present crop is
ffBff 1m as any made tor several
—We understand that General T. T. Critudan. Is meattag with much encouragement iking hts arrangement* for obtaining subilont to the new railroad between Cinnn-
W.H.Talbatt, Esq. To the many gentlemen who took a prominent and active part In th* lata canvass, the Democracy of the State owe no greater debt of gratitude and are under more obligation than to W. H. Talbott, Esq., Chairman of the Stale Central Committee. From the time of hi* appointment until the close of the canvass Mr. T. worked with an energy and mdlfattgablllty never before displayed by gentlemen holding the position be occupied, snd we attribute much of our success to bit zeal and ability In conducting the canvass. A man of quick perception, clear judgement and of most excellent organization he was probably tbe beat selection that could have been made by the convention. Ilis prominent connection With the party was the subject of the most slanderous attacks from the radical press and speakers, that never permitted an opportunity to pass in which they could assail him, both In his public capacity and private character, that they did not pour out their vemon with the same maliciousness that characterized their attacks on Messrs McDonald, Vobnxxa and Uendricks. In his keeping, the interests of the party had a faithful and watchful guardian, and although the majority was sgainst us it was from no lack of duty on the part of our Chairman, who devoted his entire time and energies to the succcas of the ticket. As an earnest politician, upright man and energetic worker, Mr. TALBOTLbas made a record In the last canvass of which both himself and hit party may well feel proud.
Hew Owalff II BY HIM JULIA SECOR. He earned my satchel to school. And me through the drifts carried too; Could I think why he hugged my so closely? If I couldn’t, how couldl?—could you? At eve be tied under my chin My hood with Its rtbboM so blue; Why he gaged In my lace could I tall? If I couldn’t, how wold 1?—could you? He told me my eyes were quite Meek, And tbe brightest of aay he knew: I blu-bed and looked dow»—could I help It? If 1 couldn’t, how could I?—could yon? He left on my cheek a warm klta, Then off with th* llghtaing’s speed flew. If I could I’d have scolded film soundly; If I couldn’t, how could 1?—could you? ’Twa* long years ago; and since then lie bae spoken words loving sad true; And now I lean close, at bis wife, To hi* breast. Can 1 help It?—could you? THE PARTY*0F GREAT “MORAL IDEAS.”
CMnrscter off tit* am lice C—Mlsrtewere asmd Their Apylmteea.
KSTGovern Morton’s ailment le a singular one, demanding, as It does, tbe extremes of medical treatment—fire and water. All Serfs ef Paragraphs. Julie Pbllomena Cavalier, a young French girl, given to vicious practices, committed suicide in St. Louis a few days since. They arc murdering freedmen by the wholesale M the South, as we lesrn from sundry radical papers. We presume tbe diabolical work will go on without cessation—until tbe November elections—when the outrage factors Will take a breathing spell. The Louisville Courier accuses the Uerald of copying articles from that paper and creditlag them to the Journal. Ifwe have done so It has been accidental. But the Courier baa copied article* from the Hrrald and published them aa original. At the session of tbe Southwestern Indians Conference, lately held at Vincennes, Ling Chlng Ting, of tbe Chinese mission, was one nf seven applicants for tbe ministry. Hit recommendation waa drawn in characters, but bad a translation afflxed, fortunately for the committee. Miss Maria Louise Wiley, aged sixteen, was burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp, at Wrstcheatar, New York, and died on Tuesday lust. Mr. and Mr*. Iturbide are now at Rosedale, near urorgetawn, District of Columbia, the residence of tbe lady’e mother. Their son 1* still b’ Id by Maxlmfllafi. '
A noble Instance of the eepacity of theoolored m in for civilization. Is found in tbe state, ment tbe negro barber of the Ottawa
sc, Montreal, i lii in from I; icy, 37UO In je was traced
be plunder la her pos-
tbe negro
House, Montreal, absconded last week, taking with him from >10,000 to #14,000 In borrowed money, 0700 in Jewelry, and flBUO in clothing. He w.s traced into Vermont by one of bit creditors, but tbe sharp thiefa wife had taken
aMthi-r track with all th
A Parisian Jenkins gives the following description of th* wedding trousseau of the Prince... Pagmsf, bride elect of the Russian heir ainiarent: The H stglorv developed—the presentation dress < r the princess, after the marriage—Is composed of strain ol rote pink velvet,trimmed with a deep border of magnificent sliver lace, of f most beautiful floral design and cobweb tllce texture. Bouquet* of the tame Were appliques to the train at equal distances. Yoo peiut ' it ef the richest rose stain, trimmed with the same lovely lace as the train. There was also the princess pillow, the covering formed entirely of the richest guipure. Many arUelet of underclothing were aieo displayed, all of the richest and most fairy like description; indeed, so fine that you could hardly see them without a magnifying glass. I also taw the gold lace, embossed with pearls, for tbe trimming of a dress for the Empress of Russia; but It was not yet decided whether the dress should be made of white satin or turquoise blue velvet. Haying seen tbe effect of this beautTfur trimming on each of the materials above mentioned, I should decide In favor of the white satin, bad I a voice In the matter. There was also a dress for her Majesty, the Queen of Wurtemberg, quite of a simple kind, It was composed of a with a velvet of a Indeed, what I think slang people in your country would call a “ howler.’’ By tbe by, I forgot to tell you that the robe of tbe Princess cost “ only £200.” The ladles with whom I had the happiness to be were in fits of delight at the “ cheapness.” " Cheap as possible,” said Mrs. X. — . — f Three young men of respectable families in Philadelphia, while under the Influence of vinous stimulants, the other day, took possession of a charcoal wagon and drove it down Chestnut street, crying their wares In a loud voice. Tha vehicle was dilapidated snd ponderous, and tbe horse.jwas an architectural steed with fluted tide*. These gsy young men stopped at several “drlnkerlet” and paid for what they Imbibed with bucketsfull at coal, and their career was only brought to an en by certain large Individuals with brass but ton*, and commissions ta keep the peace. The Galveston Bulletin, of October 10, narrates the following: There Is confined in the county jail a man charged with robbery. He Is tbe “ lover” of a woman in one of the fashionable bouses of vice. She sent a “ respectable” dtisen ta the mayor with word that she would pay >600 for hfs discharge, Tbe mayor replied: “Do you know who I am?” “Of course I do; you are the mayor.” •• Then you m 7J> ri »? n « r i7 0U fi* y e tried to bribe an ofllcev.” TbefoltowbeggedllkeacraveneowhU fa*mUy r * - 10 coneideration of
A trunk was picked up at nail, on the 14th Instant, whlcl
tea, off Savao-
. , stent, which had evidently been lost on the Evening Star. On beina opened It was lonnd to be filled with eNk Md mu-lln dresses, silvered, MU snd embroidered sblris and corsets; also a gold bracelet, two letter-, and • variety of other things. From the contents of tbe letter* the supposition is tb .t the trank was tbe property of Mite Millie Fowler formerly aa actress at the National Thesb-r In Washington, who was a passenger
on tbe 111 fated vessel.
K» iTntly one bunded and twenty-nine bales of cotton, shipped from Memphis six days since, arrived at Norfolk by the Norfolk end Petersburg and the Sonthside railroads. Tbe cotton wae shipped In a compressed state, sad yesterday, It could have been la Boston la nine
_ The frost has plsysd tha mischief with to*
vGOrjl® #9ttOB*
From tne Baltimore Sun, October M. The trial of Ponce Commissioners Nicholas L. Wood and Samuel Blades, before Governor Swann, for official misconduct, was resumed
at Annapolis oa Saturday.
W tlltam J. Bowling testified—Is a city constable having his place of business at Justice Whalen’s office, on tbe earner ef Breedway end Lancaster street: Is soquainted with all the parties who acted as Judge* of etaetloa In the second ward at the municipal election; they all belong ta the radical wing of the Union ion party; William Dtvere, aaeof the Judges, is a constable; don’t know much a boat bus; William Lynch was a judge la tha second precinct; he worked for a living, but was once arrested for muder; Joseph Buck, another judge, la classed among the rough*; hit right name it Joseph Hammond; William Brady, a judge, was (at one time indicted for shooting a mao, but Was not tried; James Manly, one or tbe special officers, was looked upon os a sporting man; hehad been In the penitentiary, was also George Snydn, another of the rials; Tom Hver, a special officer, keep* a - ‘ arding house; he had been arrested
natl, Madison sad New Albany. Tbe buildtag of tbit road Is now beyond a doubt, snd wa hope its friends aloiw tbe route will aid its early completion by giving it their hearty sup-
porC—Jfadteoa Courier.
—A littlt ton of Mr. Boling, at Salem, had Ms hand so badly crushed In a cane milt, that
amputation was necessary.
—Flour Is worth sixteen dollars per barrel
at Salem.
—The Salem Democrat, one of our best exchanges, has undergone a recent and decided improvement. —Two murderers, Rader and De La Folet, have been sentenced to the penitentiary for lift, by tbe Judge of the Tippecanoe Circuit
The Clinton County Railroad.—A railroad meeting waa held at Frankfort tbe other day. Dr. Bewright of that county, who bad just returned from an interview with H. C. Lord. President of the Lafayette and Cincinnati Railroad, was present, and atstod that whenever the citizens interested, finished, ss proposed, tbe road bed, tbe iron wonld be furnished, and the road completed. The spirit of the meeting was In favor of the enterprise, and eo far aa the wind work is concerned It It s fixed fact, but the Frankfort Union Intimates that gat Is not* legal tender, and if the road la to be built something more substantial must
be done.—Lafayette Courier.
Hoos^—The hog market is very weak, and tha impression prevail* generally that prices most needs below tbe low water mark of tba past three year*. A gentleman from Fountain county reports a large stock of bogs about Attica, and the favorable weather and quality andquantity of feed, has developed some remarkable average*. A lot of four hnndnd bead made up by Mr. Meeker, and other feeders near Attlee, last week, averaged aver three hundred pounds.— Lafayette
—Tbe Delaware Timet favors the election of Julian to the Senate of tbe United States. It dosi’t go Morton. ( Painful Accident.—A very sad accident happened about noon on Monday last to little Chortey Gardner, son of John B. Gardner, Esq., of tola city. Inspector of Internal Revena« for this District, which resulted in tbe amputation of Ms leg at th* thigh. He, with other boys, waa hanging on to tbe westward bound freight train, and either got pushed off or Ml off, report says tbe former, as the train was peasing the cattle guard, and alighted in tswb a manner that twa wheels of the ear passed over hta leg and mashed U la a terrible manner. It-w** a eerioos shock to his lystem, and It was feared that he would not be able to rally from It, but it to now thought that bit lift will be saved. This should prove a salutary warning to that clam of boya who are in toe habit of hanging around the depot for the purpose of Jumping on the cars. They have been warned before, but would not heed It. Now we bop* they will profit by this sad lesson and stop the dangerous practice.—NoutA
Bend Begitter.
—William McCoucb, charged wltbmurder, has been acquitted by the Warren Circuit SUDDEN Deaths.-4Mh learn that several very sudden and unexpected deaths have occurred In Gibson county. There teems to be
some new kind of disease of that county, called
tailors’ bow.v..w 8 „
twice during tbe war for stripping toldiep, and then putting them In as Subetitutes; Gut May, another special, bee been e hard case, but now woiks for a living; doe* not know that any of tbe judges ef ei sctlon or special officers belonged to the conervattvc party; does not know that tbe Judges used extra boxes for pj eted votes in tine second ward. Jarrti l> Kidd testified —Is a police officer attached to ibe middle district, and wastteHoned at tbe Second precinct of tbe Tenth ward on tbe day of the late municipal rlei tlon; wst at that precinct ngr-ftfig tbe entii day; so far as witness know! sll tbe judges were radicals; during tbe moiinlng one of tbe Judge* cauie out on tne pavement and m tde the remark, “They (cvld'-nrfy meaning the conservative-) will see wbai kind of a eorpnral’a gu ini w« will have; to-night;” this man witness did not know by name, but from bla talk be have been bat s abort time In tbe city; the two other Judges were Mr. Cobb, w ho keep, grocery store on Liberty street, and Mr. Curie,, coach maker; Thomas
, police offleers;
be ia a New Yorker, but loefa around tbe
wvt crx-tra mrati -va s • van «*7 w , uianer, Ducber was one of the special police office] be la a New Yorker, but loefa around luc bawdy house of Elizabeth Brooks, on Batb street; during tbe war this woman sent Du :ber and a girl to Alexandria, Virginia, ta open a similar bouse there, but they soon returned.
,Win. H.trrigsD, another special police officer,
lived about the same place, acd bad been away from tbe city, but returned a few day* before tbe election; both were notoriously bad characters. George Perkins, alto a special, was of tbe same description; be disappeared about a year ago, but returned jiut before tbe election. Cox, another special, was a resident of ibu ninth district of Baltimore county, but waa a decent man; dnringtbeday three gen tlemen wbo bad registered tbli year were rr fused tbrir vote because the Judge said they bad no box In which to place their foiected ballots; they went sway and returned with a
did not know, remarked during the day that the radic ila intended to carry the State eiecilun in tbe same way that they were then cerrving the municipal election; one of the special offle-rs, a man who bad long been looked upon as a loafer, snd who had often been threatened to be taken up and Imprisoned under tbe vagrant act, was very drunk and noisy all day, and finally behaved so bed that witness arrested him and carried him to the station homte; understood afterwards that this tame man was toon discharged from the station house snd tent to perform duty In one
of th* prednete of the Ebrbth ward. James W. Duncan testified—Is a Justice of
the pesos, snd reside* in the Second word; knows ell tbe Judges of tbe ward, and aome of the Third; they are all radicals, add the 1 orgeat portion of them bold office under th* eity government; one of them held office under toe surveyor of tbe port; snow* Direr*, Manly, Hamilton, Richardson and others, and fully Indorse all that waa said aC them byj. W. Smith in his testimony, except tost Diyen doe* not live with hit mother on the Causeway, but keep* a bawdy bouse there himself. Lynch, on* of the Judges, told witness previous to tbe election that he felt the delicacy of hi* aituatioD, and desired to be let off, but that the Police Commission*?* would not consent to It; , v 1 ’ as at presents
leave toe city
and seema to be prevailing to some exi very fatally. Mr. Edward Sherman
La teat Styles •(
Blw. 33 swastM lUlaewfis Xtroet,
(A few doors sonth of th* Palmer House)
TT AV1NG Just received a lares, full aadcomXA plete line of Dress and Merchantable Piece Uuodt. I am now prepared to mase up all sty lei of Dress or Merchant Suita on tho shortest notice. Thanking the public for post patronage, 1 solicit an examination of my new stock and prices, and ^narantee satisfaction la all ease 4 *
WHUKVTetc. We hare a larje bonded warehen«e,»ndsolicit coneignments of Bourbon, Bye and Common Whisky. We are prepared to fill order* for WHISKY, ranging from one to ten year* old, and invite the trade toexamineonr stock. Liberal advances madetm consignment! of Flour. Grain, Pork, Lord, Whisky, etc. HIKES 4k PORTEB, ° ct8<flm « West Second street.
THE GENUINE AND ONLY RELIABLE Pateat Self f-abrloatiaa STEAM E3GJNE PACKING. CJMOOTH, soft, tight, durable and clean. Made O to suit all opening* from th* valve stem, requiring-three-elf hta of aa inch, to tha piston or gum^stufflag boat, requiring two or more INTO OIL IS UTKKTXEZD. It to put In dry, being placed around tha red in tbeaamawny that the ordinaty packing to need. It ha* been adopted by over lO.OOfi locomotive -nd stationery engines. For sale, (wholesale aadrataU,) by BUWJtH. BROtGH* LAWTON, m Rest Watiilagten street, aovttBw Indianapolis, Indiana.
Joseph Buck, another Judge, wa* constable; be wae compelled to lea
during tbe war for stripping eoldiets, and bad once Jumped the bounty himself; Brady, the other Judge, was arrested some years since for the murder of Justice Hugh Morgan, nt Canton ; he waa confined for seme month* In Townsontown Jail, but a man named Jones, > wbo waa arretted on tbe same charge, having been tried and acquitted at Elllcott’s Mill*, Brady « ca«e was settled by th* State; knew Jame- Manly to nsve been In tbe penitentiary; *0 had George Snyder: Lem. Gray had been •-barged with the murder of hie wife. Tom. Hyer wae a notorious character, and no docent man in bla section of the city countenanced them; all thsee men were special policemen; Gn*. May, another, was arretted on tbe charge of taking up a Maryland soldier; and afterwards taking money from the aotdler’s wife to let him off, but in conseqMlfie of two policemen having had a dlpln it, be waa never jirosccutod: knowa R H. Long and James Bryan, tbe latter a driver ef a garbage cart, were both registered this year, and were allowed to vote the radical ticket In th* fleeond ward; other* are reported to have done
the same thing.
William if. Ole testified—Uvea in the Fourth ward; only knows one judgle In hie precinct, s Mr. Hughes; wltoesa’vote was rejected and refused to be placed in the, rejected box, and tbe Judge* said they did not want one; all the three judges were present; others were treated like btm; tbe jMges said they did not want any more quettiona about It; Hughes, tbejiidge, whs charged wlto murdering an Inoffensive Irish woman five or six years ago, In the Marsh market, but was acquitted before the criminal court by a packed Jury, before (he present Jury system. Richard Clftnowltb le-liUed—Lives in the third precinct of tbe Eleventh wara; the Judges were Samuel T. Hatch, Thotoat 8. Everett and Mr. Seymour, all radiealtpknows nothing about a box for r.Jested votes; has seen Police (kimmlsdfoner Wood under the Influence of liquor on the public street*; at one time, wbllc witness was an officer of tbe western dtrtrirt, Mr. Wood Charged a white servant girl with stealing ton dollars out of bis pocket; be ordered her arrest, but said be did not want to prosecute her; witness was then a lieutenant; the girl strenuously denied the charge, and Mr. Wood told the girl, whom he knew bad saved up several hundred dollars. that If she did net give him on* hundred dollar) be would tend her to tbe penitentiary; she was soon after released; this happened in
the summer of 1854.
that a named
IT# aui • Fauwaru OUCAUJAU HHU yt II-
Ham Whiting, of Fort Branch, and Mr. Jack Wheeler, living in the vicinity of PortGibson, have died within a day or two, ran suddenly. With much regret, we learn that Mr. William Fl.her, a very eatimable citizen of Princeton, died day before yesterday. Mr. Ftoher to an old citizen and highly esteemed.—Acansef/fe
—One of the new enterprises of PHncefon it the steam torgbum oiill of Mr. T : Finery, on tbe railroad south of town. Thu Clarion says: “It Is a new enterprise In our midst, md bide fair to be a popular one, It having given entire satisfaction so far. Tbo molasses manufactured there Is superior to any of tbe kiud we have ever scon before. It U worth at least 50 percent, more than any wc have aecn made ia the ordinary mainffr.” —Wekre infonnrd by a gentleman from Union, that a fowc were initlly engaged In laving Iron on the Union ami Logansport Railroad at that point when be left on Sumlay last Tbe company are pressing the work on the road west of Hartford, and are sanguine they will have Jbe cars tore by tbe first of January.—HbrUvrei Cltf Neve—General Meredith ba* appointed Colonel W. W. Fry barger Assistant Assessor for Union and Fayette counties and I/ewN c. Dale for Henry county. w —The Evening Gazette manifested a very great degree of faeetiouancs* tbe other evening over tbe removal of Colonel W. C. Wil«on. lately appointed Collector of tbe Eighth District. It turns out tbit Colonel Wilson baa not been removed and never waa tbe Collector of tbe Eighth District. O lonM Wilson U tbe Assessor. •—M. A. O. Packard, Esq., has been appointed Deputy Collector of Marshill county. —Mr. Dlaln has taken the poat-oflicc at Ply-
—The total taxei levied in Adams foot on the tax duplicate for tbe current rear, OQQ 90, including delinquents, 053,154 54. —Judge Pitcher, the successor of Mr. Bow. man, removed the book*, papers, etc., belonging to tbe Assessor's office in this city, to Evansville, on Thursday.— Vineennet Ga-
—An affray occurred at a saloon at Richmond, on the 27th ultimo. In which a man by the name of Gretna was stabbed and seriously wounded. ^ —The Cambridge Jfirror aay* that Joseph Pattenon of that city, committed suicide on Thursday of last week, by taking arsenic. —Ira Shidler, a blind man of tills city, wbo baa accumulated some money by the sale of books and notions, waa induced by a sharper to entrust him with hie means to invest it in sheep skins, for th* sale of which n handsome tpeculation was promised. As soon as tbe swindler got possession of the money, be absconded. T» bare bis hard earnings wrested from him In this manner, was more than Mr. Shidler eould stand, and be ba* became a raving maniac. Word* can not express tbe punishment that should be meted out to such a loouodrel.—Richmond Bumming Bird. Fatal Accidknt.—Oliver Rogers, a fourteen years of age, son of Eli Rogers, met with an accident at the depot on Tbursday evening last that proved fatal. Ho was on tender of a locomotive which waa backing down, and from some cause fell off backwards, landing between the rails. Tbo locomotive passing over bit left arm crusired it to a shapeless mas*. It waa amputated near tbe shoulder, In a short time afterwards. His head waa alto badly cut, and he doubtiesa received severe Internal Injuries. He survived tbe accident only a few hours. This terrible accident
should serve as a warning to boys to keep off
engines.—AfoAmond Humming
Shooting Affray.—Wc learn that a diffi-
drew a piste! and shot
Delavan, Wtseonain, Republican says fow days sine* a man ta Sugar Creek. Isaac Booker, while driving a pair of
mulct down hill, foil from the load, and the fata! taking fright, dragged him about teo rods by the reins, which were wound around bit wrist. A man who was with him, having stopped the mule* after running a abort dlstane*, on going to Mr. Booker found huntqulte
dead, his neck baring been broken.
’he Richmond Wh g sars that the Virginia aw> crop has turned out well, the quaauiy being considerable and to* quality good. Nearly every former whose land admitted of It bs» raised tobacco, end as this to the great money crap of Virginia, the Whig anticipates that by the sale or their tobacco the farmers Will bn placed la a good financial position, and can begin their agricultural labors next year nder better prospect*. ^^CbnrJr^^W^ikTi^deekled to settle wfto the heir* of Anneke Jane relative to th* two hundred millions of “ erty.
fight, when Simptoi
Morton througb the arm. The wound Is not
dangerous.—Princeton Democrat.
—F.J. Zimmerman, Esq., retires from tbe Columbia City Post, and It succeeded by E. W. Brown, Esq. Under Mr. Z.’s management the Post has been sn excellent paper. Suc-
cess to the new management
—The New Albany Ledger has bean reduced
In size.
—8txty-one paupers were buried in Floyd county last year. Forty of them were blacks. Burglary.—On Friday night last, the safe of tbe United States Exprexa Company, and the one In tbe Treasurer's office, were entered by burglars. The doors were blown off, Imt the money had been removed and deposit) d in toe bank of onr town, and the thieve* bad all their labor for nothing. We learn that they secured about fifty dollar* at tbe Express office. On* of tbe night watchmen heard men at work at thy Treasurer’s office, but was unable to do anything towards securing their arfssL— Gothen Democrat. Supposed Suicide.—a man named Herman
to visit one of tbe faro banks In Louisville, where he lest all ot hi* hardesrned money. This lots grieved him terribly, end drove him to desperation, snd be ended hi* life byjumping from a skiff Into tbe river, while crossing over to this eltv, for the purpose of seeing a stater who resides here. The eklff wae found Corn ^“d—Vattonaf _Ty*F*L« son of Jerry Tackett, was out ooon hunting and bad ** ,e w hHe cutting down the M^gan Ouette^’ U4UDK hIm ‘ a,UnU JWhat w* Havr to Pay,—The grand toUlef tne levy on the tax duplicate for the sS;^ 1.** 81 ’ 957 W - 0f thls V *& , y° r J h * r 8t,te and loc »‘ govern men w.— i erre Haute Journal. found dead a short distance from bl* residence* dying spouse, who bod been somewhat Jr®* !85F!iri?W"r3j. ““.{srS S dearlyoa_ know It Is not lawful to marry’two
ton JACOB.
Wholesale Dealers in
NOTIONS INI PiNCY HOMS, Nt*. 4 Lwastslsamm Etr««> t (Opposite east end Union Depotj I NDIA-tSTA-y OLIH, XISTD
rrtHK UNDERSIGNED RAY* OPENED AN Jl entire new-stock of Notions and Eancy Goods, Consisting in part ef Bock Gloves and Mitts, Hoods, flearfo. Comforts, Shawls, Underahlrta, Dm were, Bnttona Thread*. Mens’ and Women Wloetery, Hoop Skirts, Balmoral*, * AKD A PU LI. LI KB OP WHITE HO OHS.
We respectfully call the attention of Merchants
and the trade g " ‘
•took, iu we fo
cheap, or cheeper, than any ether hoi
s geneially to r.u examination of onr foci confident that wa eaa sell a*
aee 1a the
< all and examine stock before onrehaeing elsewhere. WILLIAMS, COOK 4CO ,
The Corner Drug Store,
Opposite Bates sad Palmar
A opened a
lew Draff Prescript!*! 8t>re, offer to their friend! and the public generally a fresh and well aatorted stock of article* nsnolly
to the eomponadlag ol Tobacco sod Cigars I
kept by apothecaries. special’attention glrea
Phy.u iana’ Prescriptions.
The choicest Perfumery, be Brand in the city.
MsP* Remember the place, northeast corner Washington and Illinois street sep* dZmeod
BARKER A FOLTZ, (Sneeeaeort to Louis Sehelta,) FIRST CLASS MERCHANT TAILORS, * No. 31 Kortk PeMBajlvaiU 8tre«t, Indianapolis, Ind. Second Door South of Pout Office.
rpUE high repntetioB tho
A sustained for the past four years for qualit ami style, will stiU be aupjjorted by sirpplyfn^ th
insiwetion of our extensi o aod choice stock o*' New Fall nnd Winter Gnwds. we beg to call attention not only to tho well known quality and unsurpassed style and SS of the garments we tarn out, but olio to onr moderate charges, which will bear comparison with those of any other Respectable eetabltebmaat in the
oity. Coll and examine for yourselves. N. B. We sre also agent* for J. B. West’s Re-
port of Fashion.
angO d3m
Loaisville Advertisement Wholesale Trade.
Wholesale Dealers in
Seeds and Implements,
And Manufacturers and Dealer* in
Lime and Cement. TTYE are located in the center of the Bla* W Gross and Orchard Grass producing section, and can offer special inducements to wholesale buyers. Wa are heavy dealers in all kinds of
Implements. We are sole proprietors of
“ •nXMIiZ’M POTATO OIOOEK,** Which we guarantee to dig foster than ten men
ean pick them up.
JUT Catalogue’s furnished on
WEBB, IBAUZY ft CO., TOBACCO Commission Merchants. 41 Wmlmmt Street, CiN’CXJSTlSrA.XX, oszxo. '' i.‘ ▲ fall line of the test brands of * Virginia, nissouri
Kentucky Tobaccos,
Fee lot* in Bond or tax paid.
■HASPOn*'* ffiHABP, Manufacturers of Leather Belting and Hose, And Dealer* in Oom Belling, Hoea, Faektng and Lac* Lsathsr, 2fo. >7 fToiftvI, comer Second Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. 4AnBS BRADFOBD Jc CO., Manufacturers of French Burr Mill Stones, >mnt Maehtnre, Portable Flouring and earn Mills, and Importer* of the genuine Dutch Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths. Office, 91 Walnut, comer Second Street, ^ CINCINNATI, OHIO.
CHARLES E. CHEEVER, Manufacturer and Dealer in Paper Boxes and Band Boxes, Man a factory, SM Main Street,
TT AT, Cap and Shoe Boxes constantly on hand. II Order, solicited octl dSm
Private Diseases
fNCBEDin the .hortast>le time V/ Cincinnati Lock Hoapltal, tee Walnut
between Filth and Sixth, up tta
perieno* in the v Paris and Baltimoi cure In the mostco
re, are enah
at the Sirov t,
;b. up stairs.
Dr. STEVENd a CO , hr special study acd ex-
al hospitals of Loi .ble<i to guarantee a
complicated cumts. Recent cat
ef Gonorrhea or eyphi'to cured in a >ew day., without change of diet, or hindrance from hnaineaa .-eco idary and tertiary Syphili* 'he last vestige eradicated without the u?eof i idreury
or other injurious drugs.
Victims of scifob.ise
• uffenn
tioa. Eruptions,
and ex-c
sring from ^Spermatorrhea, auid loos of phyt- , Eruptions, Kerrou. Cough, Hypochondria, ., are treated for Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia I Camsumption, by ignorant men wbo mistake tim Sffiaatfcr tha cans* of the evil, and thus mnl{fnrried men, and those contemplating marriage, should restore vigor to their bodies and minds, eta they entail misery and disease upon
those of ttoalr posterity
Disease* peculiar to females treated. A t guaranteed in all cases. Person, atadisU'Ce promptly cured, by addressing, with a statement ofcoae. Dr. STEVENS* CO., Z30 Walnut street, Cincinnati. Ohio. octl dly
ND every form of DISEASE of the male or
‘ioecuredina iffice, IFl Sycamore
A ND every form of DISEA?
female organs of generatt
days, e* th* Western Medical Oi
street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ho Charge Until Cared.
Dtoestw peculiar to Bmmrffi and vmralmg
CwmUmamnem*. ...» only evn* aoMODT for Private Diseases, always icadv. Mol* Safe* $1; Female Safe, or shield, on article much needed by married ladies, >10; Fi mole Pill* is. Any of these articles or medicim teat by mail or express, when ordered. Master hotlaw, or self abose, speedily*eared by an entire now treatment. Young man or woman, married or tingle, if yon are afflicted with any disease, coll or Write at once, and be assured of prompt relief and low charges. Advice free and confidential. Send stamp for private circular,
octl dAwly
McHEuNRY & CARSON, R*. % E. Fourth St„ aa4 162 Main St., CINCINNATI. OHIO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gas Fixtures and Lamps, Wrwmffltt Iron, One and steam, A INTO WATER, EXPES, T>UTERS, either wholesale or retail, will find JLJour (took tbe largest in the Vcest. and price* as low os in New York or Pkiladelphii octl dtra
17 North Meridian Street,
Keep conttantly on hand a fine telectim ef
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,
Prices arranged ta enlt all easterner*.
Importer, and Jobber, of
H A. It I> W A-IfcE,
No. M Wmlant Street,
Between Third and I * t* u i-1 !3ta,.
13. LA TV 33 Grlfc-A-F, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, Na. 13 North meridian Street, (YOHN'S BLOCKD IN DIAITAFOLIS, INDIANA. A N Y pesos wishing a Fashionable and Cheap XX Garment made to order, to politelv Invited to call at the above firm. nova dfim
CXA-F’IT.A.L cinr Omnibus, Carriage as* Express Lb*. tepMdlm* : ; -j Ftemfol ta „
fJ^HS Herald Otereotypln^ eetabtishmmMatjht fr^un/tiwfrwork.* 11 10 th * r * ****
diuretic,) which belong to an
OLD AND PURE GIIV. W# trust that onr established reputation, founded open eighty-eight years of experience, abundantly vindicate* our claims to public confldenee, and guarantees the excellence of this
Standard Article.
Put up in Cases, containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by aU ^rom^inent^Dnijgista, Qro[Established imi Sole Importer, W6.15 Beaver street. New York. OAII,¥, hENOUH * CO., 14S South Meridian street
Wholesale Agents.
Opinions mt the Press.
umished on application. PITKIN, WIARD A CO.
J . XX 1SX T H O NT TT , Manufacturer of Pure ODER, APPLE AND WINE VINEGAR, And Dealer in Pure Bourbon and Bye Whlaity. No. Ol Fourth St., between Main and River. sep3d3m, LOUISVTT.T.B, tnrwTTTnr-r
o-e-avaua. w.%i LP. BWABMJfc CO., LIIV 81B3E eT Oil.,, 184 F I* 3Z SBBX>. aagM d3m
Boston Advertisements.
TTLBH. MelNNES AND oq., WOOL, Cffimmiggion Merchants Not MT and 148 Congress Street, lid!* BOSTON.
3? I -A. JLT O S . PETERS, WEBB A CO., Manufacturers of GRAM, UPRIGHT, AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, W are rooms, Jefferson, between Fourth mnd Filth. Factory, Main and Fourteenth streets. angMdSm
EONDURANT & TODD, Wholesale Dealers in SEEDS, LIME, CEMENT, And Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements, SCALES, ETC., ETC., r.OXJXS'ST'XLL.E, IX ~5T sepSdam
WILLIAM CKOMEY, Wholesale FAFZ2R DEALER, And Agent fur the sale of Gr U IV I* O W 13 E R, , Manufacture*! by the ORIENTAL AND MIAMI POWDER COMPANIES, No. 290 Wain street, between Seventh and Eighth, LOTXISVXLIXE, KY.
Cash. tepS dSm
JPaitl for Rags.
T.S. Willett. W.D. Wilson. Gran. W. Smith.
YYillt tl’aTen Strike Brand*. \TriLLETTS Navy, U» and halflbs ; Willett's W Umar 10's, miming It's; Willett's 10 Strike Navy, half lbs.; Willett's Dessert, X’* running Vs; Willett's 6 oz. *:«J Bright lbs.; Willett's Dessert 6 oz. Bright lbs. scp3 d3n
Galea’s Head Dispensary (Established 1850. Ch&nered 1861. A MEDICAL PAMPHLET, Just published, eontaing *0 large pages □M and numerous engravings of the or-
gans of both sexes in health and •tiscase; treating on private diseases, go norhea gleet, syphilis, stricture; diseases of the testicle! bladder and kidneys; self-abuse, and the score habits of both sexes, and its deplorable effects oi both IhmIv and mind; diseases of females from girlhood to old age; intended os a warning and a guide for tbe young of both sexes, being a truth fui adviser to tbe married and those contemplat ing marriage; with the Author's new method oi treatment, the most successful means of cure as shown by the report of cases; mailed under seal for 15 cents Read tbe above work before seeking medical aid elsewhere, and thus avoid quackerv Patients at a distance treated by mail, and med trines sent to any part of the country on receipt
of a statement of the case.
TO LADIES.—A pamyhlet of special importance to the married, price 10 cents; also, a little book of private advice to ladies, either married or single, price IS cents: either sent in sealed i
velopcs on receipt of price.
Office Uemovcd from 7 t Green Street, fo 176 Jefferson street, betvreu" Fi th andCenfo near the Willard Hotel. Consultations nrivab and all business stri tlv coufid-ntial address
THE GALEN'S HEAD UlsPKNSAKt ly Louisville. Kentucky.
c-r. te.
sepl dAwly
BURLEY, RUDDLE ft CO. % Corner Seventh and G reen Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY-, Proprietors and Manufacturers of HURLEY’S Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Purify Your I Jlootl. III’RI.KY’S SARSAP.ABlL.IaA. rjlhis is tho pure and genuine extract of the roo' JL anti will, on trial, l>e found to effect a certain and pertect cure of the following complaints and AIT clion* off tlie Bones,
Diseases of the Female Irreg-
seases. Liver Com-
laril.v.-, *-1 plaint, Indij
[digestion, riles, Pulmonary Scrofula, or King’s Evil.
Hurley’s Ague Tonic PEKFECTL.X RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and Fever or Ague and Fever that is or can be depended upon is Hurley’s Ague Tonic. Tbcrehave been thousands cured by using it who hod tried the usual remedies without benefit; but in no case has HUBLEI '3 AGUE TONIC failed to effect a cure. . tety* Every druggist and country merchant should have it in store, especially in districts subject to the Chills and Fever or Ague and Fevi Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy. As this is really a Specific for Worms, and the best and most palatable form to give to children it is not surprising that it is fast taking tbe place of all other preparations for worms—it being perfectly tasteless, and any child will take it. HURLEY, RUDDLEA CO., Proprietors. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters. For Debility Loss of Appetite, Weakness. Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, or Disordered Stomach, there are no Bitters that can compare with these. For sale by all Druggists. HURLEY, RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors, aug34 deodAwly Louisville, Kentucky.
Quick Ague Cure.
l^O Chill after the first dose. Doses are taken IV at long intervals. ‘No unpleasant effects No change of diet required. It to In eonymet
eKEENIAKF A ANDEKIKKVS Machine Works, No. 385 Soatk Tenateaeee Street, (Opposite Bolling Mill,) INDIANAPOLIS, DU), Manufacturers and Dealers in Engines, Boilers, Saw andOrtot Mill*, Mill Casting., Etc., “ Pau&tt fnSw+lm att ®“ Uo “ P*** 1 *• flne W01 *-
White’! Patent
NEW DRUG’ STORE. HAMILTON Jfc SHAW, N«.4T South nunota Street, luttluaaffiotle. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OHS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, Forfumerleo. etc. PrajftljwfoA ailfurater? and" carefully ram-
M^tSSSSf jSSSS' 1 *® *■ ^ OOM *
16 West Washington Street,
V. I. HASKTT. B. ■▲BTDVDALS. J. H. MOOU. W. I. HAS1&1T * CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 14 West Washington Street, aagM Aa INDIANAPOLIS.
BKOW.Nl.NCi Jc NLOA.N, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Apothecaries’ Hall, No. 23 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. At new stone front buildiag. Nos. 7 and • Cast Wa*ktogton street, between GI-idb’s Block »mi Mei Mian street, ■Iter April 1st. *a»14*SB
TALBOTT, RIClAAflKD A COWh lesale Dealer* In Hats, Caps, Furs, Gloves, AND STRAW GOODS, No. 36 South Meridian Street. •nglt dim INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA
O. A* ftlXlOTT. J. B ETAU. ?. W BYAB EUEJOTT, BY AIN A IXK, Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, Special attention given to Teas and Tobacco No. *8^ corner Meridian and Maryland Sts., Indianapolis. B.B. Alvord. J. C. Alvord. K- U. AJLYORB Ac CO., , Wholesale Dealers In Groceries and Liquors, Ho. 1 Ai ford’s Block, Cor. Meridi an and Georgia Streets. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. an: 14 dSm
A. Jones. H. CUy. K Jones. J. W. Jooss -A.- JOIVIiartt Sc CO., (Successor to Jones, Vii^edge * Jonas,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Nos. 7 and 8 Bate* Boom Building, aug!4 dfim INtI INAPOUS, IND.
R. Z. A W. H. THOYIAri, WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 54 South Meridian Street, I7VL)I-.-VNA.I > OIaIS, IND. augl4 d3m , *
BOWELY, irrElVABX * CIA, Wholesale Dealer* in School Books, Paper, Envelopes AND S'rATIONKKY. No. 18 West Washington Street, angUdSa INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA
STILES, FAH3LEY A IHeCREA, Wholesale Dealer- in HATS, CAPS, MILLINER!, Stratr and Fancy Gooda. No. 131 South Meridian Street, •1*14 dtf INDIANAPOUff. INDIANA.
flUff BT.Bfi KATX&. WTI.I.f Ate ■ armtnnn, CHABI.ES haver a CO., Wholesale Dealers ta Ttys, Notions aid Fiacy Goods. N 0. 29 West Washington Street, aa*14 dfim INDIANAPOLIS, IND.
l>A«4JEI"r A CO., Manafwturer* of CONFECTIOIVERT, And Wholes*!. Dealers la TEAS, FIRE WORKS. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC, ETC, S3 Sont£ MeridiAQ street, IndiAnupolii, ludiAnu. uugli d3m
W. S. Webb. c. B. Pattison. H1BBEN, TARKINGTON A CO„ JOBBERS OF Bry Goods, Notions, Etc. Western Agenta for Cedar Fall* Brawn sheeting*, Etc., No. S AlvonTs Block, South Meridian St, kngl4 dfim INDIAN A TOUS
I> E M N A K, BKO. A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing and Piece Goods, No. (OSchnull's Block, South Meridian St, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Manufactory, No. 47 Warren street. New York. aug!4 dSm
•T. 13. MYERS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Wholesale Dealer in Choice Family Flaar, Buckwheat and Bye Flour, Corn Vit al, and all kind* of Feed, No. 15 South Delaware Street, angl4 dfim INDIANAPOLIS. IND.
COTTRELL. A KffilOHT, Wholesale Dealer* ta * Tin Plate, Copper, Sheet Brass, Sheet Iron, Lead. Pipe, Sheet Lead, Tinners’ Tools, Brau Work, Gat Fixtures, eta, Ne 10* Sonth Delaware Street. angl4 din
HUME, AOABU A CO M Wholesale Dealers ta CARPETS, WALL PAPER, And House Furnishing Goode, » and 28 West Washington street, augtedSm INDIANAPOLIS, IND.
Bowen, Brough & Lawton Dealers In and Manufacturers’ Agents for RAILWAY, MILL AND MACHINISTS’ SUPPUES. LDBBICATnfa AND Hran LIGHT OHA. Office and Warehouse, No. 117 K. Washington Sk, marts dly INDIANAPOLIS. IND.
Iiidianapfllls Brisk ntiifacury. 106 Sonth IIUnote street, (Third door aouth of Georgia.) Keep constantly on hand a targe assortment of SRT78XXSS, Of their own manufacture, at Wholesale and BamvR rllr
MlCli Sc CO., Commission Merchants, * And Wholesale Dealers ta Western Beoc raw, Hani karg and Factory fchoooe, iytedSn M WH8T MARYLAND STRKMT.
. of the
most effectual Cleansers and Renovatois ot the Yitel Fluid ever offered to the public: while, as a cure for Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Biliousi. Headache, Dizziness, Indigestion, and the
plaints caused bv Vitiated Humors,
various com Impure BI<
Being a Concentrated v Fluid Extract of the most
Blood Purifying
is. Barks and Gums known to medica 1 sci is, therefore, one
iers and Re:
>mplainta can ood, or a Der; ihe Stomach.
and Diseased (
re, >n-
M. S. BURR A CO„ M Tremont street. Bo iral Agents, and sold by all Druggists.
eneral Agents, i jelSdeod&wly
Worm teA
also, a reliable cure for Kits and Worm Fever. Possessing in its combination wonderful cleans ing and strengthening properties, it w ill alway. Improve tbe health of the patient, whether!
p^e 8 Srbffi l KT.^CVh affected by Worms or other causes.
Price 85 Genie.
Sent by mail for *5 cent.. JOHN A. PERRY, Chemist. M. S. BURR A CO., te Tremont street, Boston General Agents, and for sale by all Druggists
NEWHALJL’S Magic llair Restorative. No Sulphur. This is the best article for restoring ’OBEY H A IK To its original color. In the market MAGIC HAIR DYE!
rown as desired.
Manufactured and for sale at 47 Hanover street, between Elm and Court, Boston, ami bv all Drug gists in the Uunited States. jel dlveod
f I>11E office of this Company has been removed A from that of Messrs, Loomis A Stawitz the office of Cnarles W Stagg, Esq , Attorn Law. Tha Company takes pleasme in ack Iging their obligation to Messis I.»i
Stagg, Esq , Attorney at kes pleasuie in acknowl-
edging their obligation to Messrs I.xnn- a Stawitz for the courteous u>e * f their of,;cc n, this time Tbe heavy daily increasing fire busiaej-
of that firm renoer the removal nece-sarv. Tbe business of the Western Life
Company in this State will beeontin .i V■
r*e Herbert, who is prepared to t.ik -.i :i-poln-icson tbe lointetoo, and ii.ntual are issued on the Life. Teu Yvr.r and
nt plans.
bert invites those inteudingto i'i ro to
call and examine the merits of the t<>mi aav h >
>im sente before investing ebewhei
The Western Lifelnsnranc
George Herbert, cations for polinii
plans. Policii
Endowment pit Mr Herbert i
he Western Life Insurance toini .i \ | the advantages of being a Home (i,!ii‘ 1 -.niy
Ivan tages
was established first Western Coi
dating froi
eiug a a solid
mpanv evert; the yearlSSl, Direc tors are
mi aav
'tut Coiiij-aii cash ha-is. 1 stab bhui'-i;
md the
The Koard ot Din
midst, ann. with tbestock of the most solid busi
.'all an icxamim
are well kuuwr. m our hoideis. com, ri-e iuiuiv e-s men of the Wt-t.
Call an i examine plans. oci:!! iff
-A__ ee-aiste:. Importer and Wholesale dealer in Foreign ami Domestic WINES \\D LIQUORS, No. 189 East YYaehlngtou St., I?fr>IAJVAI»OLIS, irsl)IY
HA-EiJF EEXOE. CJCHoLaRSHIPS on “PuiMy’s Commercial O College*’ of this city for Regular price At College is $40 Forfeited GoM ami Silver Watches for sale cheap. Money to loan on any article of value. No. 35 South llliuoi> »treet. * KILBY KbRUrsoN, fiJtTH !•••»»-wlw-vvl; nr
Crosslaxd, Maguire k Co.
Q- IR, O C IE IR, s, Oar. meridian and-nary land Sts.,
novlS dtf
A. JONES & CO., (Successors to Jones, Vinnedge & Jones . WHOLESALE GROCERS, No*. 7 and 8 Bata House Building. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.
MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN MARBLE WORKS. 118 sauth Illinois Street. Findlay Sc CJ o . , Sculptors and dealers In all kinds os Imported IRarble Work, Manufactured in Carrara, Italy V\T® also make to order everything pertaining Vv to Marble Work—Monuments, Tombs, Vaults, Mantles, etc., at the most reasonable terms, snd warranted to give satisfaction. Orders from a distance promptly attended to
HAYS. KOME.HXUAL dfc CO., Manufacturers and wholesale dealer* ta CltUilff aaff Seai’sf ■nlsklagGMft lkk*4 8eq>th Meridian sto^*< ' *
A“ ww- *aauBss®af
OR. CLOCK’S EXCELSIOR HAIR RESTORATIVE DR. CLOCK’S EXCELSIOR HAIR RESTORATIVE DR. CLOCK’S EXCELSIOR HAIR RESTORATIVE IS WARRANTED IS WARRANTED IS WARRANTED Tt Restore Gray or Faded Hair Tt Restere Gray or Faded Hair Tt Restart Gray or Faded Hair To its Original Color To its Original Color. To its Original Color The Only Known Dressing The Only Known Dressing Tha Only Known Dressing And Restorer Combined, And Restorer Combined, And Restorer Combined. STOPS THE HAIR FALLING OFF STOPS THE HAIR FALLING OFF STOPS THE HAIR FALLING OFF Prw4wces Hair on Bald Heads. Frwffincoe Hair on Hnld Heads, Prwtinc** Hair on Bald Head*, Wh*n foiling off by diseases of the soalp. It is gwsSSsslCi^tebjrar Try it, try ItTyou whose heads are bald or gray, and b* convinced that this article is really a meritwvbyqi one, worthy of the public patronage. •i - BROWNING * SLOAN, Ml dmutem wsM—ete *«<♦ «"**« * rente